



The Mystery of The New Revelation



On March 16, 1988, very early in the morning, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying,


“At the very end of the previous chapter, a hint about the mystery of The New Revelation was given. It was tied into the survival and salvation of all members of the dead life of the negative state and human life. Some elaboration about this issue is in order.”


“The New Revelation contains certain information that has never been revealed or considered directly during the history of humankind on your planet. Although this information has been available in some books of The Holy Bible, it is disguised in one of their inner, spiritual senses. This particular sense has never been properly discovered or interpreted by anyone. Some aspects of a different spiritual sense of those books in The Holy Bible were correctly interpreted by and through Swedenborg. However, the sense related to this particular issue has never been revealed until this portion of The New Revelation.”


“Any new revelation coming directly from The Lord Jesus Christ is basically given for two purposes: One purpose is for evaluating, explaining and updating everything that has been happening and available until the moment of transmission of The New Revelation.”


“This is a necessary part of The New Revelation because one needs to acquire a full understanding of the events that preceded The New Revelation. The proper understanding of these events is possible only from the position of The New Revelation, which is not an integral part of the previous step’s content.”


“It is impossible to acquire a correct understanding from the perspective of the previous step because it is biased toward itself. Each step, being discrete to any other step, and continuous only within itself, has a tendency to sustain its mode of being and existence. Because of that, it does not perceive the need for a change. It evaluates itself from the position of being needed, sufficient and continuously useful. With this kind of attitude, a dangerous trend of stagnation would ensue and the proper flow of spiritual progression would be interrupted.“


“Therefore, once the usefulness of any step and its spiritual content is exhausted, it becomes a subject for re-evaluation. The reevaluation is performed not from the perspective of the content of that step, but from the position and content of the succeeding step. This reevaluation concentrates on all ideas, concepts, perceptions, knowledges, understandings and lifestyles that ruled the outgoing step. It focuses on the issue of to what extent, if at all, the content of that step, from this perspective, is usable in the incoming succeeding step. Are there any ideas, concepts, knowledges, perceptions, understandings, etc., that would be useful to retain? And if they are, in what form and condition? To what extent do they need modification, change, reformulation, readjustment, etc., in order to fit in the new step? Or, should they all be discarded as having no longer any use at all? What kind of purpose did they serve in the previous step and why could they no longer be retained?”


“The New Revelation serves as a tool of The Last Judgment in the hands of The Lord Jesus Christ. It extracts, purifies and cleanses any grains of universal truths contained in the old, outgoing step.”


“You have to understand that each step, in order to take hold, contains within itself some aspects of the multiversal truths which are valid for all times and for all steps. Besides these aspects, it predominantly contains relative truths valid only within its own sphere of influence and function.”


“The multiversal truths contained in that step must be removed from it and freed from the influence of the relative truths of that step. Once they are removed, the relative truths of that step lose their life and become obsolete. The life of any step is sustained by the presence in it of the universal or multiversal truths. If you remove these truths, nothing remains to give life to the continuation of that step.”


“The Last Judgment of people who participated in that step is not for the purpose of trial, sentence, execution and condemnation, as many humans on your planet believe. Instead, its purpose is illumination, enlightenment and bringing into a focus all aspects of their lifestyle. This is done by separating the multiversal truths from the relative truths and showing them what purpose they exactly served; and to what extent the usefulness of this particular combination of the multiversal truths and the relative truths within that step has been fulfilled.“


“Once the separation occurs, the participants in that step are given a choice to move on to the next step, after undergoing a necessary spiritual transformation. In the process of their spiritual transformation, they are freed from the influence of the relative truths and given a new set of proper spiritual ideas which will dominate their life in the next step.”


“The choice-making process in this respect, with a free assumption of all consequences of such a choice, is the process of their Last Judgment. The proper words that should be used in this respect are The Last Self-Judgment.”


