The Ten Commandments Revisited
On May 12, 1988, at 4:45 in the morning, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me again, saying,
“It is time to consider the content and the meaning of The Ten Commandments in the light of this portion of The New Revelation.”
“As you know, much was said about them directly and indirectly in the previous books of The New Revelation and also in this book. A very extensive and profound spiritual interpretation of The Ten Commandments was given through Emanuel Swedenborg.”
“All the above-mentioned expositions regarding the content and the meaning of The Ten Commandments are fully valid and applicable even at the present time with some modifications.”
“However, in this Chapter some other conceptualizations of The Ten Commandments need to be considered.”
“In the original version of The Ten Commandments, as given through Moses, and as translated in The New King James Version of The Holy Bible, they are recorded in the following manner (Exodus 20:2-10):”
“‘I am The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, The Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
You shall not take the name of The Lord your God in vain, for The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of The Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days The Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore The Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which The Lord your God is giving you.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.’”
“If you carefully study these Commandments from the standpoint of their literal meaning, you will notice the language which is used for their formulation. As mentioned previously in this book, except for The Fifth Commandment, this formulation is given in the negatives. It defines what not to do without specifying why not to do it and without giving any directions what to do and how to do it. Again, only The Fifth Commandment gives some ulterior reasons why this particular commandment should be kept.”
“There is an important spiritual reason why The Ten Commandments are given and written in such a negative language. At the time of their transmission, the spiritual situation on planet Zero was in the most grave condition. The majority of humans had no proper conceptualization, understanding and knowledge about any true spiritual principles or the true Nature of God Most High. This situation was determined by the fact that no one, with very meager exceptions, was aware of any inner spiritual states hidden within everyone’s mind. All emphasis was placed on the external, outward factors. The perception of any reality was limited to the most basic and primitive taking care of one’s physical and environmental needs. The physical and environmental aspects dominated human life fully. They were considered the most important factors of life to which any personal, individual, subjective and within factors were fully subordinated.”
“In this situation, any spiritual understanding of any issues, and particularly The Nature of God, was derived from those environmental and external factors. For this reason, any spiritual concept, in order to enter human understanding and to give humans any tangible meaning, had to be externalized and materially objectified in the form of natural objects. These natural objects, being outside of the human mind, and built from the natural elements of their environment, were considered gods and therefore, they were worshiped as such. Taking into consideration the gross limitations and various dangers of the physical environment in which humans of that time lived, and taking into consideration that they were full slaves of their environment, having very little control over the natural forces, and having no knowledge of the true laws by which such natural forces operate, any principles formulated in those days had a prohibiting connotation.”
“If your environment and all natural forces and events are beyond your control, and if they continuously influence your life mostly in a negative manner, the only way you can be free from them is by avoiding them as much as possible, by fearing them and by trying to appease them so that they will not hurt or harm you. No other conceptualization of the spiritual reality existed at that time. And because the true spiritual reality is a matter of the internals, what you have here is a negative connotation of any spiritual principles. No other language exists through and by which you can express and impress on humans any truly positive meaning of spirituality.”
“As you are fully aware, externalization, naturalization and ritualization of spirituality means the negative state. In this situation, the negative state is considered to be positive. Therefore, the positive state is defined by the negative terms of rejection, avoidance, fear, anxiety and commandments which tell you what not to do in order to survive this natural mess you live in.”
“If there is no perception of any other reality but the negative one, to say something to humans under these circumstances in positive terms means to miss the whole point. They simply would not hear it because it is not a reality which they know and with which they are familiar.”
“So, in order to give humans of this nature some spiritual guidelines of how to minimize the adverse impact of the negative state on their lives and in order to establish some degree of a favorable condition for eventual introduction of the positive state in a positive language, you need to define for them first what not to do. After all, as you see, they live in the negative state and they worship the negative state. Under this condition, it would be totally superfluous and futile to tell them what to do because they would do it from the position of the negative state.”
“Thus, they would do it negatively. Doing it from that position would not only not bring them out of the negative state and introduce them into the positive state, but it would sink them even deeper into the negative state. To do something from the position of the negative state, no matter what it is or how positive it is in itself and by itself, means to do it negatively. Any positive connotation of such an act is made negative and integrated into the negative state, becoming profane.”
“For this reason, in the first step of bringing humans out of the negative state, you need to tell them what not to do. By telling them that, you are defining the nature of the negative state. At that time, no one really knew what the nature of the negative state was. They did everything with an assumption that what they did was entirely proper and godly. Because of this assumption, you have to tell them first to avoid doing it that way.”
“Once a behavior pattern is established which obeys The Commandments and avoids doing everything which the commandments are commanding not to do, then and only then can you safely begin a very slow and gradual introduction of some positive concepts, defined in a positive language.”
“Another point to realize here is that, at that time, very little freedom of choice existed. As you remember from previous portions of The New Revelation, humans were coming into this world not by a free choice but by necessity. The necessity of that situation was to be negative. They did not understand properly the concept of freedom of choice. They were ruled by a set of principles which were imposing on them to do what they were required to do under the penalty of death for refusal of doing it that way.”
“For humans of that time this was a natural way of living and life. Nothing else was conceived, perceived or understood. Under those conditions, only the language of command could be understood and accepted.”
“As you know, the language of command, duress and imposition is always of the negative nature. But if you do not understand any other language, what is the use to formulate anything in any other language? None! And not only that, but it can be even dangerous to do so because whatever is not understood is considered to be of unknown or unfamiliar origin. For humans of that time, anything of unknown and unfamiliar origin meant that it was coming from demons. So, they would stone you to death and profane anything you would try to teach them in any other manner and way (as the case really was on many occasions of such an intrusion).”
“For this reason, the sayings in the negatives had to be presented to them not only in negative terms, but as a command and threat: ‘You must do it this way or else!’ As you see from this brief exposition and as already mentioned before, The Ten Commandments were written in the negative terms from the position of the negative state, in the language of the negative state. No other means of conveyance were available to humans at that time.”
“Being written in the negative language, The Ten Commandments, in their literal sense, have no connotation of love or anything positive. It is strict, solemn and threatening. And God, who is commanding them, is, therefore, very strict, solemn, cruel, punishing and jealous of His power. To emphasize His cruelty, He is depicted as a male. The males of those days were an epitome of aggression, cruelty and violence. This kind of God will be merciful and nice to you only if you obey literally all His commandments. In the moment you deviate in any manner or way from the commanded and mandated literal letter of this law, He will kill you without mercy and without any consideration of good or positive acts you might have done before this slight deviation occurred.”
“This is how God was and is conceptualized from the position of the negative state, which was and is a style of life of humans at that time and, in most instances, also of this time. You do not dare to speak too much, or not at all, about love. How can you feel love toward such a God? The only thing you can feel is fear and, deep inside, hate. In order to avoid His cruel retributions, you either avoid Him as much as possible, or you enslave yourself to Him obediently in hopes that He will not kill you, but, instead, will bless you with the abundance of material and physical goods or by a long life on your planet, as The Fifth Commandment implies.“
“However, once the proper relationship among humans and to God is defined in the terms of The Ten Commandments, and once they are firmly ingrained in most existing human legal, ethical and spiritual laws, the modification of their meaning may begin.”
