The New Life of The Positive State
On March 27, 1988, on Sunday morning, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me again, saying,
“The end of the specific human life, the life of impossibility, contradiction, deceitfulness, cunningness, double standards, double binds, uncertainty, instability, illnesses, weaknesses, doubts, indecisions, murderousness, destructiveness and all other numerous infestations of the negative state, with which human life is endowed so abundantly, does not mean the end of its carriers — humans. As indicated in the previous chapter, they will be transformed either into positive or negative entities, respectively.”
“But eventually, the negative state will be eliminated. The final elimination of the specific human life on planet Zero will fully coincide with the final elimination of the negative state. The two are inseparably connected by a special umbilical cord. Human life depends on being fed by the negative state. The negative state needs humans for projecting and actualizing all their evil, false, generally and specifically negative ideas.”
“So, if you cut that cord, neither can survive for too long. The negative state could survive without humans for some time. But eventually, it would succumb to the lack of feedback of its efforts and to the lack of supply of the new souls of humans. This would result in its gradual dying out.”
“Of course, this will not happen until both humans and the negative state exhaust their usefulness for which they exist. And because their usefulness is mutually connected, their eventual elimination will happen at the same time and during the same time (this is a gradual and slow process).”
“Once this most desirable task is successfully completed, and no specific human life or dead life remains, the only available life will be the true life of the positive state in its infinite varieties of manifestations and their corresponding infinite varieties of the positive non-sentient life forms.“
“Is life without human life and dead life of the negative state possible? And if it is, what kind of life would it be?”
“As you remember, in Chapter Five of the book Reality, Myths & Illusions, it was clearly revealed that all efforts of the negative state are to prove that the negative state will be here forever because the positive state needs for its survival the negative state. The pseudo-logic of this propaganda drumbeat is in the fact that if the negative state is needed for survival of the positive state, then the negative state is also good and godly and it would be therefore ungodly and bad to fight or to eliminate it. In this fallacious conceptualization, the negative state is conceived as equal to the positive state because without the negative state, no freedom of choice is possible.”
“It is true that the negative state was permitted to come to its fruition because of freedom of choice. However, in actuality, the negative state was activated in order to answer the most important question posed by Creation about the mode of life or life in general which would derive from a source other than The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her spiritual principles. It was also permitted for illustration of what not to choose. In this sense only, the existence of the negative state contributes to the freedom of choice.”
“But, once the negative state answers that question fully, and the final choice is made, as described in Chapter Eight of this book, what would be the purpose of its continuous existence? After that, it would serve no purpose and use.”
“As you remember, The Spiritual Law of Use and Validation permits anyone’s and anything’s being and existence only if they serve some kind of use by which they can validate and justify their existence. No other reasons exist for anyone’s or anything’s continuation beyond that point.”
“As you know from the above-mentioned Chapter in the book Reality, Myths & Illusions, the true life of the positive state, by virtue of its nature, does not need anything for its being and existence except its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ. But The Lord Jesus Christ is the very Absolute Life Himself/Herself. The secret of the true life’s being and existence is that it is and exists for the sake of principle itself because it is the right thing to have. The wisdom of love of life is in the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ generates life for the sake of principle because it is the very right thing to do. No other outside reason, and particularly, no negative state is needed for validation, justification and continuation of life’s being and existence.”
“However, there is a secret and a mystery here. So far, it has not been revealed. Let it be revealed now that the true life of the positive state, up to this point and as long as the negative state is permitted to be and to exist, has been and will be tainted by the presence of the activated negative state within the current cycle of time. Regarding this mystery, you can distinguish three qualities of life in the positive state:”
“1. One that existed before this cycle of time, during which the negative state was dormant and in a state of potentiality;
2. the second which exists now, during which the negative state is fully activated and co-exists with the positive state, under its very nose, so-to-speak;
3. and the third that will come after this cycle of time, during which the negative state and human life will have no being and existence in any mode, form or condition.”
“Each of the above-mentioned three situations requires a different mode and quality of life.”
“The worst situation is, of course, with the present cycle of time because of the active mode of the negative state’s being and existence.”
“When The Lord Jesus Christ urged everyone to bear their cross patiently and enduringly, He/She was speaking not only to humans, but, most importantly, to all other sentient entities in the entire Creation and its multiverse. The being and existence of the negative state is a burden and a cross to everyone everywhere and everywhen. Directly and indirectly, it adversely influences the life of everyone regardless of the mode of life in which one is and exists.”
“Remember, the choice always has to be made for or against the negative state. This is the burden that you all agreed to carry for the sake of important spiritual learning. These words here are being spoken now to all everywhere and everywhen, no matter where and when they are situated at each given moment of time within this cycle of time.”
“The problem with this situation is that the full nature of the negative state cannot be exposed in its totality at one given time. No one anywhere and anywhen could survive such an exposure for even a fraction of a second. Therefore, the nature of the negative state must be exposed gradually, step-by-little-step, in small increments. At each moment of its new exposure, a new choice must be made for it or against it by everyone everywhere and everywhen without any exception or exclusion.”
“As you know, the final phase of The Last Judgment cannot commence until the entire full nature of the negative state is finally exposed. Then and only then, the last final choice in this respect will be made and the entire Creation will be finally freed for good and forever from this awful burden. When this happens, then and only then, by one final choice, the true life of the positive state in its fullness can commence.”
“A great mystery and secret is being revealed here. Creation was created by The Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of the true life in the positive state. However, the fullness of that life cannot be initiated until all choices, and the very final choice, for it or against it are made. In order that such a choice could be made freely and independently, by comparison and living examples, the negative state needed to be activated first and allowed to expose its own lifestyle and human life mode so that Creation could never ever be burdened again by the question of the possibility of any other life but the true life of the positive state.”
“Before the fullness of the true life of the positive state can come to its fruition, all other non-true lives, such as human life and dead life, must be given a chance to prove their validity and necessity as a choice against anything else. Otherwise, Creation would be plagued to eternity by uncertainty of the unanswered question about any other life. Being plagued by uncertainty of anything cannot give life a full proper possibility for its expression and impression. Too much precious life energy is spent on coping with this uncertainty.”
“On the other hand, within this cycle of time, during the active mode of the negative state, too much precious energy is spent on coping and dealing with the negative state in the form of choice-making and otherwise to allow the full actualization, realization and manifestation of the true life of the positive state. You see, it is limited by the being and existence of the dead life of the negative state and by human life.”
“The situation was somewhat different, but not too much better, in the previous cycles of time, during which the negative state was dormant. Again, too much precious energy of life was spent on keeping the negative state dormant to allow full utilization of that energy for exhibiting the fullness of the true life of the positive state. Thus, even all previous cycles of time were considerably limited by potentiality of the negative state in this respect.”
“The mystery of this situation lies in the fact that all previous cycles of time, as well as this cycle of time, and thus, all life’s being and existence to the very end of this cycle of time, have been and will be a preparatory stage for the real true life of the positive state to be fully activated, once all proper choices are made by every single individual everywhere and everywhen without exception or exclusion.”
“Thus, only in the next cycle of time and life, when the negative state and human life are no more, will the fullness of expression and impression of the true life of the positive state, the way it has been intended to be by The Lord Jesus Christ from eternity to eternity and from the moment Creation was created, be able to come to its fruition”.
