The Concept of Life in General
Human Life in Particular
On February 28, 1988, early in the morning, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying,
“In order to understand the concept of life properly, it is necessary to realize that there are basically five manifestations of life. In actuality, to be more precise, there is The Absolute State of Life and its Absolute Process and five derivations and manifestations of that One Life.”
“The One Absolute State of Life and its Absolute Process can be defined, in a general sense, as Absolute Life in Itself and by Itself, without any origin, beginning or end.”
“The content of the words ‘origin’ and ‘beginning’ supposes some other source of life which has life in itself and by itself. Thus, in order to properly postulate life, one must logically assume that there is a permanent state of life, which always is, and there is a permanent process of life, which always continues. The word ‘life’ means to be and to exist. Being is a state of life and existence is a process of life. To be and to exist means to live. To live means to be and to exist.”
“The Absolute State and Process of Life postulates Absolute Awareness of Its Own Absolute Being and Existence. Inherent in and immanent to this Absolute State and Process of Life is The Absolute Awareness of Life. In this respect The Absolute Life can also be equated to the state and process of its own awareness. Without its own awareness, life has no meaning, purpose or sense. This is particularly true regarding The Absolute Life.”
“You can say here that the true connotation of life is rooted in being aware of itself. The awareness of life constitutes its sentience in an absolute sense. This means that The Absolute Life is The Absolute Sentience.”
“Because there is such a life in its absolute sentience, whatever is and exists is and exists within the sphere of The Absolute Awareness or Absolute Sentience. No being and existence is possible without this connotation. The being and the existence totally depend on this Absolute State and Process of Sentience which conceives and produces the being and the existence. Thus, all life, in all its forms, conditions and manifestations, derives from this One Absolute Sentience which is Life in Itself and by Itself.”
“In general, as pointed out above, you can distinguish five derivations and manifestations of this Life:
1. The true sentient life.
2. The true non-sentient life.
3. The mixture of sentient and non-sentient life — the human life.
4. The dead life — the negative state.
5. The forms of manifestation of life.”
“The third, fourth and some forms of manifestation of life are not direct derivatives of The Absolute Life. They are derivatives of the sentient and non-sentient life which are direct derivatives of The Absolute Life. These are indirect derivatives in a sense that the gift of life and its principles were used by some sentient beings to produce something that originally was not conceived within The Absolute State and Process of Life.”
“The true sentient life is a most direct receptacle of The Absolute Sentient Life in its infinite variety of elements. Each such element is attached to that receptacle or container, vivifying it, making it alive and self-aware. Thus, the receptacle becomes a carrier and manifestor of the specific life element which originated in The Absolute State of Life and was detached from it by its Absolute Process.”
“The true non-sentient life is the least direct receptacle of The Absolute Life. It is a reflection of the end product of emanating life energies which lack full degree of self-awareness. Its purpose is to carry these energies to their ultimate manifestation and use and to maintain the flow of these energies in a continuous dynamic condition.”
“The mixture of sentient and non-sentient life is a by-product of activities of sentient life in order to produce an entirely different lifestyle for the purpose of originating the negative state.”
“The dead life is the negative state which consists of its own sentient and non-sentient life, respectively. The reason it is being called the dead life is because it does not contain within itself directly anything from The Absolute Life. Whatever lacks a direct presence of that Life cannot be considered truly alive. But because it carries within itself self-awareness, by utilizing the stolen principles of sentience, it must be called the dead life. After all, it lives and strives and produces.”
“The forms of manifestation of any life are a condition through which and in which their respective life is manifested, realized and actualized. They derive from the emanating energies of The Absolute Form of The Absolute Life. These energies produce elements, atoms, molecules, particles, etc., of spiritual, mental and physical nature from which various environments and forms of life are built. Because of their most outward, external nature, they do not contain self-awareness in themselves and by themselves. They are forms of self-awareness. They can format in any conceivable structure in accordance with ideas of sentient life for its specific manifestation. Because the sentient life generates infinite varieties of ideas for its manifestation, infinite varieties of life forms exist.”
“The forms of life and the content of life are two entirely different things. The content of life is self-awareness of unique being and existence of life within itself. The forms of life are external expressions of a variety of unique sentient lives.”
“The Absolute Sentient Life, by and through its Absolute SelfAwareness, constitutes The Absolute Sentient Mind. All other sentient lives, derived from It, constitute their own sentient minds. It was proven before that this Absolute Sentient Mind is now called The Lord Jesus Christ. And deriving from His/Her Life are the sentient entities in various forms of their manifestations.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ, in His/Her presently existing nature, contains within Him/Her all elements of life, including the elements taken from the dead life and human life. By a special process of divinization, He/ She maintains the true life in those dead elements and human elements. In Him/Her they are alive.”
“By and through this New Nature, The Lord Jesus Christ can also be present in all aspects of the negative state without the negative state being present in Him/Her. This is a necessary requirement in order to control, regulate and keep in check the dead life and human life of the negative state.“
“The negative state needs to be kept in continuous check because it is a cancer of true life that, without being checked, would spread enormously and devour all true life, turning everyone and everything into the dead life. Its spread is permitted only to a certain extent. The boundaries of its spread are determined by the needs it has for its fullest and most complete manifestation as a comparison to the true life.”
“The full appreciation of the true life is not possible unless there is a comparison with the fake or dead life.”
“As mentioned above, while The Lord Jesus Christ is in all aspects of the negative state, nothing of the negative state is in The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“As you remember, one of the many purposes why The Lord Jesus Christ acquired The New Nature was to enable Him/Her to be present in all aspects of the negative state without annihilating anyone in the dead life. The true life functions as the most deadly poison to the dead life. Without having the elements of the negative state for shielding and temperance, the dead life would turn instantaneously into nothingness. As you know, this would nullify any attempt of salvation of anyone from the dead life.”
“But, at the same time, those elements function also as a protective shield against the negative state of the dead life so that nothing from it can enter The Lord Jesus Christ. If such an entrance were to take place, a most unusual and powerful explosion would occur which would destroy the entire being and existence, including The Absolute State and The Process of Life.”
“The reason why The Absolute State and Process of Life would also be destroyed is that by the destruction of the multiverse it would nullify the very principle of life — preservation of life to eternity. In it the infinite varieties of unique manifestations of that Absolute Life take place. If you destroy the way and the mode of that manifestation, you destroy the principle of preservation. This principle is applicable to any state and condition of the true life, including The Absolute True Life.”
“The Principle of Preservation states that self-aware true life in any form, state or condition must be preserved to eternity. The crucial word here is ‘self-awareness:’ Cessation of self-awareness is cessation of life. If there is no self-awareness, no awareness of life exists. If there is no awareness of life, there is no feedback of living. If there is no feedback of living, there is no life.”
“Thus, any form of self-awareness from its Absolute State and Process, which always is, to its relative carriers — sentient entities — must be preserved for being and existence forever, to eternity.”
“Entrance of anything negative into The Lord Jesus Christ would cause a destruction of this most important factor — self-awareness. The result would be non-being and non-existence. Fortunately, The Lord Jesus Christ is equipped with the means to avoid anything of this nature happening. Thus, as stated above, and repeated here for emphasis, The Lord Jesus Christ is present in all aspects of the negative state, but nothing of the negative state is present in The Lord Jesus Christ. This fact needs to be kept in mind at all times.”
“But why does life in any form, condition, shape and manifestation exist at all? Why is there a need for being and existence of this life?”
“In the answer to this question is contained the greatest mystery of all.”
“First of all, The Absolute Life in The Lord Jesus Christ, by its very Absolute Nature, simply always is. It has no beginning or end. This is very difficult to understand for someone who is limited by the linear mode of thinking.”
“Simply stated, the condition or state of non-being and non-existence or non-life does not exist. It cannot be postulated. It has never been and it will never be. The only condition that has ever existed, exists and will exist is the being and existence, that is, life. Thus, life was, is and will be regardless of in what condition, shape, form or state. Conditions, shapes, forms, states and various manifestations of this life are changeable, modifiable, removable or reversible to their original elemental non-aware state. They can cease to be and to exist. However, life in itself and by itself can never cease. Nothing can be changed about this particular nature. No matter how much you destroy the form or the mode of that life’s manifestation, you cannot destroy life.”
“Many humans on your planet foolishly believe in destructibility of life with the destruction of their physical body. Humans who are violently opposing abortion are of such a nature and belief. They claim that, by the destruction of the fetus — external form of life — the life is destroyed. They do not realize that by the act of abortion, life in itself, contained in that fetus, if at all, cannot be destroyed by any means.”
“If you destroy the future container for its manifestation on your planet, that life simply goes elsewhere, finding another form or container or condition or state or place. All you did by the act of abortion is prevent that particular life from entering your planet. In actuality, no harm to that life itself was done. Not to mention the fact that the carrier of that life was saved from the entrance into the misery and suffering of the negative state or dead condition of life which exists on your planet.”
“In a sense, the prospective human being, who was prevented from the entrance into the negative state’s dead life and human life on your planet, should be congratulated for such a great accomplishment! Also not to mention the fact that the spirit of that life, which is a true life, does not enter that fetus anyway until the end of the fifth month of its development (approximately). Whatever movements exist in such a fetus before that time are not from any presence of the spirit of that life but from the formations of various organs of that fetus. So, it is necessary to accept the fact that life is indestructible.”
“The most difficult aspect of the proper understanding of the true nature of life is in the fact that life is spirit. The spirit of life is life proper. The Absolute Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ is The Absolute Proper Life. These two terms cannot be separated. In reality, the spirit is the producer, emanator, sustainer and preserver of its life or any life. The state of self-awareness is the producer of life energy.”
