Practice of The New Revelation
On March 19, 1988, early in the morning, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying:
“The knowledge and understanding of the truths (plural), contained in The New Revelation is not sufficient for life of The New Revelation. If one knows and understands truth, but does not apply or practice what one knows and understands, that truth is dead for that one. No good results from such knowledge and understanding. As you know, the life of truth is its good. Its good is established by living the truth. The practice of truth is a motivating factor for good’s realization and actualization.”
“This principle is true also about The New Revelation. In order for it to be alive and living, it must be consistently practiced by those to whom it was revealed.”
“The requirement of this nature is determined by The Law of Validation and Intent, formulated in Chapter Ten of this book. That spiritual law requires that any idea, concept, thought or whatever must be validated by its consequences, outcomes and results. The consequences, outcomes and results can be manifested only in the lives of sentient entities. Unless they acknowledge, accept and apply in their lives the precepts of The New Revelation, The New Revelation is useless. It has not been validated.”
“For this important reason, in this chapter, a brief outline for the practice of The New Revelation will be given in the following points. In each point, two levels of practice will be considered: one for those who are in the positive state of Creation and one for those who are on your planet and in the negative state of the Zone of Displacement in general.”
“The first point in the practice of The New Revelation is the manner in which The Lord Jesus Christ is worshiped and related to by all sentient entities and humans. As you remember from before, The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ considerably changed this manner.“
“The prior ways of worshiping and relating to The Lord Jesus Christ were determined by purely spiritual factors for the sentient entities in the positive state and by ritualistic factors for humans and entities in the rest of the Zone of Displacement. Thus, you have here two opposite extremes: One is the most internal way of worship and relatedness; the other is the most external. In addition, the external mode rarely has been reflected in the everyday behavior of those who worshiped that way. Instead, it was limited to observation and practice of certain external procedures, at certain physical places of worship, called churches, by certain prescribed dogmas and prescriptions which one was/is to follow.”
“On the other hand, the internal or spiritual way of worship derived from the old definition of God, formulated by Jesus Christ during His/Her incarnation on your planet as recorded in The Gospel According to John, Chapter 4, verse 24:”
“‘God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.’”
“This type of worship excludes any formal, ritualized, external, dogmatized and procedural approach. Instead, it emphasizes the inner acceptance of God in one’s heart from which position one’s lifestyle is derived and determined. In this respect, to worship and to relate to God means to lead a certain lifestyle consistent with the spiritual principles as defined by God within.”
“This was the only acceptable way of worshiping God up to this point. No other revelation about this matter was given in order to change or modify this mode of relatedness to and worship of God.”
“However, the major idea of this portion of The New Revelation brings to everyone’s awareness that this situation changed completely, as well as the definition of God has changed completely. The new definition of God was formulated at the end of the previous Chapter. The change in that definition requires the change of the manner in which people and humans relate to and worship God.”
“First of all, the only acceptable manner, as of now, is the evocation of The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. In the positive state of Creation this means that any other names, under which God was worshiped and related to, are no longer acceptable. God, with all His/Her Names and non-names, became fully and completely The Lord Jesus Christ. Now the concept of The Lord Jesus Christ incorporates all aspects of God in all their totality.”
“Up to this point, there has been a tendency to give various aspects of God different names and non-names (non-names signifies the acknowledgment of those aspects of The Nature of God which could not be named because no corresponding conceptualization of their nature existed in the relative sentient mind. The only thing that that mind had known was that such aspects do exist.) And, although for the members of the positive state this situation did not signify separation, split or disunion of The One Nature of God, unfortunately, it has been very successfully utilized by the forces of the negative state and humans to produce a tremendous amount of confusion among all, as well as to fabricate numerous religions with the most contradictory spiritual notions, with use of the various names of God in separation and split to prove the rightness of their manner of worship.”
“One of the many important reasons why The Most High acquired The New Nature was to eliminate the differences in conceptualization of various aspects of One God under different names.”
“The need for inclusion in His/Her Nature of the human elements and the elements of the Zone of Displacement stems from the fact that it is much easier for anyone to relate to anyone from their own position and nature. Up to that point, God, for humans, other beings, and creatures in the Zone of Displacement was either an abstract concept to whom no meaningful relationship could be established (after all, how do you relate to an abstract concept?) or He/She was assumed to be someone familiar and visible.”
“The latter situation gave an impetus for many emperors and kings on your planet and for many creatures in the Hells to proclaim themselves to be gods. At least, they could be visible and approachable in their concrete physical state. Of course, this situation was and is spiritually very dangerous because it makes humans and all other creatures worship false gods who never were, never are, and, never will be gods. The consequences of such proclamations and worships are not pleasant ones.”
“For this reason, The Most High, in order to fulfill His/Her promise, assumed also human nature and, after making it Divine, incorporated it in His/Her totality, making it one with all other aspects of His/Her Absolute Being and Absolute Existence, becoming The Lord Jesus Christ. By this act, the abstract concept of God was eliminated and replaced with a concept of The Lord Jesus Christ who is knowable, understandable, touchable, lovable, huggable, perceptible and can be felt.”
“Because all aspects of that which is called God, under whatever names, were fully absorbed into this New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, it is only logical that, in the very first step of the practice of The New Revelation, one is to evoke The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. This rule applies for both the members of the positive state and of the negative state and humans, respectively.”
“From now on, one is to approach only The Lord Jesus Christ. One is to call upon The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. For those who will read these words, and for all members of the positive state, as well as for all in the Hells who hear these words, as they are being revealed and transmitted, no other acceptable manner of approach to God will be possible.”
“For those who, for some reason or other, will not be aware of this fact, particularly the vast majority of humans on your planet, evocation of God under other names will be temporarily acceptable until they learn about this important spiritual fact, provided that they evoke the Name of God with positive and good intent, for the right reasons and for the sake of principle.”
“Anyone who will reject evoking The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, after learning about this fact, will have to bear the consequences of his/her rejection — he/she will not be heard or responded to. After all, if you evoke some other God of different nature and name than The Lord Jesus Christ, you will be evoking nothing. From nothing, nothing will come. Nothing cannot give you any response.”