“The present cycle of time, during which the negative state exists in an activated mode, can be considered a turning point of all cycles of time because it is the last and the only one that is dealing with the negative state directly. This cycle of time is preparing the way for the final and decisive choice to be made, after which no need for being and existence of the negative state in any mode will be necessary. You can consider this cycle of time as a dividing line between two crucial epochs of Creation and its multiverses: One, the preparatory stage for the true life of the positive state; and the other, the stage of the real full true life of the positive state.”
“This tremendously important news, hidden up to this point, is being received by everyone in the multiverse of Creation with the most staggering shout of joy, delight, pleasure, thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude. It gives all of them great hope and incentive to bear their crosses for a while longer until all things regarding the negative state and human life are fulfilled.”
“On the other hand, this great news brings a tremendous uproar and upheaval of hate, anger and murderous drive to all active members of the negative state in their respective Hells.”
“Once all these things are accomplished, and Creation is permanently freed from the burden of the dead life of the negative state and the human life, the spent precious life energy, with all its other energies, will be fully devoted to the development, expression and impression of the true life of the positive state without any hindrances and obstacles.”
“What kind of life is it going to be? No experiential illustration exists for such life because, as you see from the revealed mystery, life of the positive state has been so far only a preparatory stage of choice for that life. In no way can you begin that kind of life until all choices for all other types of life are rejected and eliminated. Once they are all rejected and eliminated, only then can it establish its fullness and become its own illustration.”
“Thus, it is impossible to fully foresee what kind of life it will be because it will evolve in certain progressive steps, as all its participants will devote all their creative efforts to shape that life in accordance with the proper spiritual ideas of life released by The Lord Jesus Christ as they become ready. However, some general principles of that life will be discussed with the full understanding that they are in no way obligatory, final, binding, imposed or permanent. They can always be modified, changed, adjusted and/or rejected, if necessary.”
“The quality of life in the positive state, the way it will be structured after the negative state and human life are no more in any form and condition, is described in the internal spiritual sense of some books in The Holy Bible.”
“For example, the entire Chapter 60 of Prophet Isaiah describes the process of liberation of Creation from the presence of the negative state and establishment of a totally different lifestyle hitherto unknown. Most humans assume that Isaiah writes about the future destiny of the children of Israel, a literal nation of Jews existing on planet Zero. But, as already mentioned before, Israel corresponds to various states and conditions of either the positive state or the negative state or both, depending on the context in which the word ‘Israel’ occurs.”
“In the context of Isaiah’s Chapter 60, ‘Israel’ signifies the entire Creation which is being liberated from the influence of all cycles of time that contained or incorporated within themselves the negative state either in a dormant or activated condition, respectively. At the same time, it describes the mode of life which will be permanently established, once the process of this liberation is completed.”
“In The Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 40 through 48, all eight Chapters, in their internal spiritual sense, describe the structure of the cycle of time which will succeed the current one. The primary emphasis in Ezekiel is on the new mode of worship of and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ at that time. At the same time, Ezekiel formulates all spiritual principles by which life in the positive state of that time will be regulated.”
“Now, Ezekiel’s use of words, which describe all this, seem narrowly related to various external rituals and building of a city and a temple within the midst of that city. But the spiritual meaning of those words has no relevance whatsoever to anything ritualistic or external. A good example of this meaning can be found in the manner he describes the arrangements of sacrifices of various animals on the altar. The literal implication of that text in Ezekiel is that such sacrifices will continue forever. If you are to take this implication literally, as most readers of those Chapters on your planet do, it makes Ezekiel or, to be precise, God, who tells him all these things, a liar. After all, animal sacrifices ceased a long time ago! So, how come that, in contradiction to all present reality, the claim here is that sacrifices of animals to God on the altar, in the form of burnt offerings, will continue forever? As you see very clearly from this situation, the literal sense of these Chapters, as well as all other texts of The Holy Bible, has no sense at all. Not only does it have no sense, but it makes God and His prophets liars.”
“However, the spiritual sense of all sayings and descriptions of those Chapters in Ezekiel is an entirely different matter. In this connotation, the city, outlined in Ezekiel, signifies the structure of The New Revelation and the quality of its spiritual principles. Sacrifice of animals means ascribing all goodness and truth, love and wisdom, positiveness and source of life, as well as all positive affections, feelings and thoughts, where they belong — to The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“You have to understand clearly that the negative state, which will exist up to that point, refuses to recognize and to acknowledge that The Lord Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of all the above-mentioned categories. Instead, it considers itself to be their producer and giver. In the new cycle of time, no one ever again will be ascribing anything positive, particularly any life, to anyone but its true ultimate source — The Lord Jesus Christ. After all, the activation of the negative state was made possible by the denial of this fact about The Lord Jesus Christ as being the only true Absolute Source of life and all its felicities.”
“The above-described meaning of sacrifices in Ezekiel has no other connotation than that. It clearly reflects the fact that, in the new cycle of time, nothing of the negative state, in any of its forms or conditions, will have any place to eternity.”
“In Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible, the life of the positive state, after elimination of the negative state, is described in Chapter 7, verses 15-17; in the entire Chapter 21 and Chapter 22, verses 1-5.”
“Here we are dealing with creation of a new heaven and a new earth and New Jerusalem and the lifestyle which will be established in them. Two connotations are hidden in this description. One relates to the structure and dynamics of the newly transformed sentient mind and its personal, private and intimate relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ; the other deals with the quality, content and mode of life in the positive state within the next cycle of time.”
“In the first connotation, ‘a new heaven’ means the transformed most within Spiritual Mind of all sentient entities aligned to The New Absolute Most Within Spiritual Mind of The Lord Jesus Christ — called ‘The Lord.’ ‘A new earth’ signifies the newly transformed interior mind of all sentient entities brought into alignment with The New Absolute Interior Mind of The Lord Jesus Christ — called ‘Jesus.’ ‘New Jerusalem’ denotes the newly transformed exterior or external mind of all sentient entities put into alignment with The Absolute Exterior Mind of The Lord Jesus Christ — called ‘Christ.’ ‘New Jerusalem,’ particularly its formal structural arrangement, describes spiritual principles by which this new sentient mind will operate and how it will relate to The Lord Jesus Christ, as well as how The Lord Jesus Christ will relate to each individual.”
“In the second connotation, ‘a new heaven’ means a new spiritual world which will be established in the next cycle of time; ‘a new earth’ denotes a new intermediate world; and ‘New Jerusalem’ signifies its new external or physical world. ‘New Jerusalem,’ in description of its structure, also denotes new spiritual principles, or what Swedenborg called ‘new spiritual doctrine’ or ‘New Church,’ which will rule and regulate new life of the positive state in the next cycle of time, free from all and any influence of the negative state.”
“The fundamental premises of all the above-indicated texts in The Holy Bible are that the next cycle of time and its spiritual, mental and physical state and condition will have no room whatsoever for anything negative in any form or manifestation. They also indicate that the major idea of choice to reject and deny The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her spiritual principles as the only source of true life will no longer plague the sentient mind, forcing it to deal with that idea on a daily and continuous basis.”
“Not having any longer that idea and the need to deal with it, by either rejecting or accepting it, the sentient entities will have a totally different approach to life and to themselves. For the first time, life will be experienced the way it should always be experienced — purely and only in the positive connotation.”