“You have to understand that the process of unceasing self-awareness of the spirit is an active continuous process that produces a tremendous amount of a very special spiritual energy. This energy is conceived as life energy. It establishes the fact of life by feedbacking its selfawareness. Awareness of self-awareness is what establishes the fact of life.”
“Now, at the very beginning (that is, without any beginning), you have an uncreated Absolute State and Process of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ (at that time, God Most High) — Who Always Is. He/She is an Absolute Awareness of His/Her Absolute Spirit. The Absolute Spirit is Absolutely Aware of Its Absolute Self-Awareness. By that process, It established The Absolute Fact of The Absolute Life. The Absolute Life Energy, produced by the process of this Absolute Self-Awareness, is of such a magnitude that it gives birth to all beings and existences in the entire multiverse and to the multiverse itself relative to Its Absolute Condition. This is how the origin of all life can be conceived.”
“To repeat: There is an Absolute Spirit who is in a state and process of Absolute Self-Awareness. This Absolute Spirit is Absolutely Aware of Its Absolute Self-Awareness. By the process of this Absolute Awareness the fact of The Absolute Life is established. This process itself produces tremendous life energies (from the fact of the establishment of this Life). From these specific Life Energies all beings and existences are originated.”
“These life energies, continuously emanating in an absolute sense from The Lord Jesus Christ, constitute the fundamental blocks and ingredients of the true life of Creation and its multiverse. No other source and origin of the true life has ever existed or will ever exist.”
“This is the most crucial and fundamental rule of life — as its very spiritual principle. Because The Lord Jesus Christ (GOD) is an Absolute Spirit and its Absolute Life, all life is of purely spiritual content. Regardless of its form of manifestation, life is always a spiritual phenomenon. Even dead life of the negative state is a spiritual phenomenon of its dead spirituality. After all, it was patterned from the stolen spiritual principles of life. By perverting, falsifying and distorting these principles, a dead life of dead spirituality came into its being and existence. But the only thing you can pervert, falsify and distort are the true spiritual principles. If they were not to exist, there would be nothing to pervert, distort and falsify. Thus, the dead life of the negative state is a purely spiritual phenomenon also. If the pseudocreators were not able to use the genuine spiritual principles, they could fabricate absolutely nothing.”
“As you see, even the dead life of the negative state is sustained by and is possible because of the existence of these fundamental spiritual principles.”
“If The Absolute Spirit is a producer of Absolute Awareness of Its Absolute Self-Awareness, then, how do you define the word ‘spirit?’ What is spirit?”
“In an absolute sense Spirit is a pure Absolute Consciousness of The Absolute ‘I AM.’ This Absolute Consciousness is Absolutely Aware of The Absolute SelfAwareness of Its Absolute ‘I AM’. By this Absolute Process, The Absolute Fact of The Absolute Life, from which all else originates, is established.”
“From this fundamental spiritual principle stems an indisputable fact that the source of everyone’s life is his/her spirit. In actuality, the unique spirit of every sentient entity is the very life of its totality. Spirit is life of its soul, as well as of its body or any other external form of its manifestation.”
“Because it is the spirit who is the carrier of the unique life from The Absolute Spirit, one lives and is alive only by one’s spirit. The spirit’s soul is the process of mentation of that spirit; whereas the physical form of the spirit’s manifestation is its concrete manifestation in the external environment.”
“As you see from this conceptualization, spirit is the state, soul is the process and body is the manifestation. The state and the process, being the actual carriers of the unique elements of The Absolute State and The Absolute Process of The Lord Jesus Christ, must live forever, to eternity. They are the true life that cannot be destroyed, as the principle of preservation of life, formulated above, implies.”
“The form or the body of their manifestation does not have this privilege because it is bound by its own limited environment from which that body is built. After it serves its purpose for its spirit and soul, it must return to its environment. As mentioned elsewhere, that environment is not transferable to any other state, dimension or condition. It must be left behind.”
“The next question is why The Absolute Spirit in Its Absolute Life needs to originate any other spirits in their own unique life relative to Its Absolute Life? Why The Absolute Spirit is not content to be by Itself and in Itself without reaching out? The answer to this question can be found in the very Nature of that Absolute Spirit.”
“One of The Absolute Aspects of that Absolute Nature is its purposefulness. The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit has an Absolute Purpose. The Absolute Purpose gives It an Absolute Meaning.”
“In the previous description of The Nature of this Absolute Spirit — The Lord Jesus Christ — it was proven that fundamental principles of this Nature are The Absolute Divine Love and The Absolute Divine Wisdom. The purpose of The Absolute Love is to share everything that it contains within Itself with someone else. The Absolute Wisdom of that Love gives the meaning to that purpose. Unless the purpose is directed to some ultimate goal, it has no meaning. The ultimate goal of such a purpose is to establish a state or a situation which would enable such sharing to take place.”
“As you remember from before, the unification of The Absolute Love and The Absolute Wisdom results in the process of Absolute Creativity. Having a purpose in mind as a goal to give meaning and fulfillment of Love and its Wisdom, through sharing, The Absolute Creativity is motivated to act. The creative principle of The Absolute Spirit cannot act without proper motivation. Therefore, it is motivated by the purposefulness of this goal to have meaning, conceived in the principle of sharing. Unless you share what you have; unless you have feedback of that sharing, your state, your love, your wisdom or whatever you have, has absolutely no sense and no meaning.”
“The true love cannot be entirely directed to its own within, to one’s own self because in that direction it is not able to provide feedback of the results of being shared. To love self exclusively means a dead end or dead life because the originator of that love is also its recipient. No consequences, outcomes and results can be discerned in such love except that it is dead. Such love has no wisdom, no purpose, no goal and no meaning.”
“But the wisdom of the true love requires from its love to be shared also in an outward direction in order to be called or conceived as love. Love cannot be conceptualized as love unless it produces consequences, results and outcomes of its state and process.”
“In order to do so, by its principle of creativity in wisdom, it must create spirits comparable to itself who become objects and recipients of this love. These spirits must be conceived outside of The Absolute Spirit so that a reciprocal relationship is established through which and by which all consequences, results and outcomes of love and its wisdom can be fully manifested, actualized and realized.”
“Thus, all created spirits must appear outside of, apart from and different from The Absolute Spirit and, yet, at the same time, they must be comparable to The Absolute Spirit in order that any meaning of their life and the results of their own love could come to their fruition.“
“If they were inside of, part of and the same as The Absolute Spirit, no true sharing of that love would occur because it would remain within itself. It would preclude reciprocity by which all results, outcomes and consequences of that love are validated. But, at the same time, these spirits must carry within themselves all attributes of their Creator if they are to respond in any meaningful and reciprocal manner to that love and properly manifest all its outcomes, results and consequences.”
“Therefore, all created spirits are endowed with the same life as The Life of The Absolute Spirit, the only difference being that in The Lord Jesus Christ this Life is Absolute and Uncreated, while in the created spirits it is relative to that Absolute State. However, that same life is now perceived outside of, apart from and infinitely different in the forms of its manifestation from The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ. In this condition, the full mutual and reciprocal relationship can be established.”
“The main goal here is to establish a relationship with a purpose in mind to share all principles of love and wisdom. The purpose of that sharing is to establish a meaningful life outside of the state and the process of The Absolute Life Itself. By such purposefulness The Absolute Meaning of The Absolute Life is established. This is the reason why this Absolute Spirit, at this time called The Lord Jesus Christ, needs to originate other spirits in their unique life and why He/She can never be content to stay by Himself/Herself and in Himself/Herself. This kind of state would have no meaning and purpose. This would be contrary to His/Her very Nature.”
“The question, of course, is why Life, especially its Absolute State and Process, exists at all. Why Life always is and is existing? Why no other state and process is conceivable? There is no simple answer to this question. It is a very complex situation, extremely difficult to express in your type of words which would convey a meaningful and comprehensive answer. This is a great mystery related to the very nature of Life.”
“What you have to understand, if you can, is that being and existence of life is being and existence itself. Being and existence itself is The Absolute Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ. The Absolute Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ is The Absolute Life in Itself and by Itself. Because of its Absolute Condition, no other being and existence is conceivable but the one that is and exists. It is and exists in order to give meaning, purpose and goal to being and existence. Because such meaning, purpose and goal can be found only in life, the life is and exists. The Absolute Spirit of The Absolute Life always is and exists in order to provide this meaning, purpose and goal for the being and existence. Without it nothing can be conceived whatsoever.”
“Now, as you remember, in order to establish a meaningful relationship between The Absolute Spirit of Life and the created spirits of many forms of that Life, it was necessary to equip the created spirits with the similar attributes contained in The Absolute Life. Any other attributes would not do because no awareness of the self-awareness of the created spirits without them could be established.”
“Simply stated, without these attributes, the created spirits would have no life within them. No relationship can be developed without having an awareness of the self-awareness of ‘I am.’ Thus, all created spirits must foremost have a full sense of their own ‘I am’ in the same manner as The Absolute Spirit has an Absolute Awareness of His/Her Absolute ‘I AM.’ The only possible meaningful relationship that can be established is from one ‘I am’ to another ‘I am’ and from that another ‘I am’ to the first ‘I am.’ This is the reciprocity of any relationship.”
“Another important, crucial and vital aspect on which such relationship must be built, in order to be meaningful, fulfilling and satisfying, is The Absolute Spirit’s state of Absolute Freedom. The Principle of Love of sharing states that no love can be established under any other condition other than mutual freedom of choice. As you know, to force someone to accept your love, if he/she has no desire to do so, would end in slavery and not reciprocal love.”