“Thus, to repeat, the very first step in properly worshiping and relating to God is to call upon or evoke The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Evocation or calling upon The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ for any reasons at all must be initiated by a prospective caller from the position of his/her own freedom of choice, for the single principle that it is the right and proper thing to do.“
“In the practice of The New Revelation no other approach can or may elicit any response because everyone’s life depends on his/her ability to freely choose and to change. Thus, trying to evoke or call upon The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ by force, imposition, duress or as a result of witnessing any miracles or unusual signs or from fear of punishment or guilt or any other unfree situation, will no longer work, unless, of course, prior to this condition, one already fully accepted into one’s heart The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ and had been evoking His/Her Name before.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ cannot respond in any other manner and way, unless being called upon or asked for it. If He/She could, He/She would be violating the fundamental spiritual principle of life — freedom and independency. Responding without being asked or called upon would be an imposition, a state of inevitability that gives one no choice in the matter. This would be a negative state. The negative state functions on this principle. Thus, the only relationship to and worship of The Lord Jesus Christ is possible only on the basis of mutuality, reciprocity, freedom and independency. If something is imposed on you, it is a one-sided factor. It is not of mutual and reciprocal consent. Your freedom and independence are grossly violated.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ, being Absolute Freedom and Independence Himself/Herself, can never violate this principle.”
“Thus, in this step of the practice of The New Revelation, two requirements are postulated: One, you have to relate to, worship and approach The Lord Jesus Christ from the position of your freedom and independency, by your own free will and choice, without any outside imposition. Two, you must initiate that step yourself. It cannot come from The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The reason for the second requirement is in the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ is in the state and process of continuous answering or responding, giving and sharing. This is His/Her very Nature. Everything is always there.”
“But, in order to see it, to hear it, to take it and to use it, one must turn one’s attention to this fact and actively initiate the act of seeking, hearing, taking and using it. This is the principle of mutuality and reciprocity. One is not a passive, automated receiver of something. One is an active, free and unique participant in this process. As a free sentient entity, one has to make an effort, to show good will, indicating that one desires freely to partake in this process of receiving and utilizing that which is constantly and consistently available anyway.”
“No other way exists to appropriate to oneself all things being given to you by The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“If, by any chance, you feel too feeble to initiate any effort on your own in this respect, the advice is to ask The Lord Jesus Christ to endow you with the fullness of such an ability. As mentioned many times before, one gets nothing unless one asks for it.”
“This step is equally valid for everyone regardless of in what type of life they are — the true life of the positive state, the dead life of the negative state or the human life.”
“During evocation of or calling on The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, it is no longer appropriate to acknowledge The Lord Jesus Christ under any other form, aspect or condition but His/Her New Nature.”
“The importance of acceptance of the fact that God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ was already emphasized by the Apostles of Jesus Christ. However, in their conceptualization, Jesus Christ, although truly Divine, was still seen as a separate Entity from His Father — The Lord God Most High — who was perceived by them as primarily a Male Figure. But they did acknowledge the fact that all power and glory and the entire Creation was given to Jesus Christ by His Father.”
“To give power, glory and everything else to Jesus Christ signifies relinquishing the former Nature of God, as it was before The First Coming of Jesus Christ, and to acquire an entirely new one which will have all the authority and much more than the first one. However, at that time, the true meaning of this statement eluded most of the Apostles.”
“Emanuel Swedenborg elaborated on this issue much further. First of all, he recognized the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ was the only true God. Secondly, he recognized, as the most vital fact, that for proper relatedness to and worshiping of The Lord Jesus Christ the acceptance of the fact that The Most High made His/Her Divine human and subsequently His/Her Human Divine, reuniting it to His/Her Father, is an absolute must.”
“However, up to that point, no one knew what happened exactly to the physical body that Jesus Christ took with Himself/Herself after His/Her resurrection and departure from your planet.”
“Making His/Her Divine human and His/Her Human Divine can also be conceived in purely spiritual, mental or psychological terms. It does not incorporate the proverbial human flesh.”
“Yet, this aspect, the aspect of the human flesh, was one of the most important factors in changing The Nature of The Most High into The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The fact about the human body-flesh of Jesus Christ has not been known until this portion of The New Revelation was made available to all who want to read or to listen. To repeat again: For what purpose did Jesus Christ take His/Her body-flesh with Him/Her to the spiritual world into His/Her personal domain? For decoration? To occasionally look on it hidden somewhere in a closet specially designed for that purpose and to admire or to reminisce on His/Her escapades during His/Her life on planet Zero and in the Hells? God does not do anything without a special purpose of The Absolute nature.”
“But, up to this point, it has never been revealed what did happen to that body-flesh. Thus, in order to get a proper response, one has to evoke this kind of The Lord Jesus Christ and no other because there is no other any longer.”
“Why is it so important for the practice of The New Revelation, or anything else to that matter, to relate to this particular New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ which was recently fused and hybridized with His/Her human body-flesh? Because no one can relate properly and directly from the position of one’s relative state to someone Who is Absolute. Particularly, no one can relate from the position of the negative state to someone who does not contain within himself/herself anything from that position. A relationship of this nature requires a medium or a mediator.”
“As you know, the traditional Christian teachings perceive and conceive Jesus Christ as mediator of all sinners, and everyone else, to God Most High. They correctly recognize the fact that no one can approach and relate to The Absolute God directly.”
“Their problem, however, is that they separated the mediator from that to which it mediates, making God two, and eventually, three persons — God-the Father, who needs to be appeased and mediated to; Son of God-Jesus Christ who is the second person in one Godhead and who is a true Mediator to God-the Father; and The Holy Spirit — the third person of the Godhead who is the transformer, inspirer and a teacher of all sinners and everyone else about proper spiritual issues.”
“What Christians, as well as all others, failed to recognize was that Jesus Christ took His/Her body-flesh with Him/Her for a very special important purpose (as indicated above). Obviously, it was not taken with Him/Her for decoration or to be displayed in some kind of eternal mausoleum where all Creation could come, bow down in front of it, worship the flesh and give adoration to God in the ‘Ah’s,’ ‘Oh’s,’ ‘Uh’s’ or whatever expressions they use on such occasions and in such situations. This is an utterly foolish notion. Such a notion could come only into the human mind, as you can see from all those mausoleums which they built for their own pseudo-gods, such as pharaohs, kings, emperors, martyrs and for their own glory.”