“It was not until The First Coming of Jesus Christ on your planet that this modification could take place. The spiritual principle is that any modification, change or abolishment of any law can be accomplished only by and through its fulfillment. But the problem is that no human on planet Zero was/is able to do so. Not being able to do so indefinitely would eventually annihilate the human race. The inability to fulfill or to literally follow that law brings upon itself a retribution. Inherent in any law, which is defined in the negatives, as The Ten Commandments are, is a punishment or retribution for not properly implementing it. As you remember, only one punishment existed at that time — death. In this case, not only physical death but also spiritual death. Spiritual death is worse than the physical death because it deprives one of the possibility of seeking and understanding the truth. The combination of both deaths, under the condition existing then, gave one very little chance but to be locked up in one condition indefinitely. Because no human being was able to fulfill these Laws or Commandments, humankind was doomed to perish to eternity. One of the major reasons why The Most High incarnated on your planet in the form of Jesus Christ was to prevent this from happening.”
“For this reason, The Most High assumed a human body, became a human, and, from that position, fulfilled these laws. By their fulfillment, as a Human, He/She saved humankind from perishing. At the same time, the fulfillment of these laws allowed Him/Her first to modify their meaning then redefine them in positive terms and then to entirely replace them with a new commandment.”
“In The Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter 5, verse 17, Jesus Christ stated:”
“‘Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.’
“And in verse 18:”
“‘For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled!’”
“Then Jesus Christ goes on and modifies this law (see verse 21 to 48 in the same Chapter), implying that by His/Her very presence, He/ She is the very fulfillment of that law. After all, it is His/Her Law and, therefore, only He/She knows how to fulfill it. As all the negative connotation was repudiated by the act and life of The Lord Jesus Christ while on your planet, it allowed Him/Her to redefine it in positive terms.”
“The new definition of this law, after repudiation of its negative connotation, is given this time from the position of the positive state and not from the position of the negative state, as was the case with The Ten Commandments. So, when asked by one lawyer which is the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus Christ replied from the position of the positive state:”
“‘You shall love The Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind! This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and Prophets!’ (Matthew 22:36-40)”
“Notice, please, that Jesus Christ did not take one word out of The Ten Commandments to indicate that any of its laws is the great one. This is not by coincidence.”
“Once He/She fulfilled the negative connotation of that Law or any existing spiritual and moral laws, this Law no longer has any power and meaning because its negative connotation was removed. If you remove this connotation, what does remain? Nothing, because you removed its very life. In this case, it becomes an empty notion. So, you have to change it completely and give it a different connotation. This time, the positive one. After that, you can speak in terms of love.”
“The important spiritual issue here is obvious: If you love The Lord your God from the totality of your being and existence, and if you love others and yourself, it can never ever cross your mind to do anything negative, hurtful and harmful to God, to others and to yourself. In this case, you do not need to be told what not to do because the content of that ‘not to do’ is totally inconceivable to your mind and to your behavior. The implication of that love is doing those and only those things which are of pure love. Nothing else enters your mind or your behavior. Why then even pollute your mind with the notions which are not contained there and which are totally alien to you? But even this changed law is somewhat externalized. You still get the connotation of loving someone out there, outside of you.”
“However, once it is brought to the human awareness that The Kingdom of God is a state of internals (‘the Kingdom of God is within you.’ Luke 17:21), then and only then can you go one step further. Now you can abolish the old law and replace it with the new one which will reflect the true spiritual reality of inwardness.”
“In The Gospel According to John, in Chapter 13, verse 34, Jesus Christ stated:”
“‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.’”
“And in Chapter 15, verse 4:”
“‘Abide in Me, and I in you.’”
“The implication here is clear: If The Lord Jesus Christ abides in you, and if you love one another, you love that presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in one another. This is a state of internals and not externals. The true nature of the positive state can be discovered only in the internals and from that position, it can be projected to the externals and not in the opposite direction, as was the case with the previous situation. To love one another is a very personal, private and intimate state. It is a correspondence of the internals or the most within state. By definition, love cannot be any other state but the most within one because it is generated and felt in that state. Therefore, love is a foundation of all positive states and the positive state is the state of one’s inwardness which regulates all else, including the process of outwardness.”
“As asked once before in one of the previous Chapters of this book, we are asking again: What does it really mean to love God, others, oneself and one another? (If this asking, as many other things and concepts in this book, seems to you repetitious or redundant, it is not because The Lord Jesus Christ thinks that you are stupid, as some of you foolishly complain after reading some passages of this portion of The New Revelation; but because this question is asked from an entirely different perspective and requires an entirely different answer.)”
“You have here four distinctly different categories: to love God; to love your neighbor; to love yourself; and to love one another. To ask again, how do you define these loves?”
“In the context of the above-quoted verses from The Gospel it is not clear how such loves should be manifested. The disciples of The Lord Jesus Christ could define these loves by the way of His/Her behavior toward them. In this respect, The Lord Jesus Christ is very specific: ‘As I have loved you, that you also love one another.’ The disciples had a first hand example of how they were loved by their Heavenly Master and from that experience, they could develop the suggested love of one another.”
“As you know, the fundamental approach of defining any of these four loves, mentioned above, is in assessing the way you feel, wish, think, consider, intend, relate and behave toward the objects of your love. Now, here is the pure state of internals. First, you feel, you think, you consider, you intend and you will that love deeply within yourself. From that position, from the position of your very being and existence, which is a most within inward condition, you establish a mode of relatedness and behavior toward the object of your love. Your relatedness and behavior toward that object become an external expression of your internal state. By this external expression your inner state or love is validated.”
“If you truly love someone, and if you truly love yourself, you cannot feel about that person or yourself any negative feelings. If you do not feel any negative feeling, you cannot think about that person or yourself in any negative terms. If you do not feel anything negative, and if you do not think anything negative, you cannot will anything negative toward that person or yourself either. If you do not have any negative feelings, any negative thoughts and any negative will toward that person or yourself, your relationship and behavior toward that person or yourself will lack any negative components. Instead, only everything positive will be part of your feelings, thinking, willing, attitude, behavior and relatedness.”
“True love can be defined by a unified condition of that which you are inwardly, with that which you are outwardly, in a positive connotation. Any discrepancy between one and another defies true love and that love becomes something else. If it is not love, then it is the negative state.”
“But love is primarily defined by the process of its wisdom. For example, to feel positively and behave lovingly toward the negative state is unwise. It would support the negative state’s dead life indefinitely. Real love desires everything good and positive for everyone. Because the negative state has nothing of that goodness and positiveness in its life, the true love in its wisdom strives to remove this condition of the negative state and change it into the positive state so that it can love it. As you see, true love cannot love the negative state because the negative state is contrary to its nature. By loving the negative state in its misery and unhappiness, the true love would destroy itself. Therefore, true love, by its very nature, penetrates the negative state for the purpose of removal of that misery and unhappiness. To remove misery and unhappiness means to remove the negative state. To do so is wise and a proof of great love.”