“For that reason, all created spirits are equipped with the spiritual principles and attributes of freedom of choice. This freedom of choice gives their life meaning, purpose, goal and a sense of vital independence. Only from the position of independence can a free and independent sharing and love be experienced and give one a sense of validation of one’s life.”
“Remember, please, any spirit’s life can be validated only from the position of freedom and independence (The Spiritual Law No. 1). If you put someone into a position of total dependence on someone else without any awareness of choice to be or not to be, to exist or not to exist this way, no validation of that life can take place. You are in violation of The Spiritual Law of Validation and Intent, formulated in point five of Chapter Ten of this book.“
“If no validation exists, no outcomes, consequences and results of life can be manifested. If they are not present, no true life exists and no true relationship can be established. The purpose of such life is defeated without having any meaning and goal. Such a situation would be contrary to the very Nature of The Absolute Spirit of The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Therefore, the creation of all spirits is possible only on the principle of freedom of choice and independence for the sake of principle itself, for the purpose of establishing a meaningful, fulfilling and satisfying relationship which can bear lasting fruits and give a positive feedback to The Absolute Love and its Absolute Wisdom on all consequences, outcomes and results of Its Absolute Creative Effort.”
“Once you create such free spirits, you must provide them with all possible opportunities for their actual self-expression and self-realization to the fullest of their potentials. You provide them with various specific gifts and environments in which those gifts can evolve and be manifested. From that position, in the state of total freedom and independence, they can decide whether they desire or not to accept and reciprocate the love of their Creator — The Lord Jesus Christ. By The Law of Validation, either choice, in order to be valid, must bear its consequences, outcomes and results, establishing a lifestyle consistent with that choice.”
“Affirmation and choice to accept and to reciprocate freely The Lord Jesus Christ’s Life as the only source of life, love and wisdom establishes the fact of the true sentient life.”
“Negation and choice not to accept and reciprocate freely this Life establishes the fact of dead life or the life of the negative state.”
“Either choice must be present and given opportunity to validate itself through and by its consequences, results and outcomes. Having only one choice would signify no freedom to choose. That would mean no life.”
“As you see, the true meaning and purpose of dead life or the negative state is in its contribution to the establishment of the fact of life that has no meaning, purpose and goal as a comparison to the true life of purpose, goal and meaning.“
“Once this fact is established and full comparison takes place, the negative state of dead life will no longer have any justification for its being and existence.”
“The foundation for the proper choice will be permanently built and everyone will know what not to choose. As you remember from before, the true choice is possible only if one knows what not to choose. The negative state’s purpose is to illustrate the fact of what not to choose. In this is its temporary value that it has for the true life of the positive state.”
“The true life of the positive state is primarily the sentient mind. The requirements of validation of life are the existence of awareness of the self-awareness which constitutes the being and existence of the sentient mind. As is obvious from the above, life cannot be and exist without being aware. So, in the process of creation of this life from The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit the first step was creation of the sentient mind comparable to The Absolute Sentient Mind.”
“The Absolute Spirit contains within Itself The Absolute Sentient Mind in its three fundamental aspects — The Absolute Most Within Spiritual Mind or the true Absolute Spirit; The Absolute Interior Mind or its Absolute Soul or Mentality; and The Absolute Exterior Mind or The Absolute Spiritual Form or Spiritual Body.”
“The true sentient mind is structured in the same manner. The Most Within Spiritual Mind from The Absolute Most Within Spiritual Mind is the receptor, producer and formulator of all genuine ideas of life. This is the true spirit of everyone’s life. The interior mind is the receiver, transformer and establisher of the mode and style of everyone’s life in accordance with the spirit’s ideas of such life. This is the very soul or mentality of life. The exterior mind is the manifestor, actualizer, concretizer and realizer of everyone’s life.”
“In its three fundamental functions, the entire sentient mind is a unity, oneness and harmony of its true life. Through such a function the true life is and exists. This is what true life is all about. As these functions are produced, received, transformed, manifested and realized, by this process they generate and emanate a tremendous sphere of life energy. This life energy reflects all thoughts, concepts, ideas, states, processes, feelings, emotions, affections, attitudes, behaviors and all else of the sentient mind. They all have their own life, dependent on the life of the sentient mind as the life of the sentient mind depends absolutely on The Absolute Life of The Absolute Sentient Mind of The Absolute Spirit — The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“From these reflections of the life energy of the functions of the sentient mind are generated other non-sentient life forms, such as animals, birds, fish, insects and various plants, as well as inanimate forms of being and existence, such as matter, air, water, fire and all other elements and particles.”
“These particular life and inanimate forms cannot have a direct sentience or state of self-awareness and its awareness because they are only corresponding factors of the states and processes of the sentient mind. Whereas the states and processes of this mind are sentient, their corresponding reflectors are not.”
“The higher the level of mentation and produced thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings, affections, etc., the more similar the corresponding factors to them are. Thus, on the highest level of this production, you will have an appearance of non-sentient life forms, such as, for example, higher animals that will remarkably resemble the sentient mind without ever reaching sentience themselves.”
“The less spiritual and genuine ideas, concepts, thoughts, feelings, emotions, affection or whatever are, the less resemblance occurs. And all ideas, thoughts, concepts, affections, etc., related to other than spiritual or mental affairs will generate plant life forms, and, on their lowest level, the inanimate forms of being and existence.”
“Thus, the quality and the content of the sentient mind will determine the quality and the content of the non-sentient life forms and inanimate forms of being and existence. The true positive life of the sentient mind will produce only positive, beneficial and useful non-sentient life and inanimate forms.”
“On the other hand, the dead life of the pseudo-sentient mind, that is, the negative state, will produce the opposites — negative, destructive, poisonous, dangerous and adverse non-sentient life and inanimate forms.”
“This is the process by which life of the entire universe and the Zone of Displacement is generated and maintained.“
“But there is another peculiar life form which had never existed before and which initially occurred as an isolated occurrence, limited only to one place and state. This peculiar life form is the result of combination and fusion of two contradictory states — the true life of the positive state and the dead life of the negative state. The result of this combination and fusion was the fabrication of a strange and unusual life form called humans, made full of contradictions and opposites.”
“In reality, human life does not fit entirely into either category of life previously discussed. It is an abnormal occurrence in being and existence, permitted to thrive, to flourish and to function only with one purpose — to illustrate a sentient life form that does not directly derive from The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“This life form is neither alive nor dead. As you know, in the positive state of Creation everyone is fully alive. In the negative state of the Zone of Displacement everyone is fully dead — with preservation of self-awareness which allows these dead entities to perceive and consider their death as life.”
“On the other hand, in human life neither condition is fully established.”
“As mentioned above, this peculiar condition exists only on your planet. As you remember, your planet is called planet Zero. This is not by a coincidence. Its name reflects the peculiar and strange situation in which humans are. This is a neutral state that can go either way — positive or negative. This is the reason why only on planet Zero can such a mixture of positive and negative coexist side-by-side. It gives humans a choice to make a free decision about which manifestation of life to join.”
“The problem with humans is that, as opposed to the positive entities and all other entities in the negative state, they came into their selfawareness by the process of gradual learning from without. In their original state, they are ignorant, with very little self-awareness and with a considerable amount of unconscious processes. This does not give them from the very beginning any valid ability to make such a choice. The free choice-making process, in order to be valid, must be in a state of full awareness of self-awareness, with full knowledge of all choices.”
“Humans were fabricated without this ability or, to be precise, this ability, from the moment of their physical birth, was put into unconscious mode, trapped in a peculiar condition which would not allow it to be fully manifested.”
“On the other hand, all other sentient life forms are created with full knowledge and abilities of free choice-making because they are born fully self-aware. The same is true about those who fabricated humans and other creatures of the Hells. They also came into their being and existence with full knowledge and awareness of self-awareness.”
“So, in order to give humans an opportunity to develop this ability and to be presented with free choice, they were placed in this neutral condition on planet Zero and, in the process of their life, are exposed to both alternatives. These alternatives trigger their original endowment (whether positive or negative), enabling them to pursue their life assignment based on their own free choice. At the present time, and under conditions presently existing on planet Zero, there is no other way to put humans into the position which would trigger their inborn endowment.”
“As you know, the incarnation of Jesus Christ took place on planet Zero. This was a necessary step for Him/Her to take. One reason was to fully activate the positive alternative. This alternative was more unconscious and in a state of potentials rather than in an active mode. But the most important reason why this incarnation happened on planet Zero was because your planet’s unusual condition functioned as an interim state of preparation for Jesus Christ to enter the fullness of the negative state — the Hells. Your planet gave Him/Her a means by which He/She could safely enter the Hells and accomplish there His/ Her real mission.”
“Humans incorrectly believe that the primary mission of Jesus Christ was to be born on your planet and from that position to save humans on planet Zero. But, although this was also on Jesus Christ’s mind, it was not His/Her main purpose. The main purpose was to acquire these special means by which He/She could enter the negative state in its pure evil and falsified condition and accomplish there His/Her wellplanned mission. This mission will culminate, when the time is right, in a total elimination of the dead life of the negative state which is a malignant cancer of the entire being and existence.”
“In order for humans to be able to validate their lives and destinies, they needed to be put into a condition in which concrete examples of both lifestyles were present. These lifestyles are able to trigger inclinations, tendencies, traits and behavior patterns within humans consistent with their original choice, of which they have no conscious awareness or knowledge. Otherwise, they could never recapture the meaning, the purpose and the goal of their being born on planet Zero. They could not validate their lives because they would be completely ignorant of these facts.”