“As long as that idea exists, as long as one needs to deal with it on a daily basis, one is always aware of the negative connotation of life. However, the negative connotation of life is a dead life of the negative state. Its presence, no matter where or in what state, has a contaminating effect on everything even in the positive state. After all, even in the positive state everyone needs to deal with the negative idea, spending precious energy on rejecting it on a daily basis. With such waste, the purity, the fullness and the completeness of life in the positive state cannot come to its fruition until the choice is made by everyone to permanently and eternally eliminate that idea by choosing the positive state in the purity of its content. For this reason, as long as the negative state exists, it is impossible to activate life in its purity and in its positive connotation only. In this respect, such life has never been experienced before.”
“As mentioned in the beginning of this Chapter, the fullness of the true life of the positive state must be activated by a free choice of everyone in Creation. However, in order to make such a choice feasible and valid, all other choices, and manifestation of their consequences, outcomes and results, must be present and available first. Thus, various modes of life and lifestyles must be illustrated concretely and vividly in comparison with a choice for the true life in the positive state.”
“In a true sense of this situation, the illustration of the results of all other choices but the positive one, must, to a certain extent, precede the full and complete activation of the true life of the positive state.”
“The logic of this situation tells you clearly that, as long as other types of life exist, the fullness and completeness of the true life of the positive state is impossible. You see, the words ‘fullness and completeness’ denote all in all and everything in everything. This situation does not give room to anything else or to any other mode of life. Otherwise, such words would not be used.”
“Thus, the question, ‘Do you really want anything else or any other mode of life but the fullness and completeness of the true life of the positive state?’ must be answered first before such a life can take its full hold in Creation.”
“So, how do you answer that question? You answer it by illustrating all other modes of life first so that you know what not to choose.”
“As mentioned many times before, the negative state and all its life forms and human life on planet Zero serve this purpose exactly. In these invaluable services is their redeeming quality. The Lord Jesus Christ will eventually reward them for these services by saving them from their ‘life,’ giving them a new option for life in the positive state. This is like saying, ‘Now you fully experienced everything in your type of life. It is time for you to experience something different. You know how it is to be negative. You can and may also know how it feels and how it is to be positive.’ Of course, once a negative entity is given an opportunity to experience the true life of the positive state, even in its present incomplete form and condition, it will never want to return to its own life in the negative state.”
“So, the very first definition of life in the positive state, based on the above-mentioned texts in The Holy Bible, can be formulated as follows:”
“Life in the positive state will be completely and totally free from any influence, contamination by and ideas of the negative state in any form, state, manifestation and condition forever, to eternity.”
“For the first time, since Creation was created, life will be experienced as it is supposed to be — only in its positive connotation.”
“As you know, by definition, life is nothing but positiveness. What you experience as life on your planet and elsewhere in the Zone of Displacement and all its Hells is, in fact, not life but something else (it was described in Chapter Twelve of this book). Without a need to deal with these kinds of non-lives any longer, the true life in its fullness will be established.”
“The existence of the negative state in any form requires that certain hidden and unavailable important knowledge and operation of The Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ is maintained for security reasons, as already mentioned before.”
“Thus, even in the positive state, in its present form and content, some degree of limitation is put on its members, as far as how much and to what extent they may know and be aware of certain important and vital issues. On the other hand, as you know, members of the negative state, and particularly humans, are ruled by the principle of ignorance and by unconscious processes. In their case, they have very little, if any at all, true knowledge about anything. As long as the negative state exists, this situation must continue for the sake of the possibility of saving everyone trapped in it.”
“The members of the positive state, being ruled by the principle of love, compassion and wisdom, gladly volunteered to be restricted in their full knowledge and understanding of many things for the sake of this act of salvation by The Lord Jesus Christ. They gave up that privilege, knowing that The Lord Jesus Christ has very good and tangible reasons why this situation of secrecy, disguise and hiddenness must be permitted within this cycle of time, as well as in all preceding cycles of time.”
“However, once the negative state is no more, the very first thing which will be permanently removed from being and existence are these burdensome limitations, ignorance and unconscious states and processes. No need for any security will exist at that time.”
“The fullness and completeness of the true life of the positive state cannot be manifested as long as these limitations and secrecy are required. Lack of any degree of knowledge means some degree of ignorance. The word ‘lack’ excludes the possibility of fullness. How can you have any state of fullness and completeness if you lack anything at all? These two conditions are mutually exclusive.”
“For that reason, before anything else can happen in the next cycle of time, all restrictions, limitations, secrecy, hiddenness, ignorance, unconsciousness, and whatever you have in this respect, must be removed first.”
“This step is reflected in the statement made in Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible, Chapter 21, verse 1:”
‘“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.’”
“‘And I saw a new heaven and a new earth’ means experience of a different spiritual state in Creation that succeeds all previous ones. ‘For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away’ signifies that all cycles of time that preceded this new state have fulfilled their usefulness and are no longer necessary or needed.”
“‘Also there was no more sea’ denotes that the new cycle of time does not need to be kept in any type of ignorance, limitations, restrictions and unconsciousness about anything at all. ‘Sea’ in general means everything hidden, secret, unconscious and inaccessible. Because these terms are applicable in their fullness to the negative state, ‘sea’ also means the negative state in particular.“
“Thus, from this understanding you can conclude that the true life of the positive state, after the elimination of the negative state, will be a life of full knowledge, understanding, openness about and accessibility to everything in being and existence.”
“Only under these conditions can the true life of the positive state be fully activated and flourish without any restrictions.”
“That this will be the case is also confirmed in verse 25, Chapter 21 of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,”
“‘Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there).’”
“‘Shut gates’ means all kinds of restrictions and limitations in order to protect the positive state from being run over by the forces of the negative state. ‘By day’ signifies full openness, clarity and understanding of all and everything without any obscurity.”
“‘There shall be no night there’ clearly means that the next cycle of time of Creation will not contain anything of and from the negative state in any form, condition or shape. ‘Night’ is the dead life of the negative state and its ignorance.”
“This is even more obvious from the content of verse 4, Chapter 21 of The Revelation of Jesus Christ:”
“‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away!’”
“This verse describes the major attributes of the negative state and its dead life. The added emphasis is on the words ‘there shall be no more death.’ ‘Death’ means the negative state in the condition of its full activation and dominance. ‘For the former things have passed away’ denotes elimination of the negative state and all other states co-existing with it in any form and mode.”
“It is not sufficient to put the negative state in its previous condition — deactivation and dormancy. Even in that condition the negative state poses a tremendous burden for the positive state. The idea of the negative state would still be plaguing the sentient mind, making it continuously choose to reject that idea. To do that is limiting and restricting the positive life energies in their expressions and impressions solely for the benefit of the true life of the positive state.”
“In the previous portion of The New Revelation, preceding this book, the impression was that the only thing which could be done about the negative state was to deactivate it and put it in a state of dormancy. It was assumed that, in this dormant condition, the negative state would have to stay to eternity as an alternative choice to the positive state.”
“When that portion of The New Revelation was transmitted, the process of hybridization and fusion of the human physical body-flesh into the totality of The Absolute Nature of The Most High was not fully completed.”