“By striving for such love, one loves The Lord God because to love God means to reject everything negative and to accept everything positive and good. It also means to love your neighbor because you do not wish your neighbor to be slave of the negative state for the sake of the neighbor himself/herself. And it also means to love yourself because you do not wish by your negativity to cause any harm to yourself, to others and to The Lord God in you and in them. And finally, it also means loving one another because you do it for the sake of principles because this is the right thing to do. This is the positive way.”
“In this connotation, to love one another signifies loving for the sake of principles because such love confirms that the principle of life is in love and its wisdom. No other true life existed, exists and will ever exist. Thus, to love for the sake of principle means to love for the sake of life itself. Because this is the only true reality of being and existence, it is the right thing to do to love that life. The source of that life is The Lord Jesus Christ. That life is present in others. It is present in you and it is reflected in one another. By loving that life for the sake of life, you love its Absolute Source; you love all carriers of that life and you love yourself as someone who is capable of such love toward life, God, others and yourself. In this love is founded its true wisdom. To love this way is wise. This is the principle of love. Now, as you see, several steps needed to be taken in the process of arriving at this point. These steps are the steps of The Lord Jesus Christ’s process of salvation of humans from the negative state.”
“The first step was the definition of principles from the position of the negative state in terms of negatives. This step is reflected in the original version of The Ten Commandments. The second step was fulfillment of these Commandments. This step was accomplished by the sole presence of Jesus Christ who is The Law and The Principle Himself/Herself; being that, He/She is the very fulfillment of those Laws. The third step was modifying those Laws to reflect a more realistic life in accordance with the Spiritual Principles. But even in this modified form, they still have a negative connotation. This step can be considered a transitional step from a totally negative connotation to a totally positive one. As you remember, the nature of any transitional period is the retention of some old concepts, acquirement of some new ones, with some distortions in between. The fourth step was the redefinition and reformulation of those laws from the position of the positive state and in the language of the positives. And the fifth step was in replacing those laws with a one all-inclusive law which fully reflects the spiritual reality of the positive state.”
“These five steps also reflect the process of spiritual transformation. One begins with the realization of the problems one has and with realization of the negativity of one’s condition. These problems, being always of the negative nature — otherwise they would not be problems — must be defined in negative terms. Once this situation is fully realized, and one accepts one’s total negativity and one’s problems, their fulfillment can begin. In this step, one realizes that the problems are the negativity of one’s life, that they served their purpose, exhausted their usefulness and therefore, their meaning was fulfilled. Once this is done, the modification of one’s life in a more positive direction can begin. This step is a transitional process, in which relapses are possible because one still functions from the habits of the problems and the negativity of one’s condition.”
“As these habits are gradually broken and removed, one is prepared for redefinition of one’s life from the position of the positive state. Once all habits are broken and the problems are removed, one is ready to receive a new definition of oneself and of one’s life in positive terms. At this point, one is filled with positive feelings of love and the process of wisdom. However, these feelings are still of a somewhat external nature. One has not yet fully accepted the fact that all true life is a matter of one’s internals or the most within from which everything in one’s life is ruled.”
“Once this realization is accomplished, then and only then one is ready to transcend this step and to do everything from the position of within to without solely for the sake of the principles themselves because this is the right way and the only way to do things without any other considerations of possibly ulterior nature.”
“In the moment this step is achieved, one is spiritually transformed and one begins the path of continuous spiritual progression within the life of the positive state.”
“Now, having these steps clarified, we may proceed with the reevaluation of The Ten Commandments from the position of The Principles of The New Revelation, particularly from its current position, as reflected in this book.”
“Let us proceed in sequence from The First Commandment to the last one:”
“‘You shall have no other gods before me!’ The issue here is a differentiation between the true God-Creator and the false gods that rule the Zone of Displacement. ‘Gods,’ in connotation of these words, mean both the pseudo-creators and any other entities that proclaim themselves to be gods. Because only the members of the negative state have such ambitions, ambitions to be gods, what this statement means is that one is advised to put aside the negative state and turn oneself to the positive state. The Most High cannot have any negative state before Him/Her because, from the position of The Absoluteness of His/Her Positive Nature, anything negative does not have any chance to survive. It is not that God will kill it, but the nature of the negative state cannot face any aspects of The Absolute Goodness of The God Most High.”
“So, in a sense, what this Commandment implies is that one cannot very well relate to anything from the position of the negative state. Once one is brought out of the negative state, one needs to relinquish also any habits, traits, attitudes and everything else that one brought out with oneself at the time of leaving the negative state. This is implied by the preceding verse (verse one), which states, ‘I am The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.’”
“The significance of this statement is in the fact that only The Lord God, Who, by definition, is The Absolute Positiveness, is able to bring out anyone from the negative state (the land of Egypt corresponds to the negative state of the Hells). To be in the negative state means to be in slavery. To be in the positive state is to be in a state of total freedom and independency. Only someone who is absolutely free, as The Lord God is, can liberate those who are in bondage to the negative state. It is impossible for anyone to free oneself from the clutches of the negative state while in the negative state because one has no other means but negative. No one is capable of freeing oneself by negative means. Only by positive means can this be accomplished. But before acquiring these positive means, one would have to be out of the negative state first. The negative state does not have any positive means. Because of this arrangement, only The One Who is absolutely positive can do so.”
“However, once one is out of the negative state, in order to assume that this will become a permanent condition, one needs to acknowledge and to accept The One Who is The only Absolute God. Otherwise, one ends up back in the negative state. This is the reason why this Commandment states that ‘You shall have no other gods before Me!’ Any other so-called ‘gods’ would take you back into the negative state of misery and suffering.”
“From the standpoint of the principles of The New Revelation ‘The Lord your God’ became the totality of The Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other Being or God anywhere and anywhen.”
“For this reason, by the authority of The Lord Jesus Christ, these Commandments are being replaced in two ways: None of the Commandments shall be called commandments any longer. The word ‘Commandments’ has a negative connotation. It implies that one has no choice in the matter. One must obey or else. Instead of the word ‘commandments,’ the words ‘spiritual principles’ will be used as of now. The second way is the new formulation of The Spiritual Principles themselves.”
“The present formulation of The First Spiritual Principle is given from the position of the positive state:
“I am The Lord Jesus Christ your God in the totality of Human Divine and Divine Human, Who is your Savior from the negative state and all its evils and falsities, and Who is the only One Who has The Absolute Power and The Absolute Ability to bring you out of the Zone of Displacement, planet Zero and the condition of slavery into the conditions of the positive state of freedom, independency, love and wisdom. You shall personally, privately and intimately relate only to Me, bringing all issues of your life to My personal attention, evoking no other mediators or gods under any other names.”
“As of this moment, The First Spiritual Principle replaces The First Commandment. The present formulation of The First Spiritual Principle, as to its content, meaning and application, will have validity as long as the Zone of Displacement and all its Hells exist, and as long as planet Zero and human life are in the position they are now. Once they are abolished, and the negative state is no more, this Principle will be modified or replaced.”