“How many humans really know who they are and why they are on planet Zero? Such knowledge is completely lacking. Instead, this fact is substituted with concrete external examples of the way humans live their lives either in the positive or the negative manner. These examples evoke in them a desire to follow this or that lifestyle, giving preference to the one most consistent with their true nature.”
“As you remember, the true human nature is determined by several factors: 1. Being born from the positive state as agents of the positive state to illustrate the examples of the positive life of love and wisdom. Presently, fewer and fewer humans are born from this stock. 2. Being born from the negative state as agents of the negative state to illustrate and perpetuate the examples of the negative life of evils and falsities. More and more humans are born from this stock. 3. Being born from various ideas of both sides with the sole purpose of being incarnated on planet Zero. More and more humans are born from the negative ideas and fewer and fewer are born from the positive ideas. This is a necessary arrangement if the negative state is to also win fully on planet Zero.”
“Now, the presence of these factors is able to trigger in humans the nature corresponding to each particular state which they fully manifest, in most instances not even knowing consciously why they are the way they are. This is how they compensate for the lack of proper knowledge and total ignorance about this situation.”
“In order to better understand human life forms, it is necessary here to briefly summarize the process by which humans came to be the way they are.”
“Several phases of history of sentient life on your planet can be clearly established:”
“The very first phase was the androgynous one. In this phase, sentient entities in an androgynous form populated your planet for a relatively brief period of time — approximately for twenty centuries. They were a direct endowment of The Most High, created for the purpose of preparation of your planet for what was to come.”
“As you remember, at that time your planet was situated in a different part of your galaxy. Once the androgynous people fully accomplished their mission, they left your planet and established themselves elsewhere in the positive state of Creation.”
“Very little physical, mental and/or spiritual resemblance exists between those people and humans presently existing on your planet. Only some extremely limited elements of their sentience were retained in humans. But these elements are not manifested in humans in any other manner than having some limited degree of an ability to be aware of their selfawareness.”
“The need to retain some degree of this crucial ability stems from the fact that validation of any life form and its lifestyle depends on this ability. Nothing can be illustrated and learned if such an ability is lacking.”
“The purpose of a sentient androgynous life form on your planet was revealed in the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality.”
“The second phase of this history began with the separate male and female forms of sentient beings. From the genetic material of the original androgynous people, The Most High created two separate forms and endowed them with the spirit of life. The entire knowledge and abilities that the first people had and gathered were fully contained in that special material and were fully transmitted to the second people. They were born in full consciousness of that knowledge, as well as of everything else, including the awareness of their self-awareness. Because The Most High was the one who performed this process, these people can still be considered the direct endowment of The Most High. In actuality, the only difference between the first type and the second type of people was their physical form and lack of a direct experience of total unity of feminine and masculine principles.”
“As you remember from before, the separation of feminine and masculine principles is a first remote prerequisite for activation of the negative state.”
“But there is another point here which has been concealed so far and is being revealed now for the first time. Notice, please, that in the process of creation of the second type of people on your planet, a totally different approach was used than in the process of creation of the first androgynous people.”
“In the process of creation of the first people, particles from the emanating energy of the most outward degree of The Most High’s Absolute External Mind were used (not as in the birth of Jesus Christ, during which an element from The Absolute External Mind — its very center, was directly used!). These particles were fused with the elements of their prospective physical environment. This fusion gave birth to the first people.”
“This process allows the presence of The Most High to be manifested in the most outward position of the most external degree of Creation to its fullest possible extent. This region of Creation is not able to carry more than what is contained in the particles of emanating energy of the most outward degree of The Most High’s Absolute External Mind. But because the particles derived directly from the emanating energy of The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit, now called The Lord Jesus Christ (at that time called The Most High — this is why the term ‘Most High’ is used here), the first people on your planet, under existing conditions then relevant to the nature and position of that planet, were the most possible direct endowment of The Most High.”
“Due to this fact, they contained an unimaginable degree of knowledge, wisdom, love, abilities, talents, gifts, science and all other equipment that you have no possibility of imagining or comprehending. They were masters of their inner and outer universe to the fullest possible extent.”
“These full abilities and knowledges, as well as everything they acquired in the process of their life on planet Earth (still called Earth at that time), they passed on to the next people who came after them.”
“Now, the next generation, in a separate male and female form, was created by the fusion of three elements. From the genetic material, left behind by the first people, The Most High used one masculine gene and one feminine gene plus one element from the physical environment for building their physical body. In the process of combining these elements and their fusion, a separation was accomplished by the method of suppression of the external genetic characteristics either of feminine or masculine genes, respectively.“
“As you noticed, the fundamental difference between the first and the second people was that, whereas in the process of creation of the first people particles of emanating life energies from the most outward degree of The Most High’s Absolute External Mind were used, this was not the case in the process of creation of the second people. Instead, the second people were derived from the genes of the first people.”
“One of the many meanings of the story of Adam describes this process by the act of The Lord God taking out of Adam one of his ribs and making it into a woman. In this connotation, the word ‘woman’ does not mean only female. It also means any sentient entity derived from some other primary sentient entity rather than directly from The Lord God.”
“In the case of Adam — the first people — a direct approach was used. In the case of the second people, called Adam and Eve, an indirect approach was used. This difference has a great spiritual significance.”
“One condition with the first people that could not have been changed was that they were created as a unity of feminine and masculine principles. Whatever comes from The Lord God Most High directly cannot be in any other condition.”
“However, as you remember, for the purpose of activation of the negative state, it was necessary to use a different approach. The negative state cannot be activated from the position of unification of these principles. The production of the true life process is accomplished by the process of this continuous unification. This is the true nature of The Lord Jesus Christ who at that time was called The Lord God Most High. Thus, whatever derives directly from any aspect of The Most High, in this case from emanating life energies, as described above, cannot appear in any other condition.”
“In the foresight of activation of the negative state, in order to give it an opportunity to come to its fruition, it was necessary to establish a life form which would not be derived directly from any aspect of The Lord God — even from the emanating life energies from the most outward aspect of His/Her Absolute External Mind. Those energies are direct emanations and radiations of The Most High. They cannot be used for this separation.”
“Another reason for the differences between the first and the second people was that, as you remember, The Most High could not be present in the process of activation of the negative state. His/Her direct presence would make this activation utterly impossible. When you create someone from the very particles emanating from you, you are fully present in those particles.”
“However, when you use those same particles, combined and fused now with the elements of the external physical environment, and from their own fusion you create something or someone else, a new hybrid will come to its being and existence which will not have the full direct presence of yourself. Thus, as you see, the process of distancing of The Most High from the future act of triggering the negative state’s dead life had begun.”
“Once the second people fully established themselves on planet Earth, a third phase in the history of your planet was initiated. The life of the second people flourished for many millions of years. In the process of this time many great spiritual, mental, physical and scientific accomplishments were achieved.”
“Not only did these people have a direct access to and use of all knowledge and abilities left behind by the first people, but they creatively developed this knowledge further and invented and discovered numerous other concepts and secrets of life which they fully utilized for the betterment of their lifestyle in general.”
“While they were experimenting with the genetic material left behind by the first people, as well as with their own genetic endowment, they conceived an idea of creating a life form which would be exactly like them except that it would not be a direct act of The Lord God Most High who created them by the process described above. These people were permitted to conceive these ideas in their minds for the purpose of bringing the negative state closer to its activation.”
“The reason this idea could be conceived by the second people so easily was that they had the knowledge and experience of their own conception as a derivation from the genetic material of someone else instead of from The Lord God. Thus, they concluded: If The Lord God produced them through the mediating means and not directly, using the already existing external material in the form of the first people, why not use their own material and create a life form in their own likeness and image. Such a conclusion logically follows this process.”
“After long experimentation, the second people succeeded in this effort. As you remember, they used one gene of their female species and one gene of their male species and fused them in such a manner as to bring about infinite variations and diversities in the production of life forms.”
“From that point on, a new mode of bringing people to this world was established. People were created not by The Most High but by other people, using The Most High’s methodology by which the second people were created.”
“Now in this new breed of people, the direct presence of The Most High in the form of any of His/Her direct elements or particles is almost nonexistent.”
“The initial purpose and intent in creating this third type of people was not a negative one. In actuality, it was a positive one, stemming from the creative effort of life forms present in them from The Most High. This simply means that when you have certain abilities, they become a motivating factor for initiation of activities consistent with the nature and content of those abilities.”
“If you have the knowledge and ability of how to produce life forms, you will be motivated to use that knowledge and those abilities to do exactly what they give you. This is a vital spiritual principle. After all, why would you have such an endowment? For decoration only? You are endowed with all kinds of knowledge, gifts and abilities in order to use them, to develop them, to master them and to continuously improve them. You cannot do this unless you practice it.”
“No other reason, intention or motivation of the second people existed to do anything but to fully actualize, realize and manifest their abilities, knowledge and gifts. However, their accomplishments were used to allow the negative state to come to its fruition for the reasons fully described elsewhere.”
“The third phase of history of your planet actually begins at the time when all people from the second phase departed from your world and settled elsewhere. The third people were all the result of the genetic engineering described above.”
“In the process of that genetic engineering, all abilities, talents, gifts and knowledge, now accumulated to immense proportions, unimaginable for you, were genetically transferred to the third people. Thus, these people were born, through the process of something which remotely resembles bi-cloning, into the full knowledge and understanding of all which was transmitted to them and how to use it.”