“The human body-flesh of Jesus Christ had a very special mission — to become an integral part of the totality of The Absolute Nature of The Most High, The Most High becoming The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her own Medium or Mediator to and for all sentient entities, humans and creatures everywhere. Thus, His/Her human bodyflesh, fused into and hybridized with The Absolute Nature of The Most High, functions, as of now, as the only mediator to eternity between Him/Her, or to be precise, between His/Her Absolute State and Condition or Absolute Godhood, and everyone in His/Her Creation, on your planet, in all the Hells and the entire Zone of Displacement. No other source of mediation exists any longer.”
“For this reason, to evoke any other mediator, such as Son of God, Mary or any other saints, after reading these words, will be considered a spiritual abomination and adultery. Fortunately, for those who do that, they do not get a response from the assumed mediators anyway.“
“Unfortunately for them, when they evoke them, they may very well succeed in evoking evil and negative spirits who pretend to be the persons being evoked or called upon, and mislead their evocators into believing them to be the true mediators to God. They go even so far as to set up various events in the life of their worshipers so that they are able to successfully intervene on their behalf and save or heal them from the condition which they caused them to have in the first place; or predict the future and then to influence the events in such a manner so as to make the prediction valid and fulfilled.”
“This, of course, reinforces their roles as mediators to God in the eyes of those who believe in such mediators.”
“By claiming to have such a role, and attached-to-it spiritual powers, they, and humans who evoke them, rob The Lord Jesus Christ of the power to be His/Her own source of mediation between His/Her Absolute Divinity, through the relative human body, incorporated into that Absolute Divinity, and everyone else. This is a very dangerous spiritual condition.”
“The practitioner of The New Revelation will evoke and call upon only The True Lord Jesus Christ in His/Her Human Form as the only source of any possible mediation to eternity.”
“This step is valid and applicable to everyone, no matter in what form and condition of life they are at any given moment. It has multiversal validity and is a required spiritual principle in the practice of The New Revelation.”
“In the process of evocation of or calling upon The Lord Jesus Christ one is to be aware of the purpose with which one approaches The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“First of all, the purpose is to acknowledge the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ and give thanks to Him/Her for everything that was, is and will be, no matter what it was, is and will be.”
“Second, one approaches The Lord Jesus Christ daily, several times a day, because it is the right, proper, correct and good thing to do.”
“Third, one does so for the sake of principle itself because it is a multiversal spiritual law to relate to and communicate with The Lord Jesus Christ as a source of one’s life.“
“Fourth, one approaches The Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of common good, mutual benefit and usefulness of all. Everyone in Creation and everywhere else can benefit immensely from the fact of such communication and relatedness taking place, regardless of whether one is or is not consciously aware of such benefit and use.”
“Let it be known now to everyone that this mode of communication with and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of principle, because it is the right thing to do, brings a tremendous benefit and use to all others. Remember, please, every communication of this nature is a unique and non-repeatable occurrence. Your communication with and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ is unique and different from that of anyone else. Others cannot experience The Lord Jesus Christ in your manner and way of experiencing Him/Her unless your communication takes place. By your unique communication with and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ and of The Lord Jesus Christ’s to you, you are contributing to the greater knowledge of His/Her Nature, of others and yourself to all. It enhances and enriches everyone else’s life.”
“This is the reason why a practitioner of The New Revelation will relate to and communicate with The Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis for the sake of all and not only for his/her own sake. Most importantly, he/she will communicate with The Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of The Lord Jesus Christ to give The Lord Jesus Christ an opportunity to reveal Himself/Herself to His/Her Creation through him/her in a manner and way He/She cannot do through anyone else. After all, no one is like him/her.”
“This is one of the most important reasons why the practitioner of The New Revelation will approach The Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis.”
“Fifth, one approaches The Lord Jesus Christ with a positive and good intent, for the sake of becoming a better, more spiritual, more loving, more wise, more knowledgeable, more useful, more modest, more humble, more honest and more and more truly oneself’s being and one’s own identity. Only The Lord Jesus Christ, from the position of His/Her Absolute State, can make you this way continuously.”
“Sixth, one relates to The Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of keeping unity, oneness and harmony of one’s mind functions. Only from, by, through and with The Lord Jesus Christ can one act, behave, relate and function from the totality of one’s mind in a unique and an integrated manner. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only true unifying and integrating principle of one’s sentient mind.”
“Seventh, one communicates with The Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of protection and safeguard from succumbing to the propaganda and influence of the negative state. This is applicable for humans who live on planet Zero and those who are in the Zone of Displacement. For the people in the positive state, the communication is also for the sake of a successful repudiation of the idea to reject and to deny The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Only upon such a request and for this purpose can The Lord Jesus Christ protect and safeguard anyone in this respect. Because all power belongs to The Lord Jesus Christ, only by His/Her power can one overcome the negative state. No other power can accomplish this goal. From one’s own relative position, one is not able to successfully face the forceful imposition of the negative state. But in combination of one’s true choice and decision to do so with the support of The Absolute Power of The Lord Jesus Christ, one can effectively succeed.”
“The need for communication with and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ also stems from the fact that only The Lord Jesus Christ knows exactly, in an Absolute Sense, what is best for you.”
“Therefore, the practitioner of The New Revelation approaches this communication for the purpose of learning the will of The Lord Jesus Christ regarding his/her own life. Because no one knows properly what is best for him/her, no one but The Lord Jesus Christ can determine it.”
“Another aspect of this situation is that, because one does not really know what it is one should ask for, one is advised to approach The Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him/Her to give you an indication of what it is that you need to ask for. In other words, if you do not know what to ask for, ask The Lord Jesus Christ to tell you what you are to ask for so that your asking, from the position of ignorance, does not interfere with the will of The Lord Jesus Christ to be done in your life.”
“A higher purpose of this step is to approach The Lord Jesus Christ and ask that His/Her will be your will; His/Her choice for you be your choice for yourself; His/Her desire, wish and want for you be your desire, wish and want for yourself, etc. An even higher purpose is in the fact of requesting from The Lord Jesus Christ that, from now on, whatever is going to happen in your life, no matter what it is, will be happening only by the will of The Lord Jesus Christ and not by the imposition of the negative state or as a consequence of your own foolish choices of the past or for any other reasons.”