“And not only that, but, at that time, no one in Creation or anywhere else knew that such a process had been going on since the time of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and departure from planet Zero. As long as that situation with the body-flesh of Jesus Christ existed, the impression had to remain that the negative state would remain as a choice to eternity, albeit in a dormant, tamed condition.”
“The reason for this impression at that time was that, in the connotation of a continuous separation of all Absolute Elements of The Most High from the elements of the Zone of Displacement and human life, represented by the physical body-flesh of Jesus Christ, no other perception could exist. As long as something is separated, it has its own independent life. In this case, the negative state appears to have its independent life.”
“After all, in His/Her former condition as The Most High, The Lord Jesus Christ could not enter the negative state without completely annihilating it. From this situation stems the appearance as though the negative state has its own life.”
“As long as this appearance, or ‘as though’ or ‘as if,’ exists, the negative state must continue as an independent factor to represent a different choice. This gives the negative state the impression that it will continue forever in whatever form or condition.“
“However, once the state of separation was eliminated and unification and inclusion of all elements into The Absolute Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ was completed, the situation completely changed.”
“From this new position of unification, a choice can be made by everyone not to have, any longer, the negative state in any form and condition as an alternative choice. Thus, to repeat, the choice is not to have this particular choice. Instead, the choice is to have only the positive state and its life as the only true reality.”
“But, in order to save everyone in the negative state and in human life, it was necessary to undergo the process of fusion and hybridization of the human body-flesh of Jesus Christ of which, freed from evils and falsities, purified elements of the negative state could be included in the true source of the true life.”
“Here is a great mystery! To preserve life of all in the negative state required from The Most High to include within Himself/Herself the life of the negative state, after purifying it from all content of the negativity.”
“Remember, please, life of the negative state, in its original condition, was stolen from the true life of the positive state, stemming from The Most High at that time. Thus, it was His/Her life which was stolen and misused and turned into the dead life of the negative state. After all, there is no other source of life but The Lord Jesus Christ who, at that time, was The Most High God.”
“Such life, in whatever condition, cannot be destroyed. Instead, it is saved from its present condition and returned to its original rightful source by the process of salvation, which was described before. As you see, in reality, no other life existed, exists or will exist.”
“At the time of transmission of the previous portion of The New Revelation, it was correctly perceived that the life of the negative state could not be destroyed. However, because no one knew about the process of inclusion of the elements of the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero into The Absolute Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, it was erroneously assumed that the negative state itself must continue forever, albeit in an inactive, dormant condition.“
“At that time, it was impossible to distinguish between life of the negative state and the negative state itself. Life of the negative state is a stolen factor that needs to be returned to its original source. The negative state in itself is a forcefully added content into that life, making it the dead life, which does not belong there. That life can be saved by the process of resurrection from its dead condition (The Lord Jesus Christ makes that resurrection possible by the factor of His/Her own resurrection from the dead life of the negative state).”
“However, the negative state itself cannot be saved because it does not have any roots that can be utilized in any positive sense. The simple reason is that the negative state has no sense. Whatever has no sense, cannot be saved.”
“What Jesus Christ did in the process of His/Her First Coming was to take the life of the negative state, but not the negative state itself, and include it in the rest of His/Her Absolute Life. Remember, before He/She did that, He/She first removed the negative state from those elements which He/She took from the negative state. In other words, The Lord Jesus Christ removed the deadliness from those elements and returned them to the true life.”
“In the process of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, the return of the rest of the stolen life to its original source will be accomplished. In that process, the negative state will be completely separated from that life. Once it is void of that life, the negative state will be no more.”
“Thus, what is being preserved here is not the negative state but the stolen life from the positive state by which the negative state lived and was alive turning it into the dead life. The paradox here is obvious: The negative state can live and be alive only if it turns the stolen true life into the dead life. But it is still life that originally belonged to the positive state. It must be returned where it belongs after going through the process of resurrection and transformation.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ clearly showed by His/Her example that that life can be preserved and saved without any need for the negative state itself to be parasitically attached to it.”
“This revelation gives a clear indication that the true life of the positive state does not need the negative state in any form and condition. Instead, it will be able to begin to live its life fully and completely only after the elimination of the negative state to eternity.”
“Preservation of all experiences of the life in the negative state to eternity in the Multiversality-Of-It-All does not denote the preservation of the negative state itself. Whatever was learned and experienced in this respect will always have value as knowledge but not as a state itself. To know something or about something does not mean to be that something. In other words, to know the negative state or about the negative state does not mean to be in the negative state. Thus, one can have knowledge of experiences of the negative state’s being and existence (pseudo-being and pseudo-existence) without ever needing the negative state itself to be in being and existence.”
“For this reason, the future life of the positive state will be completely and totally free from the presence of the negative state in any form, condition or manifestation.”
“To repeat, the fullness of life can be experienced and evolve only without the presence of the negative state and human life. Thus, not only is it possible to have life without the negative state or human life, but, in actuality, the true life, in its fullness, is possible only without them.”
“As mentioned many times before, the most important determinator of any mode of life and its style is the manner in which people relate to and worship The Lord Jesus Christ. This has always been the case and it will always be the case to eternity. Therefore, the quality of the new cycle of time is also determined by this most important factor.”
“The manner of people’s relatedness to and worship of The Lord Jesus Christ in fullness of the true life of the positive state, after elimination of the negative state and human life, is reflected in verse 22, Chapter 21 of The Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible. It states:”
“‘But I saw no temple in it, for The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple!’”
“‘Temple,’ in the connotation of this text, signifies any type of external, ritualistic, ceremonial, organizational and formal worship, as seen in churches on your planet. It also signifies all their doctrines and dogmas. So the words ‘but I saw no temple in it’ means that such a mode of relatedness to and worship of The Lord Jesus Christ will have no place or room in the new true life of the positive state.”
“The major problem with this type of worship and relatedness, as seen on your planet, is that no direct or indirect presence of The Lord Jesus Christ during that worship exists. Humans assume that such a presence is among or within them, claiming being inspired by The Holy Spirit of The Lord or God or whatever name they use.”
“However, this is a deceiving assumption. After completion of The First Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, no such presence exists in anything ritualistic, ceremonial, external, organizational, institutional, etc. Nowadays, what humans worship is an empty notion. They do not see, hear, sense, perceive or ascertain any direct presence of The Lord Jesus Christ among them or within them.”
“The reason why this is so is because humans do not worship The True Lord Jesus Christ but some kind of substitute or imposter or their own notion of God or Lord or Jesus or Christ or Jesus Christ or whatever name they use. In actuality, they worship god fabricated in an imagination of their own heart. Of course, such a god does not exist. Therefore, such a god cannot be present with them or in them. The only ones who are present are negative entities who assume the role of these kinds of ‘gods’ in order to keep humans in bondage of imagination of their own foolish heart. With total elimination of the negative state and human life, no such worship of and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ will be possible, feasible or desirable in any manner and mode.”
“‘For The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple’ signifies the direct, perceptible, tangible, concrete, experiential and immediate presence of The Lord Jesus Christ with everyone and within everyone. ‘The Lord God Almighty’ here signifies the most within and the most interior state of the Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. ‘The Lamb’ means the most exterior state of The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her Human-flesh which was Divinized and made Divine and which constitutes the medium of worshiping and relating to God. But this combination (the Lamb and The Lord God Almighty) also signifies something much more important. The Lord Jesus Christ will relate to all and all will relate to Him/Her in a totally new way. This will be a very private, personal and intimate way, taking place simultaneously at all levels of everyone’s most within Spiritual Mind, interior mind and external mind and at the same time, a most public, social and common way at various social gatherings, feasts and meetings for the purpose of sharing and conducting business of a common interest.”