“‘You shall not make for yourself any carved image.’ These words contain in their meaning the danger of separation of the external factors of life from their inner, spiritual source. Moreover, they imply the abomination of deriving any meaning of life from the natural or external degree of Creation which is the result and not the causation of the spiritual creative effort of The Creator. ‘To make a carved image’ means to externalize, naturalize and de-divinize something which has a purely spiritual, inward and internal connotation. At the same time, it signifies to spiritualize, to divinize and to objectivize something that has no such meaning in any aspects of its being and existence by itself and in itself. It also means separation of one aspect of divinity of The Creator, as it is reflected in the natural degree, and proclaim it to be the real God, the only God, disregarding the fact that the reflection of that aspect is only an external form of manifestation which is neither the aspect of God in itself nor the only one in being and existence. Such separation and displacement denotes dominance of the negative state and establishment of its dead life.”
“In this case, ‘carved image’ also means to ascribe love and goodness, which are essentials of the true life, to something that does not contain in itself or by itself one single grain of that love and goodness and thus, of any true life.”
“‘Or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.’ ‘To make likeness of anything’ signifies duplication and replacement of the true life with the dead life and the real truth with falsities and wisdom with foolishness.”
“‘To make any likeness of anything in the heaven above’ signifies rejection of the true source of life, the positive state and The Creator, substituting them with fakes of distortions, falsities and perversions that look like the original but have nothing in themselves of or from the original.”
“‘Or that is in earth beneath’ denotes substitution of a true spiritual mentality and perception of reality with a false one, making it look like reality and real mentality but containing nothing of the true life of such a reality and of such spiritual mentality. In other words, these words signify removal of the true substantials of life and their substitution with illusory ones that may bear a resemblance to the truth but, in fact, are empty and void of any substantial meaning and significance.”
“‘Or that is in the water beneath the earth’ signifies replacement or substitution of the natural goods and natural truths (plural!) of the reality of Creation with something that has no such qualities and attributes but is their most external and outward manifestation and consequence. To substitute the origin or source of life with its most extreme derivatives, and to consider these derivatives the source and origin of life, means to put everything in an upside-down position.”
“Thus, the conglomeration of these three factors (heaven, earth and water and what they correspond to), when replaced by and substituted with reflections themselves, constitute the activation and dead life of the negative state. This establishes a false heaven — or all evils which substitute all goods; false earth — or all falsities which substitute all truths; and false water — or conjunction and pseudo-marriage of all evils and falsities, that is, the negative state, which substitutes the true spiritual marriage of good and truth, that is, the positive state.“
“As life of the positive state is the eternal conjunction or spiritual marriage of love and wisdom, of good and truth and of all other spiritual principles, so is the life of the negative state a conjunction or pseudo-spiritual marriage of evils and falsities and all other pseudo-spiritual principles inherent in the nature of the negative state.”
“However, ‘heaven,’ ‘earth’ and ‘water’ also correspond to the most within spiritual mind (heaven), to the interior mind or mentality (earth), and to the external mind (water or sea). To derive any divinity from them is to derive a derivation from the derivation. None of these minds are gods in themselves and by themselves. Therefore, nothing can be derived from them that is worthy of worship. Reflection of a reflection of a reflection of the original, and placement into that tertiary reflection the source of life and divinity constitutes a denial of the true Creator. But it also means, in this connotation, replacement of the true mind and its three aspects with the false mind and its three false aspects which become substitutions of the sentience of that mind. The false mind is an image and a likeness of the true mind but it is, nevertheless, not the original. How would you like to have a substitution of an original painting, for example, with its mediocre, valueless copy and then worship that copy as though it were the original? Does it make any sense? But this is exactly what the activators of the negative state did. This Commandment is a warning against doing it again at the present and in the future.”
“‘You shall not bow down to them nor serve them’ signifies that their acceptance into one’s life constitutes the necessity of bearing the consequences, results and outcomes of the activation of the negative state. To make such images and likenesses is the process of the activation of the negative state. To bow down to them means to bear all consequences, results and outcomes of the negative state. This Commandment warns against such acts because, inherent in the nature of the negative state, is a retribution for its acceptance, as there is a reward for acceptance of the positive state. This is obvious from the following words:”
“‘For I, The Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep my commandments!’”
“‘For I, The Lord your God, am a jealous God’ signifies the existence of only one reality, the spiritual reality and the reality of the positive state. The life of this reality is The Creator, called here ‘The Lord your God.’ The word ‘jealous’ means that all else which is not derived from or is an integral part of this reality has no meaning and significance. To accept something of this nature constitutes the activation of the negative state which is painful and hurtful not only to its activators and participants but also to the entire Creation, that is, to the true reality of the positive state. At the same time, it means that each alternative — acceptance or rejection of the positive state — by the nature of their content, produces all the consequences of such acts. The activators of the negative state are called here ‘fathers’ and all who identify themselves with the life of the negative state are called ‘children.’”
“‘To visit their iniquity’ means to trigger the consequences of the false and evil reality of the negative state. ‘To the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me’ signifies as long as the negative state exists and opposes the true reality of the positive state, the life of which is The Creator.”
“But these words also mean the prophecy that the negative state will not be allowed to continue indefinitely but only to the third — all aspects of the negative state, and fourth generation — are fully exhausted. ‘The third generation,’ in this connotation, means the full exposure of the nature of the negative state. ‘The fourth generation,’ in this connotation, means within one cycle of time. ‘Four’ means completion of one cycle of time. It does not say fifth or sixth or indefinitely, as the case is with the consequences of the acceptance of and identity with the positive state, which is depicted in the following words.”
“‘But showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.’ Here are described the consequences and results of the acceptance of the positive state (‘to love Me’). ‘To show mercy’ means to share all attributes, characteristics and conditions of the positive state which are of pure love and wisdom and of great delight and pleasure. As you see, in this connotation, no limitations are given for how long this sharing and reciprocity (‘show mercy to those who love Me’) will continue. It says ‘to thousands’ — plural. This means forever, to eternity.”
“If the positive state, which is The Nature of The Lord your God, is the only reality, then it must continue forever. Anything that is of The Nature of The Absolute God is forever because God always IS. Therefore, you cannot limit its continuation. The outcomes of the full acceptance of and identification with the positive state assure this ‘mercy’ or sharing and reciprocity forever without any time limitations. This is not limited to one cycle of time only, as is the case with the negative state, but it applies to all cycles of time from eternity to eternity.”
“‘To show mercy’ also means to take into consideration the relativity of those who are members of the positive state and release to them for sharing from The Absolute Nature of The Lord your God only as much as each member of the positive state can take in at each moment of his/her being and existence in accordance with The Law of Spiritual Progression.”
“‘To keep My commandments’ signifies to identify oneself with all spiritual principles of the positive state. ‘To love Me’ means to accept one’s Creator as the only source of life and reciprocate His/Her Love.”
“Now, in the connotation of the current position of The New Revelation, this Commandment is replaced with the following one:”
“There is only one reality in being and existence — the reality of the positive state. The positive state is The Absolute Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ your God Who continuously emanates this state into His/ Her Creation. The Lord Jesus Christ your God, being Absolute, although always present in His/Her Creation, nevertheless transcends His/Her Creation in all respects and is more than the positive state itself. Therefore, nothing of the positive nature can be derived from any part of Creation in any of its forms, aspects, levels and degrees, but only from The Lord Jesus Christ Who is more than all those parts. To make such a derivation from any part of Creation itself is harmful and hurtful to anyone who accepts and identifies himself/herself with such a derivation. You are to bear the consequences of such a separation and substitution, as well as you are to bear the positive consequences as a result of your recognition, acceptance of and identification with the fact that the only source of the positive state and all life is The Lord Jesus Christ Who transcends all and everything, including His/Her Creation.”