“The mystery of this situation is in the fact that no one is allowed to judge anyone. Even The Lord Jesus Christ does not judge anyone. The reason why He/She is called Judge is because He/She is present in everyone’s ability to freely make a choice and to change. The Lord Jesus Christ functions in this process as an Advisor, Counselor and Supporter in whatever choice the individual is going to make. Also His/ Her presence functions as a motivating and intentional factor in the process of separation of all multiversal truths from the relative truths that each individual contains within himself/herself. As you know, The Lord Jesus Christ is The Multiversal Truth in and by Himself/Herself. The process of separation of this Truth seems like The Lord Jesus Christ judges the respective individual because it looks like stepping out of that individual and from a distance to illustrate the differences between the two. The illustration of the differences appears as though one is being judged, while, in fact, it is the individual who judges himself/herself by his/her attitude toward The Multiversal Truth — The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“Once all aspects of the multiversal truths are extracted from the outgoing step, and the usefulness which that step served is being understood and acknowledged, the second purpose of The New Revelation is activated. This purpose is for formulating new ideas, concepts, perceptions, understanding, knowledge and lifestyle which will become the content of the incoming or succeeding step. Without this Revelation, the new step cannot come to its fruition.”


“The mystery of the second purpose of The New Revelation is in the fact that it reveals those aspects of the multiversal truths and their relative application which have never been available up to this point.“


“By doing that, together with the first purpose, described above, The New Revelation makes anything completely obsolete that has been previously revealed or conveyed to the participants in the previous step. Thus, acceptance of the new ideas of The New Revelation becomes a matter of spiritual survival for all participants in the previous step. This is true regardless of whether one is in the true life, the dead life or the human life. Rejection or denial of the new ideas of The New Revelation turns the true life into a dead life, makes the dead life deadlier and the human life ends in the dead life of the negative state.”


“Of course, no one in the true life of the positive state has ever denied or rejected any ideas of The New Revelation. As you know, it is one thing to reject or deny something and another thing to have a potential of doing so. In this case, the potentiality for rejection and denial is rejected and denied. As it falls out into the Zone of Displacement, it is captured there and used as a base for its members’ own choice — to reject and to deny or to accept and to change.”


“The life of the dead life of the negative state derives from the potentiality of everyone in the true life of the positive state to reject and deny the positive state. As that potentiality is being rejected and denied to be actualized and realized, it falls out into the Zone of Displacement. The participants in the Zone of Displacement accept the idea of rejection and denial and make it their actualized and realized lifestyle. This is the mystery of their life-support system.”


“In formulating the mystery of The New Revelation, the following points need to be considered:”



“The major mystery of The New Revelation is its source. No one can grant The New Revelation but The Lord Jesus Christ. This is The Absolute Truth. If The Lord Jesus Christ is The Multiversal and Absolute Truth in, of and by Himself/Herself, it is only logical to assume that a true New Revelation can come only from this Absolute Source. Thus, the true Author of The New Revelation has to be The Lord Jesus Christ. Any other source of revealed ‘truth’ could not be absolute and therefore, it could not contain within itself the proper knowledge of the real truth and the timeliness of its revelation.”


“All such revelations, coming in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ or in any other names, are of relative or false nature, given for the purpose of sidetracking humans and all others from the true New Revelation. Any angel, spirit or entity who claims to be either the source or transmitter of The New Revelation to anyone on your planet or in the Zone of Displacement is a deceiving spirit or entity. The claim of such a spirit or angel that he/she is speaking by the authority of The Lord Jesus Christ is no longer true.”


“One of the major reasons why The Lord Jesus Christ became in His/ Her Nature what He/She is now, by the fusion of the human body into Himself/Herself, was to eliminate the necessity of mediation through angels or positive spirits and to be able to communicate directly with anyone He/She wants to. The problem of mediation is that the mediator is relative and not absolute. In the process of mediation, the mediator functions from his/her relative position. He/she cannot function from The Absolute position. Otherwise he/she would be God.”


“To function from the relative position, which mediates a revelation, means to perceive it in the relative terms. By that perception, certain authenticity of the original content of the revelation is lost.”


“Now, in that form, a relative being conveys that revelation to even more relative beings, let us say, to someone on your planet. Thus, you have here a double relative condition that endangers proper perception, understanding and application of the revealed truth.”