“The history of the third type of people lasted the longest time — many millions of years. With each new generation, created by this special process, a certain degree of spiritual deterioration occurred. Having no immediate experience of being created directly by The Most High, and being produced by the so-called scientific external means, in the process of many millions of years, these people gradually came to the conclusion that they could be totally independent and self-sufficient in all their endeavors without any need to involve some kind of Higher Power or Source.”
“Now, this consideration is the very first step in activation of the negative state’s dead life. However, the third people, or to be precise, the four hundred thousandth generation of the third people, who conceived this idea still did this for the sake of utilization and application of their abilities and knowledge themselves rather than with an evil intent. In order to test this theory (that they can produce a life form which would have no need to consider any higher spiritual power as a true Source of Life but to be totally independent of any source except their own self-sufficiency), this particular generation produced a fourth type of people who eventually became the original pseudo-creators.”
“Although this new type of people was produced basically by the same methodological procedures, a different set and combination of traits within genetic material was used. The suppression of genetic traits which carry the memories and facts of dependence on the spiritual principles was successfully accomplished, and emphasis was put on genetic traits that carry mental and physical dispositions of self-sufficiency, independence and striving for self-actualization by one’s own efforts and powers and all other dispositions related to this trend.”
“So, a fourth phase in the history of your planet began, once the fourth type of people set in. Again, in the process of this genetic engineering, which led to the production of the fourth people, all knowledge, abilities and accomplishments, in all their tremendous accumulation, were passed fully on to them. Nothing was lacking except the suppressed need to depend upon and derive everything from the true spiritual principles of The Absolute Life of The Absolute Sentient Mind of The Most High God.“
“The fourth type of people thus was born also into the full knowledge of everything and into the awareness of self-awareness with an added component of a new choice not to be dependent on anything spiritual.”
“Also, these people had a long history, spreading through many millions of years.”
“In the process of their history, developing further their gift of total independence and self-sufficiency, they conceived an idea of total separation from the rest of Creation in order to test the theory of what would happen if they were to be totally different. In other words, the question, foreseen by the Creator, The Absolute Source of Life, of what life would be like if made totally separated from and independent of the rest of Creation and the Creator, was finally asked.”
“As you see, the formulation of this question somewhat differs from the formulation of its final version. It does not say what life would be like without the Creator or if it were to derive from any other source other than The Most High and His/Her spiritual principles or false spiritual principles. Instead, in this formulation the words ‘separated’ and ‘independent’ or ‘totally different’ are being used.”
“This is not by a coincidence. The final version of this question cannot come to its fruition until a separate lifestyle different from and independent of the rest of Creation is first established. Only in a state of separation can such a final version of this question be conceived at all. In the conception of the idea of total separation from the rest of Creation the second crucial step toward the full activation of the negative state’s dead life was accomplished and finalized.”
“So, this idea was put to the test. At this time, though, these people decided to apply the successful results of their experimentation on themselves. First, they used the tremendous genetic pool available to them from the various life forms to produce a new life still in their likeness and image but with a different outlook on life, the multiverse and The Most High. The point here was that, if you want to become different from anyone else in Creation, you must come up with something totally dissimilar to them. This dissimilarity, in its initial stage, is not that much of the external nature and of the degree of knowledge, intelligence and how to apply and utilize them, but more so of the inner and interior nature.“
“How do you establish something totally different in this respect? By establishing a fundamentally different lifestyle. However, at that time, no other lifestyle but a positive one existed or had ever been experienced. So, how do you go about defining a lifestyle which is totally different from the known positive one? By a careful classification, analysis and definition of all aspects of the positive state and by coming up with the exact opposite of everything contained in the nature of the positive state. The opposite principles can establish a totally different lifestyle.”
“So, in the process of this phase of genetic engineering, all positive traits were suppressed and, by a very special genetic design, totally new ideas were ingrained in all subsequent genes used for fabrication of the fifth type of people. Now these types of people were produced with traits fully opposing the positive state but with the full preservation of all intelligence, knowledge, abilities, talents, gifts, etc., that their fabricators had.”
“After successful completion of this experiment, the experimenters altered their own genetic makeup and fused themselves with the fifth type of people, becoming a leading part of their force.”
“Now for the first time in Creation, a new lifestyle was established that had never been before and will never be again after it fulfills the purpose of its deadly being and existence.”
“The fifth phase of the history of your planet relates to the fifth type of people. Also, this phase lasted several millions of years. In the process of this phase, the fifth people gradually ‘perfected’ the state of complete separation, isolation and independence from the rest of Creation, bringing their opposing traits to the most extreme state.”
“In the process, a deliberate extreme hate toward everything of the positive state and particularly toward The Lord God was developed and implemented in all aspects of their life. By this step, the negative state of deadly life came to its full activation. It was in this phase that the final version of the above question was formulated.”
“Having the entire knowledge and abilities fully preserved and at their full disposal, being the most developed scientists of all times, the fifth people, now justly called the pseudo-creators, conceived the idea of fabrication of humans and other numerous creatures both sentient and non-sentient and inanimate forms, as well as the idea of populating the Zone of Displacement.“
“For this purpose they developed in the spiritual dimension of the Zone of Displacement several worlds known to you under the name of ‘Hells.’ Thus, the Hells were established. From that position, they proceeded to do what was described in Chapter Six of this book.”
“As you see from this brief description, the negative state was clearly initiated on the level of the most extreme outward degree of the physical dimension of Creation and nowhere else. It has never had any equal position with the positive state because it derived from the life of the positive state by conceiving an idea of opposing the nature of the positive state. It has no roots whatsoever in The Lord Jesus Christ called at that time The Most High or The Lord God.”
“By opposing the nature of the positive state — the carrier of the true life — the negative state became a carrier of the dead life.”
“The fabrication of humans and their lifestyle, as manifested on your planet from cave human to the present time, was for the sole purpose of proving that a life form totally different from anything and anyone else can be produced, which has no knowledge, no idea, no concept and no awareness of anything spiritual, or anything at all, but is born in total ignorance and, yet, at the same time, is able to develop all these factors through its own effort and striving.”
“Thus, humans are here for the purpose of proving that no God or spiritual principles are needed for creation of life because it can appear without any intelligent creative effort. The purpose was to fabricate evidence, pointing out the origin of humans from the animals in an evolutionary — not a creative — manner. Everything was set up for this purpose.”
“The facts revealed here corroborate the statement that humans are not a direct endowment of The Most High, although the material used in their fabrication, in its very original condition, came from The Most High. But by the time that material was used for fabrication of humans it was altered and mutated from its original condition and content so many times that for all practical purposes it could not be considered as coming from The Most High.”
“Humans are the most gruesome purposeful mutation of genetic material many times purposefully mutated, combined and fused with the most gruesome purposefully mutated beastly genes derived from animals built from even more gruesomely mutated animals, fabricated by the pseudo-creators.”
“Because of this unusual condition, only in humans can the extreme manifestation of the dead life of the negative state and its efforts take place as compared to the true life of the positive state. The originators and activators of the negative state themselves could not fulfill this function because they fully knew what they were doing. They possessed the state of full awareness of the self-awareness which originally generated the true life within them. Only when they decided to genetically alter themselves, in accordance with the above procedure, they turned their life into a dead life.”
“From the position of dead life, producing a form of life which is neither dead nor alive, the proper illustration and exemplification of the true nature of the negative state can and may begin.”
“The principle to be aware of here is that only from the position of ignorance and unconscious processes, inherent in the condition of human life, which is neither dead nor alive, when one has no idea how the negative state was originated and what its purpose is, can its true nature be fully learned.”
“The pseudo-creators had never lost the full knowledge of its origin and purpose because they were the ones who originated it and set a purpose for it. Therefore, they cannot be its exemplification.”
“As you remember from before, the exemplification must always be by the consequences, outcomes and results of this activation and not by the act of activation itself. Humans and their corrupt, greedy, avaricious, hypocritical lifestyle of double standards are the highest point of this exemplification. Creatures in the Hells cannot serve this purpose because they are in the full state of the dead life itself.”
“From this understanding of the origin of human stock, a definition of human life in particular can be derived:”
“Human life in particular is a process of a state which exists between the true life and non-life for the purpose of full exemplification of all consequences, outcomes and results of activation of the negative state in order to provide an important spiritual learning for the entire Creation and its multiverse about the true nature of something entirely different from the positive state so that everyone knows exactly what not to choose.”
“In a true meaning and content of this definition, human life cannot be considered a true life. But neither can it be considered an entirely dead life. It is a peculiar state that has never existed before anywhere and it will never exist anywhere once it fulfills its purpose, as reflected in the definition offered above. In actuality, no other purpose and meaning of human life has ever existed or will ever exist.”
“To try to find any other purpose and meaning for this unusual state, called human life, is a futile venture which may lead, in many instances, to suicide.”
“Once you realize the true meaning and purpose of the so-called human life, it puts everything in an entirely different perspective.”
“As you remember from the previous Chapter, it was stated there that nothing is normal on your planet. The abnormality of your condition derives from this peculiar position. Only the true life is normal. The dead life of the Hells is a normal life for them or no life from the position of the positive state. However, your condition is neither of them. Therefore, it does not fit any known category of life or non-life.”
“This is an insane pathological condition which allows the fullest possible manifestation of all consequences, outcomes and results of activation of the negative state.”
“Being in a condition that you are, from your position, it is extremely difficult for you to properly conceptualize the concept of life in general and human life in particular. When you are in a state of abnormality, you lack proper orientation points to be able to discern what the true life is all about. In fact, the normal life from the abnormal condition looks as abnormal. Not knowing what normality is, having no experiential example of the normal life, you tend to reject anything that does not fit with or is different from anything you have and have experienced in your everyday life. In actuality, it is scary to you. Because it is scary, as an unknown factor, it is considered to be abnormal.”