“‘The Lamb’ part of The Lord Jesus Christ (the fused human bodyflesh into Him/Her) makes such a relationship and worship possible. The Lord Jesus Christ will personally respond to any request directed to Him/Her in an immediate fashion, appearing to everyone who makes such a query.”
“Thus, worship of and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ in the new cycle of time of the sole positive state will be defined by everyone’s approach to Him/Her at all levels of one’s mind simultaneously, experiencing His/Her presence by all perceptual modes in being and existence, and consulting Him/Her on all matters of one’s life. In doing that, everyone will experience a continuous, uninterrupted and direct presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in all one’s activities and relationships.”
“Such a presence constitutes the most important mark of the true life of the positive state. It will give that life an entirely different perspective that has never been experienced up to this point. The most desirable aspect of that life is to have a direct and immediate access to The Lord Jesus Christ in all matters of life. This is what the true worship of and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ is all about. No other form of worship will be required or needed.”
“That this will be the case was also foretold by The Prophet Jeremiah, in Chapter 31, verses 33-34:”
“‘But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel: After those days, says The Lord, I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know The Lord,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” says The Lord. “For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”’“
“The sentient minds of all people in the multiverse of Creation will no longer contain the idea of right to reject or deny the true spiritual source of their lives. No daily efforts will need to be made to repudiate that idea.”
“This situation will free the process of their minds from spending a considerable portion of their energy on avoidance of undesirable mentation, and being preoccupied with the modes and manners of the best possible ways to stay free from the needs to put that idea into practice.”
“Thus, for the first time the full potentials of the sentient mind will be able to be actualized and realized.”
“Up to that point, having to spend so much effort and time on something else, not directly related to the true life, the sentient mind did not have any feasible opportunity to fully and completely actualize itself within the framework of the pure positive state.”
“For that reason, at the present time, while the negative state is in the active mode, the sentient mind of the members of the positive state is not in its proper mode of function. No one has ever had yet any experience of what it is like to have the full potential of the sentient mind for actualization and realization.”
“Because of this situation and because of the necessity of existing limitations, secrecy and hiddenness, the full knowledge of all potentials of the sentient mind cannot be grasped or manifest itself.”
“This situation leads to a peculiar condition of considerable limitation also in one’s self-knowledge. If you do not have full knowledge of all potentials of your mind, you cannot have full knowledge of self or your own ‘I am’ either.”
“As long as the negative state exists in any form and condition, this condition is applicable multiversally. The farther away from the positive state, the less such knowledge is available.”
“Because, for example, human life was the result of impossible combinations of all kinds of non-spiritual principles with distorted, perverted and falsified spiritual principles, humans have no knowledge of who they are and what the human life is all about.“
“But once these limitations and restrictions are removed, the full potentials of the sentient mind will be developed and the full knowledge of self will be established.”
“Thus, in the true life of the positive state everyone will know who they are, what the purpose of their life is and how their ‘I am’ is structured. The knowledge of self, besides knowledge and understanding of the true nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, is one of the most important knowledges (plural!) of all. It is a foundation on which any meaningful relationship can be built.”
“Having acquired full knowledge of The True New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ and themselves, the true positive relationship among all members of the positive state can develop. This requires that a third most important component of the full knowledge is available.”
“The first component is the proper knowledge and understanding of The Lord Jesus Christ. The second component is the knowledge and understanding of oneself, one’s ‘I am.’ The third component is the knowledge and understanding of others.”
“Up to that point, the knowledge and understanding of others has been and will be limited by the general limitations and restrictions that everyone has been and will be experiencing due to existence of the negative state. If you do not have full knowledge and understanding of yourself, you cannot reveal yourself to others and others cannot reveal themselves to you in the fullest possible extent.”
“This situation puts certain limitations and incompleteness on relationships that exist among all at the present time. There is always something lacking or missing in those relationships. Thus, at this time, no one can truly experience what it is like to relate to others on the basis of full knowledge of oneself and others. In some respects, one remains an enigma to oneself and to others and others remain enigmas to that one. How can one form any satisfying and fully meaningful relationship with others under these enigmatic conditions?”
“However, in the true life of the positive state, which will commence after this cycle of time, all enigmas, secrets, limitations and restrictions will be removed in all respects. For the first time this will allow one to experience any relationship from the position of full knowledge of oneself and others. The profundity, meaningfulness, joyfulness, ecstasy, inspiration and all feelings of such relationships cannot be described in any available words. They need to be experienced first, before they can be described in any manner and way. They cannot be experienced in this manner as long as the negative state and human life exist.”
“One of the most unusual aspects of the true life of the positive state at that time will be the fact that its content, style and mode will be determined by the will of all its participants. This fact makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to predict the specific aspects of that life, the reason being that every single individual will be very actively participating in the building, developing and establishing of that life, as well as on the proper definition or determination of its nature.”
“Thus, all members of the positive state will partake with The Lord Jesus Christ in creating this very new, very unusual and very positive life. Everyone will contribute their creative abilities to this great effort.”
“For this reason, the new life of the positive state is not something predetermined and given once and for all, without consulting and utilizing the ideas of future participants in the new life of the positive state.”
“As you know, in the initial phase of Creation, when Creation was created for the first time, when time and space were introduced, the Creator created His/Her Creation from and by Himself/Herself alone, without any outside assistance.”
“But, one of the purposes of Creation is to create sentient entities in the creative likeness and image of their Creator so that their creative effort can be fully utilized in any subsequent creative acts.”
“Thus, at that time, The Lord Jesus Christ, being The Absolute Creator, and being personally and intimately present in everyone’s creative effort, will create the new cycle of time with the assistance of all sentient entities and beings.”
“Because the abilities of sentient entities to be creative stem from The Absolute Creativity of their Maker, He/She is the only Creator. However, now The Maker and Creator makes and creates not only by and from Himself/Herself but also through, from and with all others.“
“After all, this is the reason why The Creator created them. Up to that point, the full participation of all sentient entities in this creative effort has been and will be limited and not of an all-inclusive nature. First of all, all sentient entities lack full information and knowledge about many things. Such lack limits and puts restriction on the full creativity and its expression, impression and sharing.”
“Secondly, you have a vast number of sentient entities in the negative state of the Hells, in the entire Zone of Displacement and on your planet who not only do not participate in this creative process at all but, instead, they go against it, trying to eliminate and destroy it. This undesirable division in being and existence — positive versus negative or creative versus destructive — makes it impossible for the full, unified creative effort to be put into practice. As long as the negative state exists in any form and condition, its very being and existence has an inhibiting, hampering effect on the process of any creative effort anywhere.”
“First of all, it takes a tremendous amount of precious energy and effort to keep the negative state out of the positive state. This precious energy is not available for utilization in the creative effort to its fullest potentials. Secondly, there is that sense of separation from the billions and billions of sentient entities who trapped themselves in the negative state and use their life for destruction of life. The output of their energies is totally unproductive. But, also, that energy is lacking from the rest of Creation in the positive state; it was supposed to be utilized in a different, positive and truly creative way. However, as you remember, it was stolen from the true Creation by the activators of the negative state.”