“In order to avoid a possible profanation of the revealed truth by their inappropriate interpretation and application, the condition of mediator required that such a revelation be transmitted in symbols, correspondences and representations or parables and not in a direct language.”


“As you know, this was the exact situation with all Old Revelations. Even The Revelation of Jesus Christ through John was by mediation, as you can see from the very first verse of Chapter One:”


“‘And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John.’”


“Whenever you use a mediator, you are limited by the mediators’s relative condition. An angel is not absolute but only relative to The Absolute. Neither is John absolute. In this case, he was relative to the relative angel through whom The Lord Jesus Christ mediated that revelation. Such a complexity of this situation, in order to avoid distortions, requires that revealed truth be conveyed in a disguised language.“


“The Most High, having a language which was of absolute nature, could not speak in the language of the relative nature. Therefore, He/ She had to use a language which was common to all states and conditions. This is the language of correspondences. However, the problem with this language is that it is never properly understood by anyone in the Zone of Displacement (except by the pseudo-creators) and on your planet. So, it is a subject of distortions, misinterpretations, literalizations and externalizations.”


“This is exactly what humans do to this kind of mediating revelation. But because, in most instances, they do not know what kind of real truth is contained within those correspondences, all they can distort, pervert and misinterpret is the external shell of the container of that truth and not the truth itself which is hidden in that container.”


“The problem with humans is, as you know, that they consider the container of the truth to be the real truth instead of the content of that container. This way they cannot profane anything. This situation cannot continue forever if gradual elimination of the negative state is to take place. The promise was made by The Most High that, at one time, this situation would be rectified and The New Revelation would be granted which would come directly from Him/Her in the plain language of externals without any mediation through an angel or a spirit.”


“In order to fulfill this promise, The Most High needed to acquire a special condition and change His/Her Nature in such a manner as to be able to directly communicate with everyone in the negative state and on your planet with whom He/She chooses to do so.”


“For this reason, The Most High incarnated on your planet in the form of Jesus Christ and acquired a human body. This body served as a catalyst of profound change of The Nature of The Most High. As you know now, it was hybridized with and fused into The Absolute Totality of The Nature of The Most High and The Most High became to eternity The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“By having this nature, The Lord Jesus Christ can communicate directly, in plain language, understandable to everyone, whatever He/She needs to communicate. One of the many reasons why The Revelation of Jesus Christ through John, in The Holy Bible, was still written in the language of correspondences and symbolism was that, at that time, the process of that hybridization and fusion was far from being completed. Thus, the first mystery of The New Revelation is that it is the very first revelation which is given without any mediation through any spirits or angels and is spoken directly by The Lord Jesus Christ without any use of symbolism or correspondences.”


“From the position of His/Her New Nature, The Lord Jesus Christ can convey anything that needs to be conveyed at any given time by words that have no hidden meaning, as was not the case with all previous revelations.”


“The revelation given through Swedenborg had the same connotation because he was continually surrounded by multitudes of all kinds of spirits, angels and positive and negative entities. To reflect the transition from the old modes of revelation to the new one, reflected in The New Revelation, The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Swedenborg personally. However, on his journeys through the spiritual realm and in recording of that revelation, he was accompanied and prodded by angels assigned to him for that purpose.”


“Thus, even that revelation was by mediation, although it had, for the first time, elements of directness. As mentioned previously, the revelation given through Swedenborg was a forerunner of The New Revelation. Therefore, it contained some new elements. The new elements of that revelation were in the fact that it gave an explanation in a common language to some mysteries of correspondences. This had been in preparation for what was to come.”


“As you know, at the time of Swedenborg, the hybridization with and fusion of the human body of Jesus Christ into The Absolute Nature of The Most High had not been fully completed. Thus, the full directness of that Revelation could not come to its fruition.”


“The mystery of The New Revelation is that, while it is being revealed directly by The Lord Jesus Christ in words containing no hidden meaning, the transmitter of it is not influenced by any spirit, angel or entity of either kind (positive or negative). In fact, no one else is allowed to put any ideas in his mind or convey any message to him until The Lord Jesus Christ finishes saying or revealing what He/She wants to say or to reveal.”