“You are to worship directly only The Lord Jesus Christ, avoiding the abominable worship of the products of His/Her creative effort. The products of such an effort can never be substitutes for The Producer of these products. For I, The Lord Jesus Christ, AM an absolutely just and loving God, Who limits the existence of the negative state of those who made such products the source of their lives to only one cycle of time, but Who maintains and gives all delights and pleasures of My Nature and of the positive state forever, to eternity, to those who reciprocate My Love and live in accordance with My spiritual principles.”
“This Second Spiritual Principle will have validity for all cycles of time. As of this moment, it replaces The Second Commandment.”
“‘You shall not take the name of The Lord your God in vain’ signifies to use all spiritual principles inherent in His/Her Nature (Name), for other than spiritual reasons. To do something in vain means to do it with wrong intentions, for the wrong reasons and with inappropriate motivation. It also signifies to do something not for the principle itself, not for the sake of The Lord your God but for some other ulterior or selfish reasons. To do so for these adverse reasons; to use spiritual principles for the purpose of manipulating, using, misusing and abusing others; to use the name of God for hurting or harming anyone and anything means to take the name of The Lord your God in vain. Such an act results in a retribution which is inherent in the nature of any type of abuse or misuse. This is apparent from the second part of the Third Commandment, which states, ‘for The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain!’ One must bear the consequences of such misuse and abuse.”
“All spiritual principles were formulated and given to everyone for a certain purpose — to use them productively, constructively, creatively and for the benefit of all, for the sake of The Lord Jesus Christ and for the sake of principles themselves — because this is the right thing and way to do it. To use them for any other purposes means taking the name of The Lord your God in vain, inviting the necessary retribution. In such a case, one becomes guilty of defrauding and embezzling the riches bestowed upon that one by his/her Lord God. Unless one stops doing so and repents, asking for mercy and forgiveness of The Master of those riches, one will cause oneself all kinds of hurts and harms, becoming a slave of the negative state which excludes one from membership in the positive state.”
“In the connotation of the current position of The New Revelation, this commandment signifies abuse and misuse of the spiritual principles of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ for justifying and rationalizing one’s own desires, wishes, wants, attitudes and behaviors inconsistent with the content and meaning of the principles themselves. It also means to use The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ in any other connotation other than in the connotation of His/Her New Nature as The only One God Indivisible. To use this Name in any other connotation, but in connotation of this New Nature, as of now, means to take that Name in vain. By doing that, one excludes oneself from membership in the positive state. Once excluded, one has to bear the consequences of that exclusion.”
“In this respect, the Third Commandment is being replaced by the following Third Spiritual Principle:”
“The Name of God is The Lord Jesus Christ. To use this Name of God in any other connotation or to use it as a means of manipulation, use, abuse or misuse of others; or to use it with any ulterior, non-spiritual motivation and intention means self-exclusion from membership in the positive state. The consequence of such an exclusion is deprivation of everything which is inherent in the nature of the positive state.”
“The Third Spiritual Principle will be valid to the end of this cycle of time. Once this cycle of time is ended, it will be modified, reformulated or replaced. As of this moment however, it replaces The Third Commandment.”
“‘Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.’ To remember the Sabbath day, in this connotation, means to always be aware of one’s true and genuine origin. One is to keep constantly in mind that the origin of the true life is The Absolute Source of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — Who, at the time this commandment was given, was called The Lord your God. To keep this in mind, to acknowledge it and to accept it as an indisputable fact as an axiom means to keep it holy. Another connotation of the word ‘Sabbath’ is the state of an ultimate accomplishment, the state of perfection and the state of the most within. In this state one does everything from the most within and one subsumes everything to that most within Spiritual Mind where the presence of The Lord your God is. To be in the presence of The Lord your God signifies to be in total peace, calmness, serenity and tranquility. This condition is not allowed to be disturbed by any other considerations.”
“Whenever one is in the state of inwardness, that is, in the presence of The Lord your God, one is in communication with the source of one’s life — The Creator. That communication is the foundation on which all else is built and from which all else derives. Therefore, it is most holy and the most desirable state.”
“The third connotation of the word ‘Sabbath’ is a practical one. One is advised to devote some of one’s daily time to the regular process of going inward for the purpose of such a vital and crucial communication with one’s Creator and Maker.”
“‘Six days you shall labor and do all your work’ signifies that you are responsible and accountable for your life which was bestowed upon you by The Lord your God and that you are to provide all necessary means for keeping that life functional, useful, fulfilling and satisfying. ‘Six days’ means here most of the time but not always. Number six, in this connotation, means not all the time and ‘days’ means almost all the time. The care for your daily life requires your attention most of the time.”
“In another connotation, ‘six days’ means six steps of the spiritual transformation from the negative state into the positive state, culminating in the seventh day, which is the state of completion and incorporation into the positive state and the rest from the negative state. Once in the positive state, that is, in the seventh day, one no longer is a subject to the misery, suffering, commotion, distraction, restlessness, violence and uncertainties of the negative state. Once one arrives into the positive state, that is, in the seventh day — the Sabbath — no aspects of one’s mind and individuality can be subject to the adverse nature of the negative state. This is what is meant by the following words of the Fourth Commandment, ‘Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of The Lord your God. In it, you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.’”
“By these words (son, daughter, etc.) are described the various aspects of one’s mind from the most within spiritual mind (by the word ‘you’), to the most outward and external aspects of the conscious mind devoted to the scanning and conscious awareness of one’s physical environment (the words ‘your stranger who is within your gates). Once the process of spiritual transformation is completed and the seventh day or Sabbath — the true spiritual and celestial state — is established, none of the aspects of the entire mind can be any longer subject to anything inherent in the nature of the negative state. This is what the true significance of this commandment is.”
“‘For in six days The Lord made heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested in the seventh day ’ Here the process of a complete spiritual transformation of the sentient mind, trapped in the negative state, is described and how, first, the spiritual mind (Heaven); then the interior mind (the earth); and then the external mind (the sea) and all their various, all-inclusive aspects (and all that is in them), were liberated from the slavery to the negative state and converted to the positive state. And because no one but The Lord your God can liberate you from the dead life of the negative state; it is The Lord Who is The Maker and Liberator of the positive state in all aspects of your mind and life. That He rested in the seventh day means that the work of this transformation was successfully completed and its results were permanently established.”
“‘Therefore The Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it’ signifies that the results of the spiritual transformation are a celestial state that surpasses any other states. Such a state is to be bestowed on everyone who completed this process with all the consequences of the positive state of Heavens because in that state the eternal presence of The Lord your God is (‘hallowed it’).”
“In the connotation of the current portion of The New Revelation this commandment signifies that the end result of any spiritual transformation is the full acceptance into one’s life of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. This acceptance constitutes one’s ‘Sabbath day’ which will ultimately result into a total rest from any influences and the aspects of the dead life of the negative state (after your departure from the negative state). It also indicates prophetically that The Lord your God did not ‘rest’ until He/She incorporated and fused into His/Her Nature the human physical body-flesh and became The Lord Jesus Christ. This fact enables Him/Her now to initiate the process of spiritual transformation of all who are trapped in the negative state at any place, from their very position, and upon their request, bringing them out of the labor of their six days, into the seventh day of peace, joy and happiness of the positive state — The Sabbath — and into the state of the most within.”