“The importance of doing the will of The Lord Jesus Christ stems from the fact that humans and creatures in the negative state have very little or no access to the true reality of their identities. They function from the position of their ‘ego’ which is considered to be their identity.”
“However, the ego is built from the elements of pure evils and falsities and as a barrier or block to the knowledge of true self. Because the ego is built from the elements of the negative state, its nature is to oppose everything of the truly positive content and source. The problem with the ego is that what it considers good and proper for itself is always bad and improper for the true self. And vice versa: What it considers to be bad and improper for itself, usually is good and proper for the true self. For this reason, the will of the ego is always in opposition to the will of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Therefore, for humans on planet Zero and all the creatures in the Zone of Displacement, it is very advantageous to bypass their egos’ demands and surrender their ego to The Lord Jesus Christ, requesting Him/Her to replace it with His/Her will for your life.”
“The request of this nature allows the activation of the true self which is buried in the most within Spiritual Mind. This is a path of self-discovery and learning to do everything from the position of the true self — the most within where the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ is.”
“Thus, the contact with The Lord Jesus Christ is possible to establish only from the position of this most within by a request of removal of one’s false ego and replacing it with the will of The Lord Jesus Christ. This brings about the true self from which one begins a proper communication with and relatedness to The Lord Jesus Christ. From that position, one can learn how to arrange one’s life in such a manner as to do everything from within to without and not from without to the false within as one’s ego demands. By doing everything from the true within to without, one aligns oneself with the multiversal order of Creation and becomes a member of the positive state.”
“This step is applicable for those who are trapped in the negative state and everyone on planet Zero.”
“For the members of the positive state the requirement of this step in the practice of The New Revelation is in their willing and free everyday reaffirmation to do always only the will of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“This daily reaffirmation to do so is a necessary element of everyone’s free will and choice. As you know, every day, every state and every condition and process, from the position of its own content, requires a different choice. In order for a proper choice to be made, one needs to reaffirm two things: 1. One is a servant and follower of The Lord Jesus Christ; and 2. one wants to do only the will of The Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the choice always is whatever The Lord Jesus Christ chooses. If you do it this way, you can never go wrong. Especially if you do it for the sake of principle itself because this is the right thing to do.”
“Inherent in the life of all members of the positive state is a continuous desire to do the will of The Lord Jesus Christ. However, they also have their own comparable ‘ego’ built from the idea that they may at any time reject to do the will of The Lord Jesus Christ and to deny it. This is the only sensitive point that keeps them potentially in the negative state. As you know, and as they know, acceptance of that idea would make them negative and they would fall out into the Zone of Displacement.”
“In order not to succumb to the forceful imposition of that idea, they need a daily reaffirmation in the spirit of the above-mentioned statement.”
“The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ makes it much easier for them to do so because it sets a living example for everyone as to how to overcome any temptation of the negative state.”
“As you remember, this situation will continue until the final phase of The Last Judgment as described in Chapter Eight of this book.”
“Thus, according to this point, the practice of The New Revelation is in an active rejection, by one’s free will and choice, to be negative and, instead, to always do the will of The Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of principle.”
“This rule applies multiversally to everyone everywhere, including the Zone of Displacement, all the Hells and planet Zero.”
“The choice to do the will of The Lord Jesus Christ determines the lifestyle in accordance with the precepts of The New Revelation.”
“One of the very first things required of the practitioner of The New Revelation is the acceptance of who he/she is and what his/her destiny and assignment is. There is a mystery in this statement. As you know, every single sentient entity or human, whether of the positive or negative nature, came to his/her being and existence for some important purpose. Even the creatures and agents of the negative state, fabricated by the pseudo-creators, were permitted by The Lord Jesus Christ to come into their own life for some important reason and purpose.”
“In order to initiate any change in anyone’s condition, one must recognize the fact of who he/she is and what his/her destiny and assignment is. For the negative entities this is a crucial requirement if they are to show any desire for liberation from the negative state and conversion to the positive state.”
“A prerequisite for this liberation and conversion is acknowledgment of who one is and what one’s mission and destiny is. No proper and successful change can be initiated from any other position. To learn this important information, one is given a means to go inward by the procedures described in Chapter Five of this book.”
“For the members of the positive state this requirement is of an equal importance because it determines to what extent they really do the will of The Lord Jesus Christ. And what is the will of The Lord Jesus Christ in this particular respect? To be yourself and to perform all duties and obligations of the mission and assignment accepted by you no matter what it is. Failure to do so defies the purpose of your life. If you were to do something else, you would not be created into the position you are in at this point of your life.“
“Do you think that The Lord Jesus Christ would forcefully make you accept this or that position without your prior voluntary agreement to do so? It would be in violation of His/Her very Nature.”
“For the agents of the positive state, who are on an assignment on planet Zero, this situation is considerably complicated by the fact that they have no conscious memories of such an agreement or acceptance of the mission. Again, this was an agreed upon arrangement. If they are in a certain role or a position on planet Zero, obviously they are to be there until their assignment is finished. It can be a temporary one (when one has several sequential assignments. Meaning, any assignment does not start until the preceding one is fully completed first) or a permanent one until the end of their human life on planet Zero (meaning, one has one assignment that lasts the entire human life of that individual).”
“As you know, Peter, many clients who underwent with you or with your students the process of the so-called spiritual transformation, assumed that, as a result of that process, they had to relinquish their job, work, marriage or whatever they had and had been engaged in up to that point, in order to do something unusual and revolutionary, trying to change the world in which they live. Unless there are some other cogent reasons for breaking these relationships and positions, the successful transformation process should never end with such a result. If it does end this way, its outcome was completely contaminated by false spiritual advisors and the entire negative state. The forces of the negative state used the so-called spiritual transformation to get the individual in question into an even deeper trap of and slavery to the negative state.”