“This is done for the purpose of avoidance of any contamination of the meaning of that which is being conveyed. You have to understand that, being relative, all others, by the necessity of their nature, would see or interpret that meaning from their own subjective perspective. The subjective perception of each individual, be it an angel or a spirit or anyone else, is different from other entities’ perception. Therefore, a confusion in and subsequent inappropriate transmission of the ideas of The New Revelation could occur. Such a situation would be immediately utilized by the agents and spirits of the negative state who would successfully distort, pervert and falsify its true meaning.”


“The Lord Jesus Christ permits many sentient entities (as a matter of fact, the entire Creation) to carefully listen to what He/She conveys to the transmitter of The New Revelation. But in no way are they allowed to interfere or to put anything in of their own until the transmission is completed. Afterwards, their comments are welcomed if necessary and useful. But such comments are never included in the text of The New Revelation. Only those words and ideas are included in its text which are given to this transmitter by The Lord Jesus Christ personally and directly.”



“The second mystery of The New Revelation is in the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ reveals it from the level of His/Her Absolute Spiritual Mind, through His/Her Absolute Interior Mind and by means of His/ Her Absolute External Mind in the state and condition of His/Her human body which was made Divine.”


“This is an entirely new situation that has not been in being and existence until this time. In the old times, the process of any revelation was through the spiritual mind of the mediator, bypassing all other levels of the sentient mind.”


“The spiritual mind of the mediator, being a seat of The Lord Jesus Christ (at that time of The Most High), was utilized for planting the necessary ideas of revelation into it; then they were subsequently transmitted into the spiritual mind of the transmitter on your planet. Because only the spiritual minds were involved, the language that was used for transmission was the language of correspondences and symbolism. This is the language of spiritual minds.”


“However, no interpretation of its true meaning accompanied that revelation. Usually, during the reception of that revelation, the prophets reported that they were in a deep sleep or having a vision (they were in a deep hypnotic trance) and that they did not always know what their visions were all about. Thus, all other levels of their mind were either totally uninvolved or involved only marginally for the purpose of recording what they heard or saw.“


“Even The Lord Jesus Christ, during His/Her life on your planet, was limited by an existing, at that time, spiritual situation which would not allow Him/Her to speak in any other language but the language of parables, symbolism and correspondences; the reason being that, at that time, The Most High did not contain in His/Her Nature anything of the so-called natural degree or of the Zone of Displacement. Speaking from The Most Within, without having any mode of without, means speaking from the position of The Absolute State. Nothing from that condition can be directly conveyed to anything other than that condition. Hence, the need for mediation and representative language.”


“However, with The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, which incorporates both the most without and the most without of that most without (the most without is the natural degree and the most without of the most without is the Zone of Displacement), everything totally changed with this situation. Now He/She can speak simultaneously from all levels of His/Her Absolute Mind to all levels of the relative mind in their own respective languages. The Lord Jesus Christ became The Interpreter of His/Her own language in terms and ideas which are comprehensible to anyone at any level.”


“Thus, when He/She speaks, His/Her speech sounds in the minds of all who listen as their own language and at the level of their understanding without any confusion or wonder about the hidden meaning. The Lord Jesus Christ transmits His/Her Ideas and Thoughts into the minds of sentient entities, accommodating them to the perceptual abilities of each mind in particular.”


“This is a necessary condition for The New Revelation. As you remember, one of the mysteries of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ is that, by and through it, He/She can relate to everyone in the most private, personal and intimate manner. Such a relationship requires clear-cut communication and understanding without use of any symbolism and correspondences. Otherwise, no relationship of this nature could be established. The language of correspondences and symbolism is still being used, and will always be used, but with an immediate understanding of what its real meaning is at each level of its manifestation. Thus, any possible misunderstanding and misinterpretation will be avoided.”


“The New Revelation, reflecting this condition, therefore is given from the totality of all levels of spiritual facts as contained in the true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. The words it is using are the words of their own meaning. No other interpretation but what they mean literally, with few exceptions, should be given to them. They no longer contain any multiple meanings (except for The Lord Jesus Christ’s New Prayer. See Chapters Twenty Six and Twenty Seven of this book.)”