“From this stems the formulation of The Fourth Spiritual Principle:”
“Remember the true source of your life and all spiritual principles ingrained into your most within Spiritual Mind. You are to balance your life in such a manner as to take proper and equal care of all aspects, levels, degrees and spheres of your everyday life and living. You are responsible and accountable for your own life and only for your own life, to its Absolute Originator — The Lord Jesus Christ. You are to devote some of your daily time for going inward, incorporating into that process all aspects of your mind — from the most within Spiritual Mind to the most without external conscious mind — and in that state, you are to communicate and to commune with The Lord Jesus Christ your God who is always present in that state. You are to acknowledge the fact that your spiritual transformation from the condition of the dead life of the negative state into the condition of the true life of the positive state and becoming a celestial man/woman, can be actualized, realized and become reality only by efforts of The Lord Jesus Christ, your God personally. The completion of your spiritual transformation and ultimately becoming a celestial man/woman, is blessed and hallowed by The Lord Jesus Christ your God.”
“As of now, this Fourth Spiritual Principle replaces The Fourth Commandment.“
“The validity of most of the content of the Fourth Spiritual Principle, with some future modifications, after the end of this cycle of time, is applicable to all cycles of time. The latter portion of this Principle will be reformulated and possibly replaced at the end of this cycle of time.”
“‘Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which The Lord your God is giving you.”
“To ‘honor your father and your mother’ means to acknowledge and to accept the fact that one originated from the two elements, utilized by The Lord Jesus Christ your God — the masculine originating element (‘father’) and the feminine originating element (‘mother’). It also means that the essence of one’s life is goodness and love (‘mother’) and that the substance of one’s life is truth and wisdom (‘father’). They are united within the most within Spiritual Mind and are the key by which the entrance into the positive state is opened. The positive state is a spiritual marriage of feminine and masculine principles, of love and wisdom, of good and truth and positive works and faith. In honoring them, that is, accepting them as an integral part of one’s life, is an assurance that ‘your days may be long upon the land which The Lord your God is giving you.’”
“‘Your days may be long’ means forever, to eternity. The term ‘long,’ when applied to the positive state, signifies forever, to eternity. ‘Upon the land’ means the positive state of Heavens. As you remember, children of Israel were to inherit the land of Canaan. The spiritual correspondence of the land of Canaan is the positive state of Heavens. ‘Which The Lord your God is giving you’ signifies that it is His/Her positive state and that He/She gives it, as an inheritance, to everyone who is in the condition of the spiritual marriage described above.”
“In the connotation of this portion of The New Revelation, this commandment signifies that The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, which also incorporates within Itself all elements of the worldly father (Joseph) and worldly mother (Mary), is to be honored as the only Source of the true motherhood and fatherhood and of The Absolute Unification and Spiritual Marriage of all elements of being and existence, including the elements taken out of the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero (after their purification from all evils and falsities and after their Divinization). To honor this fact assures one to be forever an inheritor of the gift of The Lord Jesus Christ your God — the eternal life in the positive state.”
“From this fact stems the formulation of The Fifth Spiritual Principle:”
“Love, respect and honor The Lord Jesus Christ your God in His/Her New Nature as your only true Father and Mother, Who is The Absolute Unification and Integration of all elements in and of being and existence. Recognize, love, respect and accept your true nature which derives from the spiritual marriage of all principles of femininity and all principles of masculinity, of love and wisdom, of good and truth and positive works and faith, imparted on you by The Lord Jesus Christ your God, so that you may become an eternal inheritor and possessor of the positive state of Heavens which The Lord Jesus Christ your God is giving you freely and unequivocally forever, to eternity.”
“As of now, this Fifth Spiritual Principle replaces The Fifth Commandment. It will be valid for all cycles of time.”
“‘You shall not murder.’ This commandment indicates that everyone is given a gift of life freely. No matter what you do or what others do with that life, because it is their life and not yours, you have no right to violate that life in any manner and way. In the gift of life, in everyone’s ability to be free, to make choices and to change, is the presence of The Lord your God. By doing any violence to that life, you are violating that presence (murdering it).”
“Another connotation of ‘you shall not murder’ is to destroy any spiritual awareness in oneself or others. To deny that God exists, that spiritual principles are the true regulator of all aspects of any life and to convince others of this falsity, means to spiritually murder oneself and others. This is the worst type of murder.”
“In the connotation of this portion of The New Revelation, to murder someone signifies to convince oneself and others, after the fact of acceptance that The Lord Jesus Christ in His/Her New Nature is The Only Lord your God Most High, that it is not so, and subsequently to reject and to deny all spiritual principles of The New Revelation and The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. To accomplish this means to spiritually murder oneself and others. This kind of murder is worse than any other. It would be better for one if he/she were never to originally accept the precepts of The New Revelation.”
“From the position of this portion of The New Revelation, the formulation of The Sixth Spiritual Principle is as follows:”
“You are to respect the life and choices of any individual, no matter what these choices are. You are to avoid doing any purposeful and intentional harm, hurt or violence in any form and mode to anyone, or to yourself, or to The Lord Jesus Christ your God.”
“This Sixth Spiritual Principle replaces The Sixth Commandment. Its validity is for all cycles of time.”
“‘You shall not commit adultery.’ This commandment has basically three connotations. One relates to God. To worship any other God or gods or persons or things but The One God — The Creator — constitutes spiritual adultery. If one is an extension and a process of one’s Creator, to consider someone else to be one’s Creator is adulterous; it is being unfaithful to the truth of the matter. In this respect, The Creator is conceptualized as a Husband of His/Her Creation (all sentient entities) and Creation (all sentient entities) as His/Her wife. Therefore, if this ‘wife’ considers her lover to be someone else but her rightful and legal Husband, she is guilty of adultery.”
“The other connotation relates to one’s own nature. One is a unique carrier of a unique aspect of life. One is integrally connected, or married, to that aspect. To desire, to want or to connect oneself to any other aspect, which is not of one’s own nature and, therefore, which does not belong into that one, is to commit adultery or to be adulterous. One becomes unfaithful to one’s own nature to which one is eternally married.”
“One is always one’s own nature. This can never be changed. After all, one’s unique nature is determined by the unique aspect of life from The Creator. One is His/Her extension and a process. The nature of this aspect, being that its source is Absolute, can never be exhausted. Thus, one is eternally married to it.”
“To desire some different nature or to want to relinquish it or to repress or suppress it and, instead, to play or to assume a different role or nature or identity means to commit adultery against one’s own nature.”
“The third connotation of this concept relates to the involvement with other individuals, particularly with the opposite gender. Any involvement with anyone for any other reason but for mutual benefit, sharing, exchange, reciprocity, joy, delight, pleasure and good of all is adulterous. This is particularly true if such involvement is for ulterior, selfish reasons, with ulterior intentions and motivations without any regard or respect for the needs and nature of the other person(s).”