“The outcome of any work of this nature is in the profound change of attitude and perspective with which one approaches one’s life. In fact, unless specifically and cogently indicated, with ironclad proof otherwise, you are to continue in your work, job, marriage or whatever you have in the same manner and way, but with a totally different attitude and from a totally different perspective. You do everything for the sake of spiritual principles, from the position of within, for the sake of common good, mutual benefit, use to all; for the sake of The Lord Jesus Christ, others, yourself and your own mission. You do all this with as much delight, pleasure and joy as possible under any given circumstances.“
“Whenever you encounter any difficulties, temptations, obstacles and all kinds of problems, you face them with courage and determination to continue doing your best in accordance with the degree of your abilities and endowments, bearing your cross patiently and enduringly, knowing that whatever you do and experience serves some important spiritual purpose. With this kind of attitude, you establish an example of how it is to be, to feel, to respond and to behave in accordance with the precepts of The New Revelation.”
“For the members of the positive state, who know who they are and what their missions and assignments are, the purpose is to do their best in all their endeavors and to derive everything from The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“As you know, humans and creatures in the negative state and on planet Zero, in most instances, do not know who they are and what their mission and assignment is. For them the spiritual principle is to accept their role and position in which they find themselves at each point of their life with this new attitude and perspective, as described above and in all other points. Their knowledge in this respect has to be, very often, limited for serious security reasons. By going inward, they can learn some general aspects of their missions and roles but never all details until they serve their purpose.”
“For the agents of the negative state, the need for concealment of who they are is obvious. No one is to know that they came from the Hells. Otherwise, humans would not accept them. But there is another part to this. As you know, many of these agents do not know that they came to planet Zero from the Hells. This situation makes it possible for them to be exposed to the agents of the positive state and, as a result of that exposure, they may choose to convert to the positive state. If they were to know exactly who they are and that they volunteered with great delight and pleasure for their negative mission, they would never even think of converting to the positive state. Once, and if, they convert to the positive state, they are to continue in their work, job or whatever, but with a new perspective and different attitude, as suggested by The New Revelation.”
“As you see from this, everything serves some kind of good purpose.”
“Thus, a practitioner of The New Revelation will be recognized by the type of attitude he/she has toward himself/herself and his/her life, position and role, and from what perspective he/she looks upon all the events and happenings of human life and life in general.”
“The above described points of the practice of The New Revelation determine the type of worship of The Lord Jesus Christ one is to perform.”
“As is obvious from the above definition of God, the new type of worship is worship in spirit, soul and body and in truth and good.”
“To worship in spirit means to acknowledge the fact that everyone contains within his/her most within Spiritual Mind a personal, private and intimate unique presence of The Lord Jesus Christ, and to relate to The Lord Jesus Christ from that position in a most personal, private, intimate and unique manner. It also means to recognize and to accept the fact that one lives, breathes, functions and does everything by virtue of that presence so that, without the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ, one is absolutely nothing.”
“By continuously reaffirming this fact, one becomes more and more oneself. By becoming more and more oneself, one becomes a more and more unique extension and process of The Lord Jesus Christ. To worship The Lord Jesus Christ this way means to worship in wisdom. This is wisdom. Relating to The Lord Jesus Christ in a personal, private, intimate and unique manner is very loving. This is true love that contributes to all.”
“To worship The Lord Jesus Christ in soul means to think, to feel, to will, to intent, to reason and to mentate in general from, by, with, through and of The Lord Jesus Christ and from the position of all His/Her true Spiritual Principles; to derive and build everything only on proper spirituality rooted in The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. This is the truth of such a worship. To worship this way is good. And to recognize and accept the fact that one’s mentality or the interior mind-soul is the transformed spiritual idea of the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in one’s most within Spiritual Mind.”
“To worship The Lord Jesus Christ in body signifies here to worship also from the position of the external conscious mind. This means to behave, to act, to relate and to do everything in the external from within, from the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of one’s mind.“
“It also means to perform one’s duties, obligations, assignments, work, everyday living, etc., responsibly and competently in accordance with one’s best abilities without any ulterior reasons, always keeping in mind the Spiritual Principles of life — The Lord Jesus Christ as the only source of life, enabling one to be what one is. Also, it means to accept oneself the way one is in his/her spirit, soul and body, recognizing the fact that one is a carrier of the unique presence of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Thus, to make one’s spirit, soul and body a holy place, a sanctuary, a temple, a home and estate of The Lord Jesus Christ; and to share oneself with everyone who expresses a desire to share and reciprocate without imposing oneself or anything on anyone but also without ‘throwing pearls before the swine and giving what is holy to the dogs,’ meaning, to the negative state of evils (swine) and falsities (dogs). Now, these kinds of worshipers The Lord Jesus Christ seeks for Himself/Herself. No other form of worshiping is acceptable any longer by The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The existing formal, external, ritualized and dogmatized worship on planet Zero and in some other regions of the Zone of Displacement at certain places, called churches, is being abolished.”
“In fact, the majority of these churches became dens of spiritual robbers and thieves who deprive all worshipers of the truth and good and who block them from knowing how to worship properly, thus, blocking them from the possibility of establishing a proper relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. Unless these churches begin to teach the principles of The New Revelation and to worship The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, they will no longer have any traces of anything positive or good or of anything true and wise.”
“Let it be known and repeated now again that all or most presently existing churches on planet Zero and other regions of the Zone of Displacement became the major strongholds of the Hells and the source of spreading falsities, distortions, perversions and all kinds of evils in the name of God, Allah, Buddha, Krishna or Jesus Christ or whatever name they are using.”
“The type of worship which is sought by The Lord Jesus Christ indicates that any attempt to organize in the future, any new religious movement or a sect or a church or whatever organization based on The New Revelation and its principles will be false and will not be authorized by The Lord Jesus Christ. It will be, in fact, an attempt by the negative state to take control of The New Revelation and bastardize, pollute, poison and adulterate it by its usual favorite means — in The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. Such an endeavor will never be a true worship of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The only proper external form of this worship is occasional informal gatherings of two or three or more followers and practitioners of The New Revelation for the sole purpose of sharing their own experiences, ideas, concepts, feelings and thoughts related to the issues of The New Revelation and their life in accordance with these principles. In the process of such a gathering and sharing, they are to have fun, delight, pleasure, laughter, sharing spiritually, mentally and physically (in terms of good food, music, stories, etc.)”
“Nothing more than this is proper and consistent with the true worship of The Lord Jesus Christ as required by the principles of The New Revelation.”
“This form of worship is applicable multiversally as well as on planet Zero and the entire Zone of Displacement (for the agents of the positive state and all those of the negative state who express a desire to convert to the positive state.)”