“Thus, humans, by their very structure, are purposefully prevented from acquiring the proper knowledge and experience of the true life. They are, in fact, not even built, in any aspect of their structure, to be able to do so.“
“For this reason, most humans on your planet, if they were to read this book, would consider it a product of insanity and mental derangement.”
“In order to bring more light into the concept of life in general and human life in particular, the following points need to be considered:”
“As you remember, life is a process of the state of the spirit’s awareness of its self-awareness or ‘I am.’ Thus, one must always distinguish between the process of something and a state of something. In this respect, life can be considered a purposeful product of the ongoing process of awareness of self-awareness of ‘I am’ of the spirit. The word ‘process’ implies something dynamic, continuously going on. There is a certain discrete sequence here, occurring concurrently and simultaneously, yet, nevertheless, in a sequence. The sequence is postulated for the purpose of better understanding of what this is all about.”
“First, there is a spirit. In this case, The Absolute Spirit. Secondly, there is a state of the spirit. The spirit is — this is the state. Thirdly, there is a process of the spirit — awareness. The spirit is aware that it exists. Fourthly, there is awareness of self-awareness. The spirit is aware that it is aware of its state. Fifthly, there is ‘I am’ which is the process of self-awareness from the awareness. This is the process of the spirit. The spirit is not only aware that it is but also that it is ‘It’ that is aware — thus, ‘I am.’ Sixthly, there is energy of the process of the state of the spirit — its ‘I am.’ Seventhly, there is an awareness of the produced energy from this ongoing process.”
“The combination of this energy and its awareness constitutes true life of the spirit. In this sense, life is a necessary product of these seven steps. They all occur synchronously, concurrently and simultaneously. From their unified totality, life derives. Or to be precise, from the process of the unified totality of all states of the spirit, life is and exists. Thus, life is immanent to the state of the spirit and its process.”
“No other condition of the spirit can be or exist. Thus, life is the very nature of the spirit. Or, even more precisely, the spirit is the true life of the life itself.”
“In a discrete mode, the spirit precedes life and life is a manifestation of the spirit’s being and existence. Life is a mode by which and through which the spirit operates. No other mode of operation is available. This is the way it is. This is something constant, unchangeable.”
“When humans conceptualize the nature of God, they assume that it is totally unchangeable and is eternally the same. However, the matter of fact is, it is not God whose nature is constant and unchangeable to eternity but, instead, it is the mode of operation — life — which is constant and which always was, is and will be from eternity to eternity. Nothing can be changed about this mode of operation. It is always the same.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ, being The Absolute Spirit of The Absolute Life, is in a constant, unchangeable mode of operation. He/She can operate by, through, with and of His/Her life only. This is the only possible mode of His/Her operation.”
“In this respect, and only in this respect, He/She is truly unchangeable and always the same. But this does not relate to His/Her Nature which is a constant process of its dynamic manifestation in infinite varieties of ways and manners.”
“Can you conceive any other mode of operation but life? None. This is true in an absolute sense as related to The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The true sentient life follows the same pattern from its relative to The Absolute Condition.”
“The same pattern is followed in the dead life only in an opposite sense.”
“The situation with human life in particular is different. Human life is a total distortion of all patterns. It is paradoxically a state of neither state and a process of neither process. It is an impossibility which was made temporarily possible. It makes no sense and has no meaning.”
“Paradoxically again, in making no sense and having no meaning is the true sense and the true meaning of human life. To repeat: In illustrating this no-sense and no-meaning is the temporary value of human life.“
“The concept of life in general can be better understood from the way it functions and is manifested. Its structure can be conceptualized in three aspects.”
“The first aspect stems from the state of life which is the spirit of life. Because we are dealing here with the spirit, this aspect is called the spiritual aspect. It is the starting point of life itself and all its functions and manifestations. Because it is the originator of everything else, everything else, by virtue of this fact, appears as though in a certain distance from or proximity to the spirit or this spiritual aspect of life. Such an appearance gives an impression that the spiritual aspect is in the state of the most within.”
“Thus, the spiritual aspect of life is the most within state of life. The most within of this most within is, of course, the spirit itself and its ‘I am.’ Because ‘I am’ is an active state, it is in a continuous process of production of spiritual energies. These spiritual energies emanate from the spiritual aspect of life and form its second aspect.”
“Thus, the second aspect of life is a process of self-aware ‘I am.’ It produces its own process of thinking, feeling, willing, etc., summarily called mentation. This is the process of mentation of ‘I am’ which thinks itself, feels itself, wills itself, directs itself and moves itself. In other words, this is what used to be called the soul of life.”
“Self-mentation is the foundation on which all other forms of mental activities of life are based. It is impossible to think about others, for example, unless you are aware of the fact that it is you who thinks. You have to do it from your own self-awareness. If you are not aware of your own state and process, you cannot be aware of someone else’s.”
“As mentioned a long time ago in the book, Messages From Within, you can relate only from yourself. No other position of relatedness is available.”
“Remember, there is only one available position from which the spirit can operate — life. Life is the process of spirit’s self-aware ‘I am’ which generates mental processes. Because it is, after all, life of ‘I am,’ only from the position of ‘I am’ anyone can relate to anyone or anything else. To repeat it again, no other position is available. These are the facts of life.“
“Since the second aspect of life is the process of the first one, it appears to be somewhat distant from the state of the most within. Its proximity, being between the first spiritual aspect and the third, upcoming aspect, can be called an interior aspect or mediating soul or mental aspect of life.”
“The process of continuous mentation of ‘I am’ or the interior aspect of life generates its own life energies. These energies constantly emanate in an outward direction and form a third significant aspect of life — the external or exterior manifestation of life.”
“The process of mentation requires its validation through the consequences, outcomes and results of its activities and the ideas of the spiritual aspects. These states generate actions, behaviors, attitudes and positions of life directed toward its ‘I am’ and everyone and everything else. It is also a form of life’s manifestation in its external environment.”
“Because of its more distant proximity to the spiritual and mental aspects of life, this aspect is called the external or exterior aspect of life. Its form is called the body of life.”
“These three fundamental aspects of life are always discrete to one another. They are conceived in a synchronous, concurrent and simultaneous mode of their being and existence. Within themselves they function in a continuous and successive mode. However, no continuity exists among them because of their discrete nature. They correspond to each other: The most within to the interior, the interior to the exterior, the exterior to the interior and the interior to the most within. Summarily, they are unity, oneness and harmony of life.”
“In the totality of their function and manifestation they constitute what is called the sentient mind.”
“Thus, the sentient mind can be conceptualized in those three unified aspects of life called the most within or Spiritual Mind, the interior or mental mind and the exterior or external mind. In this respect, the sentient mind can be considered as a carrier of the true life. Through it, the true life is actualized, realized and manifested.”
“The non-sentient life, being the externalized corresponding outward factors to the sentient minds’ ideas, mentations and affections, cannot have this structure. It is formed from the most outward life energies, emanating from the most external aspect of life. Because its formation is based on this external aspect, the non-sentient life reflects the structure of the external mind only. In itself and by itself, the external aspect of life does not have self-awareness. This comes from the most within aspect of life — ‘the I am.’ ‘I am’ is aware of its external aspect. The external aspect is aware of itself from the ‘I am’s awareness. Because of this arrangement, the non-sentient life is limited to the external aspects of life within which it has its own relative inner, relative interior and relative exterior degree, respectively. Having no true within or true soul, the non-sentient life can never establish a concept of ‘I am.’”
“In actuality, the non-sentient life’s function is entirely different. The purpose here is to establish life forms which would characterize behavior of the most external aspect of life in a form of outward, concretized illustrations, utilizing the elements of the environment from which the non-sentient life forms are built in combination with the ideas of the sentient mind.”
“Thus, non-sentient life does not have its own independent life. Instead, it is a derivative of life energies, emanating from the activities of the most external aspects of the true sentient life.”
“The structure of the dead life is similar to the structure of the true life except in an upside-down position. The most within of the dead life is the most without and the most without is its most within. The interior aspect of the dead life proceeds from the most without which is considered to be the most within. This arrangement produces evils and falsities of dead life which are the breath of the negative state.”
“The human life in particular is a totally distorted structure of the true life. It contains considerable characteristics of non-sentient life in order to keep humans in the outward aspects of life. At the same time, human life contains within itself the most within spiritual aspect, the interior aspect or soul and the exterior aspect. However, these aspects within human structure are isolated, separated, closed off and put into the mode of unconsciousness.”
“A further deviation in the human structure of life is the infusion of dead life in the form of its false inner aspect, false interior and false exterior aspect.“
“Thus, human life can be considered a monstrous combination of isolated, separated and distorted elements of the true life, dead life and non-sentient life. This is a very unusual and unique combination which, as mentioned above, makes the impossible possible.”
“This structure of human life produces a lifestyle described in the preceding Chapter and illustrated by the history of humankind on your planet. No comments will be offered regarding this issue in this Chapter. This Chapter has a different purpose.”
“The three aspects of life and sentient mind as described above have a very specific function and a mode of their manifestation or, if you want to use the word ‘living,’ the mode of living. They are regulated by their own principles formulated within each aspect from the ultimate spiritual ideas generated in the most within state of ‘I am.’”
“The specific function and mode of living of life from the position of its three aspects imparts on life its quality. This is the quality of living.”
“The state of life — the most within, the process of life — the interior aspect, and the manifestation of life — the exterior aspect, have their quality. The quality of this life is determined by the nature of the spirit and its soul.”