“In this case, one violates all spiritual principles of relatedness. Such violation constitutes a true adulterous relationship.”
“This conceptualization is valid also in the connotation of this portion of The New Revelation with one modification: The modification relates to The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. As you remember from Chapter Two of this book, it was stated there that, anyone who, after reading those words, continues to worship any other God under any other name but The Lord Jesus Christ in His/Her true Nature, and anyone who rejects and denies the principles of The New Revelation and, instead, clings to the old and traditional mode of worshiping God, commits spiritual adultery.”
“From the above statement follows The Seventh Spiritual Principle:”
“You are to worship only The Lord Jesus Christ your God in His/Her True New Nature. You are to be eternally faithful and loyal to His/Her Nature and to your own nature. You are to relate to all other individuals only from the position of your own unique nature and only with positive and good intent and motivation and for the right reasons, for the sake of all spiritual principles of such relationships.”
“Now, this Seventh Spiritual Principle replaces The Seventh Commandment. The content of this principle will be valid for all cycles of time.“
“‘You shall not steal.’ This Commandment has two connotations. One relates to the spiritual principle that everything in being and existence belongs to The Lord your God, now The Lord Jesus Christ your God. To claim that it is not so and to insist that what one has is his/her own, signifies to steal it from its rightful owner. All Creation belongs to The Creator. He/She is the rightful owner of Creation. Therefore, to claim that anything of Creation is one’s own possession, appropriating it to oneself without permission of The Creator and without acknowledging its true Source and Ownership, means to be a thief and a robber.”
“The other connotation relates to the fact that every individual has a right to possess his/her own individuality and all goods and ingredients attached to it in all their aspects, including the physical and natural aspects. That individual was assigned those possessions by The Creator. To forcefully appropriate to oneself something that belongs to others, in any respect or by any means or manner, means to be a thief and a robber. It also means to be in the negative state.”
“In the connotation of this portion of The New Revelation, the above definition remains valid, with an important addition that anyone who denies The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, and that He/She is the only One God Indivisible, is a thief and a robber of this fact. Since there is no other God in being and existence, everything in Creation, as well as in the Zone of Displacement and on planet Zero, belongs to The Lord Jesus Christ. He/She is now, after acquirement of The New Nature, the only rightful owner of anything in being and existence, including the entire Zone of Displacement and planet Zero. Whoever claims the ownership of any of these regions, states, conditions, processes or whatever you have, is stealing from The Lord Jesus Christ, thus, becoming a thief and a robber.”
“From this follows the formulation of The Eighth Spiritual Principle:”
“You are to recognize and to accept the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ your God is the only rightful owner of all and everything in being and existence without any exception or exclusion. You are to respect your own right and privilege to own and to possess your own individuality, as well as other individuals’ right to possess their own individualities and everything that belongs to them in any sense and in any of their aspects, without ever appropriating to yourself that which does not belong to you and is not part of your own possessions.”
“Again, this Eighth Spiritual Principle replaces The Eighth Commandment, being valid for all cycles of time.”
“‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.’ This Commandment has also two connotations. One relates to The Lord your God. It denotes that one should never think, feel or say anything about God which is not true and which is not an integral state of His/ Her Nature. Thus, for example, to claim that God personally punishes people or condemns them to the Hells, etc., means to bear false witness against God. Because He/She is The Absolute Master and Ruler of all, He/She is your Ultimate Neighbor. To testify about His/Her Nature in a manner that is inconsistent with that Nature or to ascribe to God acts, behaviors, attitudes, characteristics or traits that are not of His/Her Nature and which He/She is incapable of doing, is to bear false witness against your Number One Neighbor. The other connotation of this Commandment relates to one’s own nature and to how one perceives the nature of others.”
“In this connotation, one’s nature is also one’s neighbor, as well as any other sentient entity is one’s neighbor. To think, to feel, to say or to claim about yourself, and also about others, something that is not so or is not of one’s own or of others’ nature, or to ascribe to oneself or to others any deeds, feelings, emotions, thoughts, intentions, behaviors and attitudes that have never entered one’s own or others’ minds, is to bear false witness against oneself and/or others. In the connotation of this portion of The New Revelation, the content of this Commandment is fully valid, with an important addition that, to claim, to think, to feel or to say that The Lord Jesus Christ is not the only One God Indivisible and that He/She did not hybridize, infuse and incorporate His/Her human body-flesh into the totality of His/ Her Nature, or that He/She is not the only Savior, Master and Ruler of all and everything, including the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero, is to bear false witness against Him/Her as your Ultimate Neighbor.”
“Therefore, in this respect, the formulation of The Ninth Spiritual Principle is as follows:“
“You are to think, to feel, to say and to claim about The Lord Jesus Christ your God, as well as about others and yourself, only that which is true, right and proper, without adding, distorting, perverting, falsifying or denying anything pertaining to them. They are all your neighbors; and The Lord Jesus Christ your God is your Ultimate Neighbor.”
“As of this very moment, The Ninth Principle is replacing The Ninth Commandment. Its validity will be retained for all cycles of time with appropriate periodical reevaluations, particularly before the beginning of each New Cycle of Time.”
“‘You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.’ One connotation of this Commandment relates to The Creator as The Absolute Neighbor. The other relates to every individual. In the first connotation of this meaning, one should never crave, lust or intensely desire to be God, to have His/Her powers (neighbor’s house); to have His/Her Nature and/or His/Her Mind (neighbor’s wife); His/Her Absolute Attributes (menservants and maidservants); any of His/Her Absolute Strength (ox); His/Her Absolute Determination (donkey) or any other traits, conditions, states or whatever, that are of purely Divine Nature.”
“In this respect, this commandment implies that one can never be God; one is not God because, being created, one can never be absolute but only relative to that absolute. From this meaning derives the second connotation of this Commandment: One is to acknowledge and to accept the fact that one is not God and can never reach The Absolute Level of God because God will always transcend any level, condition, state or whatever one can achieve. Therefore, one is to be thankful, grateful, appreciative and satisfied with what one is and with what one has, accepting one’s own nature and all possessions attached to it in any form and condition, accepting the limitation of one’s relative nature, without ever being envious of other individuals’ natures and their possessions or wanting to have what other individuals have or to be the way they are.”
“From the standpoint of this portion of The New Revelation, the content of this commandment remains fully valid and applicable at the present time with one important addition: One shall not lust, desire, wish or crave to be The Absolute Incorporation and Integration of all elements of Creation, the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero as The Lord Jesus Christ is.”
“Another aspect of this commandment is to avoid putting all one’s life efforts, placing one’s intense desires and cravings, into acquiring things and possessions similar to what other people have in order to compete with them and to show them that one can have the same things and even better. An attitude of this nature robs one of all important life energies. These energies, given to everyone by The Lord Jesus Christ, should be devoted to the development and implementation of one’s own resources at all levels of one’s mind, instead of being wasted on such foolish cravings. If you waste your energies in this manner, you put yourself in the position of the wicked and lazy servant, being cast out into the outer darkness, as depicted in the parable of Jesus Christ about the talents (as previously described). From this consideration the formulation of The Tenth Spiritual Principle is as follows:”
“You are to acknowledge and to accept, in all modesty, humbleness and humility, the fact that you are not The Lord Jesus Christ your God Who is Absolute and the only One Who absolutely IS. You can never be God or have the powers of The Lord Jesus Christ your God. You are to be thankful, grateful, appreciative for and satisfied with what you have and who you are and how much or how little you have. You are to respect with all love and wisdom the unique individuals and the needs of all others who have a different nature, a different assignment, a different role and a different destiny and, relevant to all of them, different gifts, talents, abilities, tools and possessions than your own, without ever desiring, craving and lusting for that which rightly belongs to them. Instead of competing with anyone, by trying to be the way they are or to have what they have or wasting your energy on gathering all kinds of possessions, you are to be cooperative with others, supportive of others and helpful to others, as needed, when needed and if needed. And you are to be this way for the sake of principle, without expecting anything in return.”