“The word ‘stolen’ means that something very important was taken away from Creation and is being utilized elsewhere — outside of Creation — for an entirely different, unproductive purpose. But the word ‘stolen’ also means that whatever was stolen must be returned to its rightful place in order to be utilized for its originally intended purpose.”
“It also means that this situation — the stolen condition — is a temporary one. The loss for Creation from this theft was tremendous. It deprived Creation of something that rightfully belonged to it. And not only that, but the act of theft and robbery split the being and existence into three parts — the true and real Creation, and the Zone of Displacement and human life on planet Zero which are outside of Creation.”
“As long as this condition exists, as long as an important integral part is missing from Creation, and is being utilized contrary to the creative effort of Creation, no one in the true life of the positive state can be fully creative, productive, constructive and properly useful.”
“Also, as long as a substantial number of sentient entities are missing from Creation, no proper unification, oneness and harmony of the creative effort of all can be fully actualized and realized.”
“One of the many reasons why The Lord Jesus Christ assumed The New Nature and Condition was to unify His/Her Creation the way it was supposed to be. The disunion and split were tolerated for the sake of learning and making proper and right choices, choosing the true and full life of the positive state. The Lord Jesus Christ needed to enter the negative state in order to establish there a favorable condition for returning the stolen ‘property’ to its rightful owner — the positive state. Thus, He/She entered there for the purpose of eventual elimination of this intolerable split in being and existence.”
“Once this split and disunion are removed and the stolen ‘property’ is returned to where it belongs, then and only then the building of the true and full life of the positive state can begin with a complete and total participation of and input from all sentient entities everywhere. As long as even one individual is missing from this process, the fullness of the creative effort cannot be accomplished. Thus, it requires the full participation of all without any exception or exclusion. Only then can the creative effort be complete.”
“After elimination of the negative state in all its forms and conditions, after The Last Judgment of this cycle of time is finished (‘It is done!’— Revelation 21:6), a period of consultations and development of building plans with all will be instituted. All members of Creation, to the very last individual, will be asked to submit their own ideas of how the true life of the positive state should be built and in what manner it should evolve. All submitted ideas will be utilized by The Lord Jesus Christ, with His/Her own Absolute Ideas, in establishing and instituting such life.“
“From these facts, you can see clearly why it is impossible to exactly foresee what kind of life it will be. The only thing that can be foreseen with one hundred percent certainty is that it will be the most positive, the most creative, the most happy, the most joyous, the most fruitful, the most useful and the most peaceful life. And that it will be the life without the negative state. But the specific, infinite varieties and manifestations of that life will depend on all inputs and ideas coming from every single sentient entity in being and existence. The Lord Jesus Christ will personally, privately and intimately inspire and evoke full unique potentials of every individual in Creation to make these exciting contributions for this most important purpose.”
“The full, undivided creative effort of each individual of Creation will determine the quality of sexual relationships that will exist in Creation at that time.”
“As you remember from the above points, the full expression and impression of oneself is limited by the restrictions imposed by the existence of the negative state. Thus, the full exchange and sharing of oneself by the means of sexual intercourse is not entirely possible. After all, if you do not know fully and completely who you are and what your nature is, in the process of that exchange, a certain degree of this not knowing is conveyed to your sexual partner. The state of this not knowing, regardless of how great or how little, makes it impossible to have an experience of the totality of exchange of one ‘I am’ with the other ‘I am.’ And not only that but, most importantly, such a sexual intercourse produces the birth of ideas which carry within themselves the inherent degree of not knowing something.”
“Thus, you have here a continuous birth of people who are born with some degree of not fully knowing about many things.”
“This is a limiting situation on any process of life, but particularly on the expression and impression of the creative process.”
“Again, this situation has been tolerated for the sake of having the knowledge and experience of how it feels not to have the full knowledge and the full experience of something, someone and oneself. A complete appreciation of the full knowledge and experience is possible only from experiencing the state of lacking the fullness of such an experience and knowledge. Moreover, it gives everyone a clear choice of never choosing any kind of life that would induce such a limiting and restricting state.”
“But once this limitation and restriction is removed, everyone will have access to acquire a full knowledge and experience of oneself, others, one’s Creator and everything else.”
“This new experience will determine the mode and the outcome of sexual relationships. First of all, no restrictions or limitations will be put on anyone’s sexual life in any manner or way. After all, any restrictions and limitations are limiting and restricting. This would not be life in the positive state. In the positive state, they are tolerated only because of the being and existence of the negative state. Therefore, once the negative state is eliminated, so are all its restrictions and limitations. The positive state will no longer be hampered by the negative state in any manner or way.”
“Secondly, and most importantly, the results of any unlimited and unrestricted sexual intercourse, the intercourse which will have no lack of knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ, others and oneself, for the first time, will give birth to the ideas of full knowledge and experience.”
“This will result in the production of a totally new, hitherto unknown and unavailable sentient race that will far surpass anything so far in being and existence. To use your expression, these will be supermen and superwomen of the most unusual intelligence, beauty, creativity, love, wisdom and knowledge that will have no comparison to anything thus far in Creation.”
“The generation of these new people will be the one which in actuality will be able to establish, under auspices, guidance, presiding and leadership of The Lord Jesus Christ, the new life of the positive state. Be it known now, that the entire Creation eagerly waits for these people to come. They will be the closest to the image and likeness of The Lord Jesus Christ that anyone has been and will be up to that point. They will set an example for everyone else of how to be and who to be.”
“There is a mystery in this statement! As you know, by that time, everyone will have established a very personal, private and intimate relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ — females to His masculinity and males to Her femininity. In the process of sexual intercourse, from the position of the full knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ, oneself and one’s sexual partner, a new sexual experience will be encountered. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself/Herself will be participating in this process, bringing the sexual partners to an unusual, indescribably delightful orgasm, during which a certain element will be imparted by The Lord Jesus Christ into the ideas, born out of such sexual intercourse.”
“Those ideas, born in such an unusual way (unusual from the standpoint of this time but normal and regular from the standpoint of that future time), will be subsequently endowed with life directly stemming from The Absolute Most Within of The Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this unusual setup, a superpeople will be born in the manner briefly described above.”
“Again, a great and new mystery is being revealed here! Not many humans who will read these words will be able to accept this new mystery. It will seem to them as blasphemy! The mystery is in the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ will be sexually involved in the process of sexual intercourse of any two sexual partners. For foolish and limited humans it seems to be such a violation of privacy and such a perverted manner of sex!”
“But, again, let it be known now, that the full experience of true positive sexual intercourse, with all its positive outcomes, cannot happen between only two — male and female partners — without full participation of the third, most important sexual partner — The Lord Jesus Christ. Do please, remember, that The Lord Jesus Christ comprises The Absolute Sexuality. Therefore, it is only logical to assume that real, genuine and true experience of sexuality, in its fullest and the most complete expression and impression, with all its most exquisite felicities, is possible only if The Lord Jesus Christ is an active participant in this act.”