“What is the nature of this spirit? Of course, it stems from The Absolute Nature of The Absolute Spirit of The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ. Its central theme and principle is to give, to share, to receive and to reciprocate what it is and what it has for the sake of principle itself. Because, most importantly, it has life as an immanent factor of its nature, it gives, shares, receives and reciprocates life. Thus, the quality of life is determined by to what extent and fullness this giving, sharing, receiving and reciprocating takes place. The more of it, the greater the quality; the less of it, the lesser the quality. None of it, no quality at all. In the latter case, life lacks any positive quality.”
“In the case of non-sentient life, its quality is determined by the function it plays for maintaining the external environment in an ecological balance, in order that sentient life may have a healthy environment for its manifestation. And, also, to what extent it is capable of reflecting the corresponding factors of the activities of the external aspect of life and sentient mind.“
“In the dead life of the negative state, the quality of life is determined by the opposing principle. It is non-sharing, non-giving, non-receiving and non-reciprocating unless it is under duress. The quality of dead life is an illustration of a lack of any quality.”
“The quality of human life in particular stems from its peculiar structure. Being a forceful, unnatural mixture and distortion of all the above, it produces something totally negatively new — ulterior motivation for doing anything.”
“Thus, you can see humans who give, who share, who receive and who reciprocate, but the intent with which this is done, in most instances, is never free from ulterior reasons. It is very rarely done for the sake of principle itself. And even though some agents of the positive state, living on your planet, strive to do so for the sake of principle itself, the structure of their life within them, the way it is arranged, is such that it does not allow them to be totally free from such ulterior considerations. Being aware of this fact, the agents of the positive state do not identify themselves with this attitude and, therefore, it is not appropriated to them.”
“Thus, the quality of human life is in illustration and manifestation of a totally different mode of life which is neither a true life of purity of principles themselves, nor a dead life of no principles at all, but a total distortion, perversion and mutilation of all principles of any life and non-life.”
“The nature of the spirit of life determines conditions under which true giving, sharing, receiving and reciprocating of this life can take place. Again, these conditions derive from the nature of the spirit itself. As you remember from the above, one immanent factor of the spirit’s life is its freedom and independence. This is the innermost factor of the spirit’s life. On the intermediate level, it is manifested in the condition of free and independent mentation. On the exterior level, it is manifested in the condition of free and independent choice to behave, to act and to relate in accordance with that choice.”
“Because of this important nature, any true giving, sharing, receiving and reciprocating can take place only on the basis of freedom and independence. It must be done freely, based on an independent choice. You are free to choose independently to do this for the sake of principle itself. Only in this condition can the true quality of life really be conceived and manifested. The spirit’s freedom is its means by which it expresses and impresses itself. The spirit’s independence is the process by which its life operates. These two modes of the spirit’s life underlie all its activities. Without them, no activities would be possible.”
“In non-sentient life the principle of freedom and independence cannot be actualized because it lacks self-awareness. The life of freedom and independence depends upon the awareness of self-awareness of ‘I am’ which conceptualizes its freedom and independence. No such conceptualization is available to the non-sentient life because it is ruled by the blind instincts ingrained into it. These instincts are reflections of life energies, emanating from the most outward level of the external aspect of life for orientation in the external environment. There is no need to develop the concept of ‘I am.’ Therefore, in this case, freedom and independence would be superfluous.”
“In dead life of the negative state all conditions are by a necessity and force. Therefore, freedom and independence is a poisonous atmosphere for all in the negative state. Their freedom and independence is expressed in their choice to have no freedom and independence. This choice is the source of their dead life. Without it they could not be and exist.”
“In human life in particular, the connotation is the gruesome combination of all the above. Fusion of a sense of freedom and independence, with the state of no freedom and independence and with non-sentient life form’s blind instincts, creates a peculiar condition in human life. By this condition humans acquired a mixture of needs: to be dependent and independent at the same time; to be free and not to be free; to have everything done for them and to want to do everything all by themselves; to direct and to be directed; to control and to be controlled; to conform and to rebel, etc. Human life in particular is an illustration of all possible contradictions placed in one container.”
“On such contradictions the true nature of the activated and dominant negative state can be illustrated the best. No consistencies in human life exist. No unifying principle is available to humans. If human life is a life of contradictions and inconsistencies, it can never experience the state of unification. Thus, no true life can be manifested in human life because the true life is based on the principle of unification as a free choice in the spirit of independence.“
“The only free and independent choice human life, in its present structure, has is to be a stage on which all these contradictions and inconsistencies can be played out for the sake of learning of all in the true life.”
“Inherent in the nature of the true life and its spirit is a sense of responsibility for that life. Since the spirit is a producer of life (in the sense that Absolute Spirit is The Absolute Producer of The Absolute Life), it is the spirit or the spiritual aspects of life that take full responsibility for its life.”
“The concept of life and the concept of responsibility for life cannot be separated. Once life is produced and is and exists, it cannot be left unattended, so-to-speak. Life, among other things, is a process and an extension of its spirit. Whatever happens to life is the responsibility of its spirit. The soul of the spirit, or the intermediate aspect of life, is responsible for proper forms of mentation of that life. Here responsibility lies in providing life with proper tools of its expression and impression. If spirit has no means for its expression and impression, it has no life. The soul of any spirit is responsible for providing continuous modes of these expressions and impressions.”
“The body of the spirit and soul, or the exterior aspect of life, is responsible for life’s actualization and realization in its fullest condition and form. It is responsible for giving life a sense of concreteness and tangibility.”
“In a general sense, the sentient mind, being a carrier and manifestor of this life, is responsible for how its life is being carried and manifested. Only the sentient mind, in its ‘I am,’ can be aware of its life. Whoever is aware of its life bears full responsibility for that life.”
“This is one of the most important spiritual principles of life itself. Life would never be generated from its spirit unless there were a full commitment of the spirit to be responsible for its life. Otherwise, life would make no sense. Only from the position of this responsibility for life can life come to its fruition.”
“The sense of responsibility for life derives from the state of awareness and self-awareness. It also derives from the sense of free and independent choice to produce life and be responsible for it.“
“In this sense, the responsibility for non-sentient life lies in those who produced such a life. Because non-sentient life fully derives from activities of the sentient mind, the sentient mind is fully responsible for non-sentient life also. Non-sentient life has no selfawareness and, therefore, no sense of responsibility either. The sentient mind is responsible for equipping it with a set of special principles and instincts which assure the non-sentient life’s continuation and proper function.”
“In the conditions of dead life of the negative state, a total voluntary relinquishment of any responsibility of life is in force. There, the tendency is to pass on all responsibilities to someone or something else. Because this is a voluntary condition, all participants in the dead life are fully responsible for their dead life.”
“In the case of human life the responsibility for it stems from the fact that participants in the human life agreed to partake in it by their free choice, with a choice for not remembering that such a choice was made.”
“The peculiarity of human life is that it lacks any conscious memory of anything that was chosen before assuming this strange and unusual life. Thus, in most instances, humans have no conscious awareness or a direct experience of either the true life or the dead life. All humans know is what they directly experience. They bear full responsibility for this gross limitation by virtue of the fact that they chose it to be this way. Thus, whatever type of life one has, as a carrier of that freely chosen life, one must take full responsibility for it.”
“As pointed out above (points 3 and 5), one of the most fundamental aspects of the Nature of Spirit is to give and to share what it is and what it has and to take responsibility for its own life.”
“This nature and principle determines the duties the spirit has about its life. In the case of The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit, The Absolute Duty is to continuously create new unique life forms in order to actualize the principle of giving and sharing, as well as receiving and reciprocating. You cannot share and reciprocate yourself with nothing.”
“In this respect, the duty to give life, for the purpose of this sharing and reciprocating, is an inherent trait of the nature of Spirit. On the level of the most within aspect of life, the duty is to continuously generate ideas of the new sentient life forms on whom can be imparted unique and specific life for the purpose of providing favorable conditions and circumstances in which this sharing and reciprocating can take place in a free and independent spirit.”
“On the level of the interior aspect of life, the duty is to provide a process of very specific and unique mentation through and by which this sharing and reciprocating can be actualized and realized.”
“On the level of the external aspect of life, the duty is to provide a most favorable environment and modes of behavior, attitudes, strivings, desires, wishes, wants and tendencies which make such sharing and reciprocating a concrete and tangible experience of a very desirable nature.”
“Basically, there are two aspects to this duty. One is directed toward one’s own life. The other is directed toward sharing and reciprocating that life. In the first case, it is the spirit’s duty to keep one’s life in the most optimal condition and function for the sake of principle itself. This is the way it is supposed to be. In the second case, the duty is to establish as many relationships with other spirits of life as possible for the purpose of sharing and reciprocating one’s own unique life.”
“In the highest spiritual sense, it is the spirit’s duty to share and to reciprocate one’s unique life with The Absolute Source and Giver of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ. Only if one does so, does one receive from The Lord Jesus Christ the reciprocal sharing of His/Her Absolute Life in relative steps. It has to be in relative steps because, being on the receiving end, the spirit of anyone cannot take in The Absolute Content of The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ. The spirit is relative to this Absolute State and therefore receives this sharing in steps congruent to its specific relative nature.”
“In non-sentient life forms this duty is reflected in their primary instinctual behavior. It does not give them any sense of duty. Instead, it compels them to take care of themselves and their environment as a matter of survival. They receive life from the sentient mind whose duty is to see to it that such instincts keep functional and that life flows continuously in all its forms and manifestations.”