“Because of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, no need for the multiple meanings exists.”


“Whenever The Lord Jesus Christ speaks from His/Her New Nature and Position, the words used by Him/Her are of such a mysterious nature that they are able to convey His/Her ideas to all levels of the multiverse of Creation, the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero, in each level’s literal meaning.”


“As you know, each level has its own literal meaning. That meaning differs from one level to another. In the past, in order to breach the differences among them, the spiritual language of correspondences was used. No other means existed.”


“However, The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ transcends this situation and gives every level its own literal meaning, at the same time connecting them through His/Her New Nature and retaining the spiritual language of correspondences. Thus, no one needs to be concerned as to whether there is any hidden meaning in The New Revelation anymore. There is none.”


“This is a mystery of The New Revelation. And should such a meaning occur (as in the above-mentioned exception with The Lord Jesus Christ’s New Prayer), it is immediately pointed out and properly interpreted. No other Revelation in the past was as direct, as immediate and as relevant to the concrete situation as The New Revelation.”



“The third mystery of The New Revelation is contained in the fact that on its availability, the salvation of all participants in the negative state, as well as the elimination of the negative state itself, depends. The Old Revelation in itself and by itself is not sufficient to fulfill this important purpose. The problem with The Old Revelation is that its literal or external sense does not contain any real truths but only seeming truths. The real truths are contained in the spiritual or internal sense of its literal content. Thus, no one can know the real truth from the literal sense of The Old Revelation. And, yet, all Christian churches and sects, with a limited exception of the followers of Swedenborg’s teachings, derive their doctrines and principles of salvation from the literal sense.”


“This is true about any religion on your planet. Because of this fact, none of the religions and churches presently existing on your planet and in the rest of the Zone of Displacement contain any real truths in their respective doctrines and teachings. This is one of the major reasons why you have so many different religions and sects claiming to have the knowledge of the real truth.”


“From the position of this spiritual situation, no one can be saved from the clutches of the negative state. Neither can the negative state be eliminated based on such conditions and hateful intolerance. After all, as you know, the nature of the negative state is built on contradictions and hateful intolerance! How can you save anyone from this position of the negative state?”


“For this reason, a New Revelation is granted by The Lord Jesus Christ which supersedes the literal sense of The Old Revelation. In The New Revelation, the real truths about the nature of the negative state and the process of salvation are revealed and made available to anyone who wants to hear and to listen.”


“The important spiritual issue here is that, in order to save anyone from the negative state, you must disclose to them the concealed real truths and remove from their perception and their lives the seeming truths. The salvation is possible only from the position of the real truths. No other foundation for such a process is possible.”


“Because the literal sense of The Holy Bible does not contain any real truths, at one time, when the spiritual situation is favorable, it must be replaced with another literal sense which will contain nothing but the real truth. The Lord Jesus Christ is hereby proclaiming that the time is now and that the current New Revelation, as recorded in this book, is a proper replacement for the literal sense of The Old Revelation.”


“Another important point in this respect is that true salvation cannot be accomplished at all unless the real truth appears simultaneously at all levels of all beings and existences of the multiverse of Creation and, at the same time, in the entire Zone of Displacement and on planet Zero. Up to this point, such truth was not available in the Zone of Displacement and on your planet. As you know, it was substituted by the seeming truth. (An example of the seeming truth and the real truth can be found in the ways humans talk and the way they feel. They can say one thing, which seems to be the truth, but they feel something entirely different, which is the real truth. Or they say ‘sunset and sunrise’ which is only the seeming truth because the real truth is that it is their planet that does so.)”


“The need for the simultaneous appearance of the real truth is derived from the fact that inhabitants of the Zone of Displacement and your planet do not have any direct access to the other realities of Creation where the real truth is always available. Therefore, they cannot participate in the knowledge of truth of those worlds. If they did, they would pervert, falsify and destroy it. By that act, they would prevent themselves from being eventually saved by The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“The reason why they would pervert, falsify and destroy that truth is because they would not perceive it from the position of the positive state (after all, they are in the negative state). To perceive truth in the positive state from the position of the negative state is an utter impossibility.”