“The establishment of a private, personal and intimate relationship within one’s mind with The Lord Jesus Christ indicates how important it becomes for any practitioner of The New Revelation to approach The Lord Jesus Christ in modesty, humbleness, humility and innocence for the purpose of verification, check and endorsement of all one’s activities. The proper spiritual principle here is to consult, relate, share and ask for advice from The Lord Jesus Christ in all matters of one’s life.”
“If it is true that only The Lord Jesus Christ knows what is the best for you in an Absolute Sense, it is only logical to assume that every single activity which is being undertaken, or any planning to do this or that, prior to its actualization, its appropriateness should be checked, consulted and verified with The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“You are always to ask The Lord Jesus Christ personally for advice as to whether such plans or activities are consistent with your life assignment and if they are in accordance with The Will of The Lord Jesus Christ.“
“You have always to bear in mind that many ideas can be by impositions of the negative state for the purpose of temptation and misleading you into its clutches. Such ideas may sound very reasonable, beneficial, desirable and useful. But, unless they are confirmed and endorsed by The Lord Jesus Christ, from the position of His/Her unique presence in your spirit, soul and body, they are to be discarded as dangerous and inappropriate.”
“This principle of practice requires that you do not hesitate to ask for advice from The Lord Jesus Christ on any matter or issue of your own personal and private life, no matter how trivial, simple or unimportant it seems to you. The negative state is a master in concocting all kinds of trivial, seemingly unimportant issues by and through which it gets into you.”
“Some foolish humans on your planet believe that it is not proper to bother The Lord Jesus Christ with such trivialities but only with very important decisions which are a matter of life and death. They foolishly believe that The Lord Jesus Christ is too busy in solving the issues of multiversal significance and therefore, has no time for their trivia.”
“Beware, this is the negative state speaking. Remember, The Lord Jesus Christ is present in you and with you and it gives Him/Her the greatest possible pleasure to answer all your questions, to give you advice on all issues of your life. Nothing is trivial or unimportant for Him/Her. In His/Her view, from His/Her Absolute State, every particle, every notion, every grain of sand is as important, as significant, as needed, as crucial and as vital as everything else. It plays a certain important role that has usefulness for all. Whatever is useful for all is very important to The Lord Jesus Christ. Only from the position of the negative state are some things, or most things, considered unimportant, trivial and insignificant. As a matter of fact, the whole positive state and its lifestyle seems to the negative state to be that way (trivial and unimportant). Do not be taken in by this attitude. Instead, you are advised to freely and openly, without any hesitation, doubts, shame or embarrassment, approach The Lord Jesus Christ in you with anything at all. In fact, this is an important requirement of the practice of The New Revelation in order to avoid the traps of the negative state.“
“In the positive state of Creation this principle is an integral part of its lifestyle and no one does anything at all without consulting The Lord Jesus Christ first.”
“In the negative state, as always, the exact opposite is true. No one, or very few creatures do so. And those who do that, do it, very often, in an inappropriate way, for wrong reasons and inconsistently, only when they are in some kinds of trouble.”
“This point implies that one needs to learn how to properly communicate with The Lord Jesus Christ. The means and conditions for this communication were described in the book Who Are You And Why Are You Here? and in Chapter Five of this book.”
“The New Revelation is not going to be preached by the preachers from the pulpits in churches, on radio, television or in places of social gatherings. One is to learn to rely on the inputs from one’s own within in all matters of truth, from the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in one’s overall true mind. Preachers do not know the truth. Only The Lord Jesus Christ knows the truth, being The Absolute Truth Himself/Herself.”
“Therefore, it is vital and crucial for everyone to accept the fact of The New Revelation that no truth can be discovered in or from any other source but one’s own spiritual within or the source of The New Revelation which is The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The principle here is to learn to verify everything in life from within with The Lord Jesus Christ — as pointed out just above. This is particularly true regarding the principles of The New Revelation. Everyone is urged and encouraged to go within, into one’s most within Spiritual Mind, and from the position of integration of all aspects of one mind, from the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ in that integration, make an inquiry about the true source of The New Revelation.”
“However, this approach will work only if there is a solemn desire to learn the truth and to know the truth for the sake of truth, for the sake of principle itself, without any ulterior reasons or preconceived notions: Not for the sake of proving one’s own belief system, whatever it may be, and disapproving The New Revelation, not for the sake of proving the verity of The New Revelation and dispproving any other concepts, ideas, views, religions or philosophies, but solely in order to learn and to practice the truth.”
“If one approaches the issue of verification of anything, and not only the truthfulness of The New Revelation, from this proper standpoint, one will never be misled or rejected the true answer.”
“This principle requires that, although The New Revelation, at each given point in time, can be transmitted only through one person, assigned for that purpose by The Lord Jesus Christ, its verification and validation must come from the true within of many individuals who desire, thirst and yearn for the truth for the sake of truth and for the sake of living and practicing that truth.”
“In the positive state of Creation, as all these words are being uttered by The Lord Jesus Christ and written by their transmitter, Peter, they are instantaneously put to the test of verification and validation by The Lord Jesus Christ from the position of its members’ private, personal and intimate relationship with Him/Her in their most within Spiritual Mind, in their intermediate mind and their exterior mind. As soon as the truth of The New Revelation is verified and the fact that it is The True Word of The Lord Jesus Christ is confirmed, it is immediately put into their practice and they modify their lifestyle accordingly.”
“In the negative state and on your planet the situation is different. Particularly on your planet very few humans will know for some time to come that there is such a thing as The New Revelation. All those who know about it already have to overcome first the ‘natural’ tendency to reject it as inconsistent with what they thought was true before.”
“Thus, before acceptance of The New Revelation, they must willingly, by their own free will and choice, express a string of desires to be free from all attachments to all beliefs, views, opinions and lifestyles they previously held. Once such a desire is expressed sincerely, they are to request liberation, purification and cleansing from all of them and replacement with the truth of The New Revelation as The New Word of The Lord Jesus Christ. Only then can they be imputed all its principles and influenced by it in their everyday living.”