“Why do you think sexual intercourse of two people, without this most important spiritual component, is so unfulfilling, limiting and short in duration? Or why sexuality of humans is so abnormal, unnatural, perverted, sick and guilt ridden? Because it has not been allowing the most important third sexual partner to enter their act — The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her feminine to male and masculine to female spiritual principles. Without Him/Her, it lacks any spirituality. The spirituality of any situation is constituted by the presence and participation of The Lord Jesus Christ as a source of any spirituality and, in this case, of sexuality.”
“If you remove the source of the true experience of life from any of its modes, in this case, from sexuality, you end up with exactly the type of experience the human life and its perverted and unnatural sexuality so vividly illustrates.”
“Bear in mind, please, that, in this respect, any type of human sexuality, including that which is considered normal and healthy by human standards, is abnormal, perverted and unnatural.”
“From the standpoint of the true life of the positive state and all spiritual principles, there is absolutely nothing normal and natural about human sexuality. But then there is nothing normal and natural about human life in all its aspects. How much more this would be true about something which is integrally ingrained in life itself — sexuality!”
“Fortunately, by that time, no specific human life and its type of sexuality will exist. Everyone will experience sexuality in its true spiritual, mental and physical essence and substance in the trinity of its union — a male individual, a female individual and The Lord Jesus Christ. Each sexual act of this union will be experienced in an infinitely different manner from any previous acts.”
“Each couple, in conjunction with The Lord Jesus Christ, will have their own unique sexual experience, non-repeatable by any other couple in their conjunction with The Lord Jesus Christ. No two similar or the same type of experiences will exist in this respect. There will always be something new and excitingly different. This new and exciting difference will be a continuous source of their creative effort and its actualization to eternity.”
“As you see, you do not need the negative state and human life to keep you eternally busy, creative and happy. Just the opposite is true: The existence of the negative state and human life makes it impossible for anyone to have the fullness of experience of the true happiness, creativity and proper type of business.“
“The above-described issues of the new sexuality are also connected to the issue of marriages, which are so important to humans. As you know, human life evolves around marital life and family life, as the most desirable and holy engagement.”
“However, the human marriage is a phenomenon as abnormal, unnatural, restricting and limiting as is the entire human life. In fact, it is very specific to only the human life. Nowhere in Creation, even at the present time, do such relationships exist.”
“Human marriages can be characterized as a state of bondage, enslavement, dependency, exclusivity, possessiveness and a closed, selfish and self-centered loop that has no reality in the positive state. By the fact of this definition, human marriages are of the negative origin.”
“It is inconceivable for anyone in the positive state to limit the spending of one’s entire life to eternity in an exclusive relationship with one single person without any possibility of involvement with anyone else. The simple logic of the sickness of such a relationship stems from the fact that no one individual or entity is absolute. You are all relative to The Absolute State. Relativity of your condition determines the nature of your relationships.”
“If you relate from the position of your relativity (and this is the only position which is available to you) to a person who is also relative, your relationship can be nothing but relative. It cannot have absolute permanency. In order for such a relationship to continue indefinitely, it must be supplemented by many other similar relationships. These other relationships make it possible to fulfill the needs of having a permanent relationship with one other person, by providing the variety of experiences of different unique relationships.”
“Even if your relationship with a person of the opposite sex, particularly in the process of sexual intercourse, is always unique and different, it is limited to one unique experience with the same person. This is limiting and unproductive. What about other unique experiences, with other unique persons of the opposite sex?”
“An absolute, continuous, permanent and inexhaustible relationship can be established only between two equally Absolute Beings. But two such beings do not exist. Only One Lord Jesus Christ is Absolute. Why do you think He/She created an infinite number of sentient entities?”
“Among other things, He/She created them in order to compensate for the lack of another absolute being. In the totality and cumulative sum of all sentient entities in being and existence, there is a possibility to have an inexhaustible variety of experiences which approximate the relationship of one Absolute State to another Absolute State. Thus, in a sense, the human type of marriage is a deprivation of the true experience of any relationship even between the marital couple, the reason being that they exclude from that relationship the most important requirement for its permanent condition — The Absolute State — manifested in an infinite variety of relative states of other sentient entities. In reality, the only permanent, inexhaustible and continuous relationship, which never wears out, can be established from the relative state to The Absolute State.”
“Thus, only in relationship to and with The Lord Jesus Christ, who is The Absolute State in and by Himself/Herself, can any eternal permanency be acquired. The Lord Jesus Christ, from His/Her Absolute State, can supply an inexhaustible source for maintenance of such a relationship. He/She does it in three ways: One is through the already mentioned personal, private and intimate direct communication between Him/Her and you individually. The other is by His/Her participation during your sexual intercourse with your partner of the opposite sex. And the third way is by providing you with as many varieties of sexual and other experiences as possible, during which The Lord Jesus Christ is present and participates in a uniquely different way than with any other experiences. In the totality and cumulative sum of such continuous infinite varieties of experiences, you will be able to experience the closest possible proximity of relationship between one Absolute Entity and another Absolute Entity without violating The Oneness of The Absolute State.”
“Only humans on your planet, by their adopted marital rules, want to be excluded from these kinds of relationships. As you remember, one of the many reasons why humans choose to go to Hell so easily is because they refuse to accept this concept of sexuality and marital life. The consideration of sanctity and holiness of matrimony with humans is to such an extent that nothing can persuade them that the opposite is true — that human marital life was fabricated in the Hells for the purpose of perpetuation of the negative state ad infinitum.”
“Unfortunately, humans believe that their marriages are sanctioned by God. After all, this is what the church teaches and this is what they read in the literal sense of The Holy Bible. Of course, under existing conditions on planet Zero and in human life, no other sexual or marital relationships are possible, or even advisable, because humans are not equipped either spiritually or mentally or physically or sexually to have such experiences. If they were, they would not be humans.”
“After all, humans were fabricated for the purpose of illustrating sexuality, marital relationships, as well as many other things, that are impossible, inconceivable, abnormal, unnatural and have very little, if anything at all, in common with the practice and experience of the true positive state.”
“Since you are in human life, you have to bear your cross of being humans and accept the fact that, as long as you are in the human life, you are limited and restricted only to the human experiential mode of life in all its areas and manifestations. Nothing else will be available to you until you leave your body and planet Zero.”
“With the existence of the negative state and human life, certain limitations and restrictions exist in this respect even in the positive state. This is the reason why the life of the positive state has not been yet fully activated. In the new life of the positive state such restrictions and limitations will no longer be tolerable or tenable. Thus, no human type of relationships or marriages will exist.”
“Instead of formal marriages, they will have a form of specific conjunctions and unions suitable to everyone’s unique needs. These unions and conjunctions will be built on the basis of complete freedom and independency, without any binding, possessiveness, demands or exclusivity. The sharing of each other, and each other with all other each others, will have unlimited proportions. This is a very necessary condition for the purpose of full actualization, realization and manifestation of all one’s creative efforts.”
“If you are limited to and by any relationship, except for The Absolute One Relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ, the fullness of impression and expression of your creative efforts will become also limited. Soon you wear out and lose any motivation to continue in your creative effort. Having only limited feedback, in this case from one or two persons only, you stop responding to the same type of motivating source which becomes no longer motivating. To end up in this kind of condition means to end up in death. This is possible only in the negative state.”