“Moreover, the truth in the positive state is not in its literal sense. It is in the sense relevant to the special nature of each level of the true reality.”


“However, the negative state can perceive and comprehend truth only in its literal sense. But because the truth is that The Lord Jesus Christ is The Absolute Truth, in order to make it possible for the truth to become literal, it was necessary for Him/Her to acquire a physical body and its literal language so that He/She could convey that truth in the language understood by all.”


“Before completion of this, one of the most important acts of salvation by The Lord Jesus Christ, it was necessary to speak in seeming truths because nothing else was available.”


“If The Lord Jesus Christ is the real truth Himself/Herself and if His/ Her Nature were not to contain the possibility of conveyance of the real truth in the literal terms, He/She could never save anyone from the negative state.”


“This is one of the many reasons why The Lord Jesus Christ had to incarnate on your planet, enter the Hells and all regions of the Zone of Displacement and acquire all necessary means by which He/She eventually will make it possible to replace the seeming truths of the literal sense with the real truths.”


“Once this is successfully accomplished, the process of gradual salvation of all in the negative state and the process of gradual elimination of the negative state itself can begin.”


“The first important step in this process is to make The New Revelation gradually available to all. The New Revelation replaces the seeming and contradictory truths of the literal sense of The Old Revelation, contained in The Holy Bible, with the real literal truths. On its foundation, the process of salvation of all and then elimination of the negative state can be successfully accomplished (when the time comes). This function of The New Revelation is one of the most mysterious ones.”



“The statement that The New Revelation is made available to all implies that not everyone in the Zone of Displacement and on your planet will know that The New Revelation even exists.”


“The mystery of The New Revelation lies in the fact that it is available. Its availability, at one point, will make it possible for a tremendous spiritual shift to occur within the sphere of the negative state’s domain. That shift will open an access to everyone’s most within Spiritual Mind (where the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ is) in the state of their ability to freely choose and to change. Once the access is open, they will experience a personal presence of The Lord Jesus Christ, who will direct them to the source of The New Revelation — Himself/Herself — and to the real truth contained in The New Revelation itself.”


“In order for this crucial and vital shift to take place, only a certain number of humans and creatures in the Hells, in the Zone of Displacement and on your planet need to be familiar with the content of The New Revelation. The issue is in the quality and not the quantity.”


“Once the sufficient number of humans and creatures know, or at least, are aware of The New Revelation and what it contains, it will be possible for that shift to occur.”


“Of course, only The Lord Jesus Christ can know how many humans and creatures are needed for accomplishing this act and when this number is fulfilled. The full measure of the nature of the entire negative state has not yet been exposed and illustrated. As long as this is the case, that number will not be filled. This is something that you need not be concerned with.”


“Your purpose, Peter, and the purpose of all your spiritual children on planet Zero, is to make The New Revelation available to all levels of being and existence, to the Zone of Displacement and on your planet by properly transmitting and eventually publishing it. The rest is in the hands of The Lord Jesus Christ. He/She knows best how, when and by what means to accomplish His/Her plans of salvation and elimination of the negative state in the most effective manner.”


“This mystery of The New Revelation is in the fact that its sole availability prepares everyone in the negative state for their eventual salvation. How this will be accomplished cannot be known at this time for security reasons. Once it happens, it will become very obvious to everyone how The Lord Jesus Christ utilized that sole availability of The New Revelation.”



“Up to this point, most humans, and some others, assumed that The Word of God is limited to the books contained in The Holy Bible. As you know, the majority of Christians believe that all books of The Holy Bible are equally The Word of God. As was already revealed through Emanuel Swedenborg, and in the last chapter of the book Reality, Myths & Illusions by this transmitter, not all books in The Holy Bible were inspired by God or contain the inner, spiritual sense. To say this, for many Christians, will mean blasphemy. It will be seemingly even more blasphemous to claim that The Word of God is no longer limited to what is written in the inspired thirty-five books of The Holy Bible.”