“You can be assured that those humans on your planet who sincerely and honestly desire to know and to practice the real spiritual truth for the sake of principle will be given all opportunities to encounter The New Revelation, if not during their life on planet Zero, then, immediately after their arrival into the intermediate world of spirits. Those in the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement who express such a desire will be taken to the special area between the Hells and the intermediate world where, in full objectivity and neutrality, they will be exposed to The New Revelation and given opportunity to convert by its means to the positive state.”
“As of today, as these words are being written and read, no one can convert to the positive state by any other means but by means of the principles of The New Revelation”.
“The access to The New Revelation in all the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement is fully available as it is being transmitted. Only planet Zero is limited in this respect. As revealed previously, on your planet the negative state must win first fully before The New Revelation can be accepted in its fullness and in a widespread manner. As you see, the real practice of The New Revelation is possible only from the position of desire to know the truth in order to practice it or live it for the sake of principle.”
“This is a reflection of The Lord Jesus Christ’s attitude. The Lord Jesus Christ relates to everyone, loves everyone, wants the best for everyone, etc., for no other reason or merit but for the sake of principle because it is the right thing to do. Nothing is attached to this attitude. No demands, no conditions, no rewards and no expectations are part of this attitude. And, although the fact of reciprocating all The Lord Jesus Christ’s offers and His/Her attitudes bears all kinds of positive and good outcomes, rewards and feelings, and many other felicities, one does so, not for their sake, but for the sake of principle, for the sake of love of truth.”
“This spiritual law, repeated many times, can be considered a central theme of the practice of The New Revelation at any level of Creation, the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero. No exceptions or exclusions exist to this law.”
“The major three spiritual laws of unconditional love with wisdom toward The Lord Jesus Christ, toward others and toward oneself can be validated, actualized and realized only by the style of life one prefers and pursues. Because there is only one God and that God is The Lord Jesus Christ in His/Her New Nature, all love is to be directed to Him/Her. To love any other imaginary god, that in reality does not exist, is to love no one. It is to love one’s own imagination and desires of one’s own foolish heart, which means to love oneself for the sake of oneself. Such love is, in fact, hate in disguise to everyone and everything else.”
“The difficulties in acceptance of these facts about The Lord Jesus Christ and of the requirements to love only Him/Her for the sake of principle, as of now, will be an indicator that one in reality loves only oneself. If one desires to love the true God for the sake of principle, one is naturally equipped with special spiritual sensors that enable one to detect immediately the real truth and accept it with great elation and gratitude. Such an individual will never have any difficulties in accepting the truth of The New Revelation as a true New Word of The Lord Jesus Christ and to fall in an eternal unconditional love with The Lord Jesus Christ in His/Her New Nature.”
“Many humans will consider this statement as a condemnation of all those who will have difficulties in accepting, or who outrightly reject, The New Revelation and The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Let it be known now that everyone, without any exception or exclusion, at one time or another, will be given an opportunity to know the truth of The New Revelation and The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ experientially and personally. No one will be denied any access to these facts. But it is a matter of free choice to accept or to reject this experience. No one can be forcefully made to believe in anything. It is a matter of chosen personal predisposition to accept or to deny and reject this or that without any compulsion.”
“In the fact of this choice is its consequence. It is not the truth of The New Revelation that condemns one but one’s chosen attitude toward it and to The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ that does so.”
“The New Word of The Lord Jesus Christ — The New Revelation — is given for no other purpose but to offer everyone salvation (as far as people in the negative state are concerned) or a new opportunity for growth, betterment and spiritual progression (as far as people in the positive state are concerned). The Lord Jesus Christ comes always with something progressively new in order to accomplish this purpose. No sense of condemnation is conceivable in such an effort.“
“However, the logical consequences of any choice must be clearly formulated so as to illustrate to all what not to choose. If, nevertheless, sentient entities choose it, it is their responsibility and their self-condemnation. No one can be blamed for anyone else’s choices.”
“This is the way the nature of life in general is. This fact is applicable multiversally.”
“As you already know, any type of life in which one finds oneself at any given moment and place or state serves some important purpose. To make that life consistent with the principles of The New Revelation, one is to use and to live that life in accordance with the principle of moderation. Any extreme, no matter what it is, is of the negative nature.”
“As long as one learns to properly moderate one’s life, one is permitted to do, to experience and to participate in anything one desires. No restrictions or limitations are applicable in any respect. The life in accordance with The New Revelation is not the life in monasteries, seclusions, on the desert or high physical mountains, in some external rituals and sacrifices of one’s needs, whatever they may be, but in normal everyday activities with all other individuals, going about one’s own business and providing for oneself with all necessities of sustenance of that life in any mode, form and condition. Because one accepted this particular life by one’s free choice, one also accepted the need to take care of that life.”
“In other words, as already was formulated in Chapter Twelve of this book, one is fully responsible for one’s life and its support no matter where one is and what type of life one lives. Taking proper care and responsibility for one’s life, in all its aspects equally, has a redeeming quality for those who are in the negative state and on planet Zero.”
“As you know, the negative state is a destroyer of life in any of its forms and conditions. Therefore, to appreciate, to moderate, to take care of and to be responsible for one’s life is to undermine the negative state’s effort in this respect. This is its redeeming quality.”
“For the practitioners of The New Revelation, while they live in the places or states where the negative state rules, to do just that signifies one of the many ways of overcoming and controlling the negative state. This is a very potent weapon in combatting the dead life of the negative state and human life.“
“By taking full responsibility for one’s life and properly moderating and controlling it, one takes away the control of the negative state and the human mode of life, asserting one’s own position as the true master of that life.”
“This step is particularly successful if one, asserting one’s control over one’s life, subsequently surrenders it to The Lord Jesus Christ so that He/She becomes the ultimate Absolute Master of one’s life. By doing that, one acquires a true life of the positive state which is structured and patterned in accordance with The Principles of The New Revelation.”
“In the positive state of Creation the responsibility for and moderation of everyone’s life is an integral part of their lives which is being now modified in accordance with The New Word of The Lord Jesus Christ — The New Revelation.”
“The practice of The New Revelation can also be found in the manner of one’s attitude toward everyone and everything else. At all costs you are to preserve your spiritual freedom and independency, committing yourself only to the cause of The Lord Jesus Christ and the positive state.”