“It is difficult to describe what kinds of unions and conjunctions will be formed in the new life of the positive state, the reason being that they will be determined by all members of Creation in consultations with The Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, it will be clear what they will be. However, you can be assured of one thing: no restrictions, limitations, or any similar negative things will ever enter again into any aspect of the new life. To repeat again, the new life will be built upon the foundation of freedom, independency, love, wisdom, continuous progression, change and mutual benefit, common good, creativity and unlimited sharing. After all, The Lord Jesus Christ gives life exactly for this noble purpose.”
“The unlimited potentials of everyone’s unique expressions and impressions will determine the usefulness of one’s endeavor in pursuing the type of work, occupation and profession in which one will want to be engaged. The usefulness of anyone’s life is determined by one’s contributions of his/her uniqueness as an individual and by one’s unique talents, gifts and abilities.”
“Having no longer any restrictions, limitations and ignorance of any kind, people of that time will be able to actualize, realize and manifest all their gifts, abilities and talents in the most productive, constructive and creative manner.”
“The principle on which any useful activity will be built will be the quality of appreciation and needs. Each individual is unique and different. Each has unique and different gifts, talents and abilities. They are expressions of The Absolute State of The Lord Jesus Christ who endowed these gifts, talents and abilities into each individual. This was done by Him/Her for a very specific purpose — to be shared with others and to contribute to all others’ well-being.”
“Because each individual has such an immense utility and fulfillment of everyone’s needs for sharing, no matter what those gifts, talents and abilities are, each one is equally needed and equally appreciated. Thus, no superiority or inferiority complex, as humans and all other creatures of the negative state experience, will ever enter the new life of the positive state.”
“At the same time, because no two individuals are alike, no duplication of any activities will ever take place in that life. Duplications are a waste of precious energies and creative efforts. The Lord Jesus Christ never creates two or several gifts, talents and abilities that duplicate each other in their activities. Only in the negative state and human life of restrictions and limitations are such unproductive duplications possible.”
“It is only logical to assume that, if you are restricted and limited in any manner or way, you soon run out of new ideas and then you end up duplicating yourself. This is a typical lifestyle of the negative state. Everything there and on your planet is duplicated over and over again. Look at the waste, garbage, trash and rubbish that human life produces! Whole complex facilities need to be built to deal with that waste.”
“In fact, human life evolves around bathrooms, feces, urine, and disposal of garbage and refuse. It tells you very distinctly that the negative state is capable of producing nothing but waste, garbage, trash, rubbish and refuse in general. These are the ‘delights’ of the negative state which are being continuously fed into human life. The present situation of the members of the positive state, for the sake of freedom of choice, is such that even they need to continuously purify and cleanse themselves from the ideas that prod them to reject and deny The Lord Jesus Christ and the life of the positive state. Such ideas can be considered their refuse which needs to be expulsed.”
“As you know, this expulsed refuse falls out into the Zone of Displacement, is captured there and is utilized as the source of its members’ garbage life. Subsequently, it is multiply duplicated and conveyed to human life on your planet. In this respect human life is fed by refuse regurgitated by the negative state, expulsed from the positive state and used for the dead life of the negative state.”
“In actuality, human life appears to be a refuse of a refuse of a refuse. This is a process of duplication, triplication and multiplication of the negative state.“
“Such a condition, of course, will no longer be tolerated in the new life of the positive state. The members of the positive state, once they are freed from the need of expulsion of the above mentioned ideas, will have an opportunity finally to do what they were created to do — unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited and non-hindered actualization, realization and manifestation of all their potentials, gifts, talents and abilities for the benefit of and sharing with all.”
“In the new life of the positive state the concept of leisure and fun life will have a totally different connotation. As you noticed, the sleep life was not mentioned here. This is not by coincidence. The need for sleep stems from the need to keep certain knowledge and information secret and hidden. Also, it stems from the existence of ignorance and the unconscious processes. This, in turn, refers to the sleep life as originating in the negative state. It is because of the negative state that certain knowledge and information needs to be hidden even from the members of the positive state.”
“It is because of the negative state that ignorance and unconscious processes exist. The more knowledge and information needs to be withheld from any sentient entity and the more ignorance and unconscious processes are in force, the longer are the periods of sleep needed.”
“Thus, even the members of the positive state, at the present time, need to have periodic sleep. On the other hand, humans, being an epitome of ignorance and unconsciousness, need to sleep the longest periods of time. Almost half of their human life is spent in sleep or some form of rest.”
“The situation of ignorance and concealment determines also the length of any phase of life. The more ignorance and concealment, the shorter is that phase or life span. Thus, again, it is the phase of human life, being in the state of the greatest ignorance and concealment of true spiritual and other facts, which lasts the shortest period of time. No other phase of life anywhere and anywhen is of such a short duration.”
“Therefore, once the need for concealment and secrecy is eliminated, once the human life of ignorance and unconscious processes is no longer in existence, once the negative state is no more, no need for sleep will exist.“
“Thus, in the new life of the positive state, sleep will have no place. It will be replaced with longer periods of work, learning, fun, entertainment, feasts and various other leisure activities.”
“The content and quality of leisure and fun activities will be determined at the time the new life of the positive state will be developed and established. You can be assured that it will be something that has never been experienced before anywhere and anywhen in any life.”
“One of the favorite activities devoted to time which is now being spent on necessary sleep will be in learning new ways of impressions, expressions and relatedness. People will travel extensively throughout the entire multiverse of Creation to learn about other sentient life forms and their lifestyles and creative efforts and what the quality of their relationships with The Lord Jesus Christ is. Such learning will be for the purpose of continuous enhancement and enrichment of everyone to eternity. Because new sentient life forms will always be coming into being and existence, there will always be something new and exciting to learn.”
“As you know, the multiverse of Creation is an orderly and lawful occurrence ruled by certain spiritual principles of The Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ. This requires that a certain type of spiritual organization exist in order to implement these multiversal laws.”
“One of the fundamental differences of the new life of the positive state will be that every individual in Creation, without exception or exclusion, will have ingrained these laws in his/her heart by his/her free will and choice. Thus, everyone will be governed by these laws from within and not from without.”
“For this reason, no external type of government of political or any other nature will exist at that time. Remember, The Lord Jesus Christ will have intimate, private and personal relationships with everyone.”
“Thus, it is The Lord Jesus Christ who can be the only ruler of any governing body or individual life. If you talk with and relate to The Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis, what other authority do you need? The Lord Jesus Christ and your ‘I am,’ which contains all governing laws of the multiverse, are your absolute rulers. And because the laws in ‘I am’ are from The Lord Jesus Christ in you, in an ultimate sense, only The Lord Jesus Christ singularly is your Absolute Ruler. Having Him/Her for The true Absolute Ruler and Authority means to be completely free from and independent of any external authorities and their impositions.”
“Only an unofficial type of government will exist at that time, limited to the business of coordination of activities and maintenance of diplomatic relationships with other sentient life forms throughout the multiverse. Each particular sentient life form will usually be clustered around one state or area in time and space. These clusters will give a semblance of existence of countries that contain the same sentient life forms. However, they will have no political or other powers over anyone except for coordination of activities. As you know, all power will belong to The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The extent, content, quality and form of any such government will be determined by a specific choice to manifest the new life of the positive state in this or that manner at that time. Because of this, nothing more can be revealed about this issue.”
“If anyone has ears to hear, let him/her hear what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”
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