“This attitude of most Christians is amazingly rigid, stifling, narrow-minded and totally false. By this attitude, Christians try to limit The Lord Jesus Christ by spiritual issues stated two thousand years ago as if He/She is impotent and does not need to, or is incapable of continuing to issue statements of important spiritual significance; as if The Lord Jesus Christ became mute and no longer can speak.”


“The mystery of The New Revelation in this respect can be seen in its two purposes: One, it breaks out of this abominable limitation, proclaiming that The Lord Jesus Christ continuously shares with all His/Her words as needed, when needed and where needed and through whom He/She chooses to speak. It is not by coincidence that each Chapter of this book begins with the statement that ‘The word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying.’ This is to emphasize that The Word of God, Who is The Lord Jesus Christ, is continuously coming and is being written in order to reflect the spiritual changes and the consequent spiritual needs of all sentient entities in whatever mode of life they are at the moment. Thus, it is hereby proclaimed by The Lord Jesus Christ that The New Revelation is The True Word of God — The Lord Jesus Christ. As mentioned in the previous points, it supersedes and replaces the literal sense of The Old Revelation — The Word of God in its internal, spiritual sense.”


“The problem with The Old Revelation is that it is The Word of God, not by its literal sense, which does not have any sense, but by its inner, spiritual sense. Unfortunately, not too many humans and creatures on your planet and in the Zone of Displacement are aware of or are willing to recognize this fact. Because they cling only to the literal sense of The Holy Bible, which they consider to be The Word of God, they have no Word of God. They live in an illusion and self-deception of having The Word of God.”


“And this brings us to the second purpose of The New Revelation: Two, The New Revelation in its totality, for the first time, can be considered The True Word of God — The Lord Jesus Christ — in its literal sense. As long as The Most High was without the human body of Jesus Christ fused into His/Her Absolute Nature, He/She could not speak from that position. He/She spoke only from His/Her Absolute spiritual condition. After all, at that time, God was Pure Absolute Spirit. A spirit speaks only from that which it has — from the spirit to the spirit. No other mode of communication was available at that time. Thus, the literal sense of The Holy Bible is only a clothing for that spirit but not the spirit itself. Therefore, its literal sense is not The Word of God but only a container of The Word of God. Whoever clings to that container, disregarding its inner, spiritual content, has no Word of God. However, this situation revolutionarily changed. The Absolute Nature of The Most High changed absolutely by hybridizing Itself with the human body of Jesus Christ and becoming the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“Once this process of fusion and hybridization was successfully completed, the definition of God being a Spirit only is no longer tenable. Yes, God, as The Lord Jesus Christ, is still and will always be the only Absolute Spirit to eternity. But He/She is no longer limited by that state. Now He/She is also a Natural Body made Divine and fused into that Spirit. For this reason, the definition of God is hereby being modified in the following manner:“




“Before their incorporation, the human and the Zone of Displacement’s parts were purified and freed completely from all evils and falsities that they contained within themselves. The process of this purification, cleansing and freeing was a long process from the standpoint of your planet’s time. As you know, it was not completed until recently. Therefore, until now, no attempt to modify the definition of God was made.”


“The completion of this process makes it now possible to pronounce The New Revelation as The True Word of God — The Lord Jesus Christ. From the position of the totality of His/Her Nature, The Lord Jesus Christ speaks simultaneously from His/Her Spirit, Soul, Nature, Body, Human and the Zone of Displacement. Nothing is lacking any longer. The human and the Zone of Displacement part in His/Her Nature makes it possible for Him/Her to speak also in the language of humans and the Zone of Displacement and, at the very same time, in all other languages understood elsewhere. This makes the literal meaning of the words used in The New Revelation authentic, genuine and expressing the real truth, void of any seeming truths, as the case was and is with the literal sense of The Old Revelation recorded in The Holy Bible. In this fact is the greatest mystery of The New Revelation, now unfolding. The above new definition of God requires modification in the manner of how God — The Lord Jesus Christ — is related to and worshiped. This topic will be covered in the next Chapter.”


“He/She who has ears to hear, let him/her hear what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”





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