“Under no circumstances are you to limit yourself by any type of attachment to any temporary, transient and valueless ideas, concepts, philosophies, politics, religions, material possessions or whatever is offered to you in such an abundance in the negative state. If possible at all, avoid any relationships which are restricting, limiting, binding and imprisoning but also avoid your own impositions, restrictions, limitations, etc., on others.”
“Respecting your own freedom and independence requires that you respect everyone else’s freedom and independence. Only in this manner are you reaffirming that you are free and independent. If you feel or exhibit a need to give up these precious spiritual commodities to anyone or anything else, for whatever cause or reason, or if you have a need to control and manipulate other people’s freedom and independency, making them dependent on you, you are a slave of such needs. You lost your freedom and independence.”
“In order to avoid this possibility, the advice for practitioners of The New Revelation is to relinquish their freedom and independency to The Lord Jesus Christ. Paradoxically, by such an act one becomes truly free and independent. No true freedom and independence exist without The Lord Jesus Christ because He/She is the very Absolute Source of them. Relative sentient entities or humans of any kind can have only relative freedom and independence. Any relative condition does not contain the fullness of its state. That can come only from The Absolute State. Thus, left to themselves, sentient entities can never be truly free and independent in an Absolute Sense. Only in this absolute sense can true freedom and independency be experienced.”
“In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to give up one’s relative freedom and independency to The Lord Jesus Christ, who is in The Absolute State of The Absolute Freedom and The Absolute Independency, and to become truly free and independent from that position. No other source of this kind of freedom and independency exists.”
“Once this is done, you ask The Lord Jesus Christ to protect you from getting involved in situations or relationships of any kind which would deprive you of your freedom and independency and rob you of your most important proper relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. As you know, nothing can replace or substitute a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. Only from the position of that relationship can you safely relate to everyone and everything else. From that position, you, in fact, relate from The Lord Jesus Christ in you to The Lord Jesus Christ in others. Such a relationship is a relationship from freedom and independency to freedom and independency. No danger of mutual enslavement and loss of that freedom and independency exists.”
“This step of the practice of The New Revelation is applicable multiversally.”
“This point is an extension of point 12. It deals with the issues of attachments. The most dangerous aspect of any attachment is unwillingness and reluctance, or even inability, to give up something or someone that exhausted its or her/his usefulness. Humans develop a dangerous tendency to cling desperately to their attachments in whatever form and shape.”
“Most spiritually damaging attachments are to one’s belief systems, religions or lifestyles. They prevent one from progressing, growing and moving to the next level of spiritual awareness. Attachments to only one form of life, such as, for example, human life, makes one a subject of its suffering, misery and acceptance of its negative aspects which are conveniently considered to be good and positive as though no other type of life exists. Attachments to external trinkets, pets, places or material possessions rob one of precious energies which are spent on useless maintenance of those attachments instead of on higher spiritual values.”
“The proper procedure in this respect is to be always open to experience and to enjoy everything available and to use it for good and positive purposes without getting attached to it.”
“In order to avoid the traps of such attachments, one is advised to give them all up to The Lord Jesus Christ, asking Him/Her to become the only center and meaning of one’s life. Subsequently, from that position, one can have anything one needs or wants without any danger of being needlessly attached to it.”
“Another aspect of this step is to ask The Lord Jesus Christ to free you from all needs, wants and desires which are inconsistent with the Will of The Lord Jesus Christ regarding your specific life. That way your mind will not be polluted by anything that can become a danger to your life. Only The Lord Jesus Christ knows what your real needs are. Let those needs be your needs.”
“Although this step is applicable multiversally, it has a tremendous significance for humans on planet Zero and all others in the Zone of Displacement.”
“Avoidance of these kinds of attachments defies the rule and control of the negative state. This is how the practitioner of The New Revelation, among other things, can be in control of his/her life and the negative state instead of being controlled by them.”
“And, finally, you are to remember that all things will pass. No one condition, state, process, place or whatever, is permanent and locked in within itself to eternity. Everything is changeable, modifiable and replaceable.”
“The only thing which is eternally permanent is your relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. After all, He/She is The Source of your life. This is the only fact that can never be changed. Even the creatures and humans fabricated by the pseudo-creators, in their own type of life, depend on that Source, as was already pointed out several times throughout this book.”
“Because of this unchangeable factor, nothing is more important in the multiverse than your relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her New Nature and how it influences your life and its mode of living. On this factor depends your destiny and placement in being and existence.”
“The closer and better your relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ is, the better and happier your life is. And, of course, vice versa.”
“If the only source of all happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, love, goodness, wisdom, truth and true knowledge is The Lord Jesus Christ, it is only logical that the better your relationship with Him/Her is, the more you participate in and acquire these exquisite attributes. The worse that relationship is, the less you participate in such attributes and positive experiences.”
“This situation is a natural consequence of life’s being and existence in itself. Since no other source of life is and exists, it is only natural to assume that disregard for that source will bring about everything that is not contained in that life.”
“Fortunately, although the fact about the only true source of the true life can never be changed to eternity — this is The Absolute Truth — one’s relationship to that Source can change at any time one expresses a desire for such a change.”
“In this respect, you have to distinguish between the state of this relationship and the process of this relationship. The state of this relationship is never changeable. The life, or its Source, requires that you relate to it. This is a state and condition of your being alive.”
“In other words, because you live and are alive, the only reason you are is because of your relationship to that life. Now, the source of the true life is The Lord Jesus Christ. Inherent in the fact of your being alive and living is a need to establish a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Even if you, for some reason or other, reject or deny The Lord Jesus Christ as the only Source of life, you still relate to Him/Her by the mode of rejection or denial. This is a relationship. This is a state which is not changeable. However, the process of that relationship is always changeable. You can change your mode of relationship with and to The Lord Jesus Christ at any time at your own discretion in any manner and way you wish.”
“This is a prerogative given by The Lord Jesus Christ to everyone as an eternal, irrevocable and non-retractable gift. You can do with that gift whatever you want.”
“But the way you use that gift determines your position and placement in being and existence, stemming from the choice you are making on a daily basis about how you want to relate to The Lord Jesus Christ as the only source of the true life.”
“Again, nothing is more important in any life. This step can be considered as one of the most important factors in practicing the life of The New Revelation. It is valid for all beings and existences everywhere and everywhen without any exception or exclusion.”
“If anyone has ears to hear, let him/her hear what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”
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