“Now, this Tenth Spiritual Principle replaces The Tenth Commandment. It will be valid for all cycles of time with future modifications. The issue of the future modification, change, redefinition or replacement of any of these Ten Spiritual Principles relates to the time when the negative state will no longer have any significance because it will be no more. At that time, the need for this revision will become obvious. Because of the replacement of The Ten Commandments, which contained deep spiritual inner meaning, with The Ten Spiritual Principles, some important and vital mysteries exist about these New Principles. They will be formulated in the next Chapter.”
“In conclusion of this Chapter, Peter, will you please summarize the Ten Spiritual Principles in one cohesive sequence, so that they can make better sense for the prospective readers? Thank you, sir.”
1. I am The Lord Jesus Christ your God in the totality of Human Divine and Divine Human, Who is your Savior from the negative state and all its evils and falsities, and Who is the only One Who has The Absolute Power and The Absolute Ability to bring you out of the Zone of Displacement, planet Zero and the condition of slavery into the condition of the positive state of freedom, independency, love and wisdom. You shall personally, privately and intimately relate only to Me, bringing all issues of your life to My personal attention, evoking no other mediators or gods under any other names.
2. There is only one reality in being and existence — the reality of the positive state. The positive state is The Absolute Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ your God Who continuously emanates this state into His/ Her Creation. The Lord Jesus Christ your God, being Absolute, although always present in His/Her Creation, nevertheless transcends His/Her Creation in all respects and is more than the positive state itself. Therefore, nothing of the positive nature can be derived from any part of Creation in any of its forms, aspects, levels and degrees, but only from The Lord Jesus Christ who is more than all those parts. To make such a derivation from any part of Creation itself is harmful and hurtful to anyone who accepts and identifies himself/herself with such a derivation. You are to bear the consequences of such a separation and substitution, as well as you are to bear the positive consequences as a result of your recognition, acceptance of and identification with the fact that the only source of the positive state and all life is The Lord Jesus Christ Who transcends all and everything, including His/Her Creation.
You are to worship directly only The Lord Jesus Christ, avoiding the abominable worship of the products of His/Her creative effort. The products of such an effort can never be substitutes for The Producer of these products. For I, The Lord Jesus Christ, AM an absolutely just and loving God, Who limits the existence of the negative state of those who made such products the source of their lives to only one cycle of time, but Who maintains and gives all delights and pleasures of My Nature and of the positive state forever, to eternity to those who reciprocate My Love and live in accordance with My Spiritual Principles.
3. The Name of God is The Lord Jesus Christ. To use this Name of God in any other connotation or to use it as a means of manipulation, use, abuse or misuse of others; or to use it with any ulterior, non-spiritual motivation and intention means self-exclusion from membership in the positive state. The consequence of such an exclusion is deprivation of everything which is inherent in the nature of the positive state.
4. Remember the true source of your life and all spiritual principles ingrained into your most within Spiritual Mind. You are to balance your life in such a manner as to take proper and equal care of all aspects, levels, degrees and spheres of your everyday life and living. You are responsible and accountable for your own life, and only for your own life, to its Absolute Originator — The Lord Jesus Christ. You are to devote some of your daily time for going inward, incorporating into that process all aspects of your mind — from the most within Spiritual Mind to the most without external conscious mind — and in that state, you are to communicate and commune with The Lord Jesus Christ your God Who is always present in that state. You are to acknowledge the fact that your spiritual transformation from the condition of the dead life of the negative state into the condition of the true life of the positive state, and becoming a celestial man/woman, can be actualized, realized and become reality only by the efforts of The Lord Jesus Christ your God, personally. The completion of your spiritual transformation and ultimately becoming a celestial man/woman, is blessed and hallowed by The Lord Jesus Christ, your God.
5. Love, respect and honor The Lord Jesus Christ your God in His/Her New Nature as your only true Father and Mother, Who is The Absolute Unification and Integration of all elements in and of being and existence. Recognize, love, respect and accept your true nature which derives from the spiritual marriage of all principles of femininity and all principles of masculinity, of love and wisdom, of good and truth and positive works and faith, imparted on you by The Lord Jesus Christ your God, so that you may become an eternal inheritor and possessor of the positive state of Heavens which The Lord Jesus Christ, your God, is giving to you freely and unequivocally forever, to eternity.
6. You are to respect the life and choices of any individual, no matter what these choices are. You are to avoid doing any purposeful and intentional harm, hurt or violence in any form and mode to anyone, or to yourself, or to The Lord Jesus Christ, your God.
7. You are to worship only The Lord Jesus Christ your God in His/Her True New Nature. You are to be eternally faithful and loyal to His/Her Nature and to your own nature. You are to relate to all other individuals only from the position of your own unique nature and only with positive and good intent and motivation and for the right reasons, for the sake of all spiritual principles of such relationships.
8. You are to recognize and to accept the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ, your God, is the only rightful owner of all and everything in being and existence without any exception or exclusion. You are to respect your own right and privilege to own and to possess your own individuality, as well as other individuals’ right to possess their own individualities and everything that belongs to them in any sense and in any of their aspects, without ever appropriating to yourself that which does not belong to you and is not part of your own possessions.
9. You are to think, to feel, to say and to claim about The Lord Jesus Christ, your God, as well as about others and yourself, only that which is true, right and proper, without adding, distorting, perverting, falsifying or denying anything pertaining to them. They are all your neighbors and The Lord Jesus Christ, your God, is your Ultimate Neighbor.
10. You are to acknowledge and to accept, in all modesty, humbleness and humility, the fact that you are not The Lord Jesus Christ, your God, Who is Absolute and The only One Who absolutely IS. You can never be God or have the powers of The Lord Jesus Christ your God. You are to be thankful, grateful, appreciative for and satisfied with what you have and who you are and how much or how little you have. You are to respect with all love and wisdom the unique individuals and the needs of all others who have a different nature, a different assignment, a different role and a different destiny and relevant to all of them, different gifts, talents, abilities, tools and possessions than your own, without ever desiring, craving and lusting for that which rightly belongs to them. Instead of competing with anyone, by trying to be the way they are or to have what they have or wasting your energy on gathering all kinds of possessions, you are to be cooperative with others, supportive of others and helpful to others, as needed, when needed and if needed. And you are to be this way for the sake of principle, without expecting anything in return.
“If anyone has ears to hear, let him/her hear what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter. He/She who keeps these spiritual principles for their own sake will inherit all things available in the positive state of Heavens.”
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