“In the case of dead life of the negative state the duty is perceived in preservation of its own status by all means, striving to equalize itself with the positive state. This is a negative duty. Everyone in the negative state is compelled to perform acts which are destructive to the true life and ultimately favorable to the dead life.“
“In the case of human life in particular, you can see the combination of all three modes of life but in a perverted, distorted and falsified condition. The contradictions of human life are emphasized by the fact that humans feel they have duty for something that cannot be alive or is alive only for a brief period of time. The human body is the greatest object of that duty in order to maintain within it a semblance of life.”
“Because the human body lasts for only a few decades no matter how much you perform your duties toward it, it does not give you any true sense of that duty. After all, it will die, no matter what you do.”
“Not having any direct experiential and tangible awareness of their spirit and soul — many humans even denying their existence — the life of humans becomes a mockery of duty toward itself.”
“Nowhere else can you see such a contradictory behavior toward itself. On one hand, humans anxiously and dutifully take care of the external aspect of their life; sometimes of the mental or interior aspect of their life; very rarely of the spiritual or the most within aspect of their life. On the other hand, at the very same time, they do everything which is harmful to all aspects of their life. You can see clearly, that with one hand humans build and with the other hand, at the very same time, they destroy what they built. This does not make any sense. So, the sense of any duty toward human life has no sense either.”
“On such nonsense, the true nature of all consequences, outcomes and results of the activated negative state can be illustrated and learned the best. In this sense, human nonsense has the only sense. In this respect, human duty lies in illustration of this unusual situation.”
“Life in general has a certain structure and content, and dynamics and components which constitute its nature. These are the internal factors of life.”
“The structure of life in general consists of the building blocks derived from the nature of its spirit. On the level of the innermost aspect of life these are generated by the spirit’s idea of life. Life is preceded by the ideas of life. The spirit wills life through its continuously generated ideas of life. Cessation of these ideas of life means cessation of all life.”
“This statement has to be understood conceptually and operationally. In reality, the ideas of life and life itself are synchronous, concurrent and simultaneous occurrences. But because they appear in a discrete mode of the spirit’s conceptualization, the ideas of life, in that sense, precede life itself.”
“The analysis of life’s structure requires breaking down the process of life formation. But, as you remember from the beginning of this Chapter, the truth is ‘that spirit is life and life is spirit.’ They simply always are.”
“However, because life proceeds and spirit always is, it is logical to conceptualize the spirit as originator of life because it lives by its own idea of life. Thus, in this sense, discretely, first there is a spirit, secondly, there is an idea of life and, thirdly, there is a continuous actualization of that idea — life itself.”
“As you see, on the most within level, the major building block of life is the idea of life which is continuously occurring and is maintained in the sentient mind.”
“The other building block of life on the innermost level is the state of the spirit where these ideas are formed. The sentient mind of the spirit, continuously aware of its self-awareness, generates the ideas of life for the purpose of self-sustaining and ultimate giving and sharing of that life.”
“Thus, in an ultimate sense, the sentient mind of the spirit is the most vital and crucial building block of life. Without it, no life could be apprehended.”
“Still another building block of life on the innermost level is the ‘I am’ of the spirit. The assertion of life, that is, that life is, stems from the self-aware ‘I am.’ Without awareness of ‘I am,’ no ideas of life can be generated and no sentient mind can be conceived. The proper succession of these three building blocks of life in the innermost level of life is from the self-aware ‘I am’ of the spirit, through the sentient mind of the spirit, to the ideas of life of the spirit.”
“On the level of the interior aspect of life, which constitutes its soul, the following vital building blocks of life can be detected:”
“The actualized idea of a unique unrepeatable life constitutes its very specific mentality. The general ideas of life of its spirit, being the foundation of life, on this level are conceived as a unique and specific manifestation in the process of mentation of life. Life must be perceived specifically in order to take hold. Thus, a specific perception of life is one building block of mentality of life through which life is self-perceptive.”
“The second building block on this level is a thought and a sensation which enables life to be thought of and to be sensed by its own aliveness. Life must be a subject of thinking, feeling and sensation in order to be perceived and lived.”
“The third building block on the interior level is the will and its intent. Life must be willed by its carrier in order to be and to exist with an intent to be shared, reciprocated and fully actualized.”
“On the level of the exterior aspect of life, the building blocks are: The specific form of life’s manifestation which gives life a sense of tangibility and concreteness. The form of life is a means of life’s manifestation for the purpose of feedback of its aliveness.”
“The second building block on this level is the sense of acceptance. Life must be accepted in order to validate its being and existence. The feedback of acceptance to its source gives life a meaning and purpose.”
“The third building block on the exterior level is a desire, a wish and a want to be alive, giving feedback to its source that life is truly desirable, wished and wanted.”
“By all these building blocks taken together, and by all their numerous derivatives, life is established in its being and existence. Once it is established at its source, it proceeds toward development of its infinite ways of manifestation by creating various receptacles of life and by endowing them with that life (with itself) so that they live and are alive.”
“In the case of non-sentient life, being a derivative of a derivative, its manifestation is limited to the environmental processes.”
“In the case of dead life of the negative state, the process is the same but with a totally opposing purpose and meaning. The purpose is an ultimate destruction of all true life. This destructive purpose gives a meaning to the dead life.”
“In the case of human life in particular, the process of life’s establishment is perverted, distorted, falsified and mutilated. Humans have no conscious ideas of what life is all about. They have no sense of the purpose of their life the way it is and it gives them no tangible meaning other than that they are somehow alive on a temporary basis.”
“The contradiction of human life from this standpoint is derived from a hope unfounded by experiential perception that somehow they will live forever (although not all humans believe this to be so). And, at the same time, humans desperately cling to the life of their body, which is inevitably slipping away from them, believing that with the cessation of life of their body, no self-aware perception of life in their unique personalities will be available to them.”
“As mentioned in Chapter Eleven of this book, human life is ruled, among other things, by the principle of uncertainty. Nothing is certain in and about human life. No one knows for sure what happens after one’s physical body dies. Will life be no more? Is life limited to the few years one has on one’s planet? And although there is much information on life, supporting both alternatives — no life after death and a new life after death — all this information is only guesswork and opinions, surmises, suppositions and assumptions which may or may not be true.”
“No one has a direct full experience of a prolonged nature of what happens after a human dies. Some humans have certain brief encounters in this respect, but not sufficiently long enough to give others any certainty whether the experience was genuine or only a discharge of brain cells’ stored ideas, derived from one’s belief system, of how life after death should be, as some ‘scientists’ proclaim.”
“Thus, human conceptualization of life has nothing genuine as to the way life really is. In reality, human life can be considered a caricature of the true life forcefully combined with dead life and non-sentient life.”
“One of the most important internal factors of life is its content. You can say that the content of life in general is what gives life to life. In the most within level of life the content of life is defined and established by the content of its spirit. As you remember, the purpose of life, among other things, is to give, to share, to receive and to reciprocate for the sake of principle itself. This principle describes the content of life. In order to do so for the sake of principle, the spirit of life contains within itself a state called LOVE.“
“Love can be defined as a most intense self-awareness and awareness of the spirit’s life which gives the spirit immensely pleasurable sensation of its state. Love loves life absolutely. All other forms of love derive from this general love of life.”
“The true Nature and Content of The Absolute Spirit is pure Absolute Love. It is its eternal, unalterable state. It is this Absolute Love that actually is the source of life in all its manifestations. Because the nature of love is to love life unconditionally, it creates and produces many forms of life in order to impart and bestow on them its love. The very nature of love is to share and to give, unconditionally, this love to someone else. In order that this can be done, The Love of The Lord Jesus Christ created, creates and will create to eternity infinite varieties of sentient life with whom this love can be shared and reciprocated based on the above-mentioned principles of free choice and independence.”
“The responsibility of love of life is to provide life with opportunities to love and to be loved. In this responsibility is contained its Absolute Wisdom. It is wise to love life and to regulate it in such a manner as to have continuous opportunities to express, to impress, to feel and to live that love. Wisdom is the regulator of love. Love is life of its wisdom. Together they constitute the driving energy force of life.”
“Love and wisdom can be conceived as blood and oxygen which nourish all bodily organs and cells to keep them alive and functional. Thus, love and wisdom are the very life of life itself and the very content of life in general. Wisdom carries its love to all life manifestations, adjusting it to the level of unique quality of receptivity and reciprocity of every subject and object of that love. From this statement it is obvious that the true meaning of life can be found in love and its wisdom. This is the true foundation and content of life.”
“On the interior level of life the content of life is manifested in its goodness and truth. Life in general is always good. That it is good is the truth of the matter. It is good to live, to be and to exist. It is true that one lives by one’s goodness, love and wisdom. The truth is that anything that is not of true life of love and wisdom cannot be good. Therefore, it cannot be truly alive. The state of love and the process of wisdom, as well as the state of good and the process of truth, require full awareness of self-awareness of ‘I am’ of the spirit of life. Only from the position of ‘I am’ can the discernment of love and wisdom take place. ‘I am’ lives by awareness and experience of its love through its wisdom. It mentates by its goodness through its truth.”
“On the exterior level of life, the content of life is manifested in its concrete loving acts and behaviors and pure faith in its power and purpose. It does only what is good from its love to the extent that it is wise and necessary to manifest its true nature. It considers only what is true and appropriate and wise in order to give all acts and behaviors a loving, caring, understanding and appreciating quality.”
“All three aspects of the content of life are functions on which giving, receiving, sharing and reciprocating can be properly realized. The realization of this factor gives life true reality. By it life is real.”
“On the level of non-sentient life this content is manifested in the instinctual and structural drive to preserve its species in order to maintain a continuous life flow in all its aspects.”
“On the level of dead life of the negative state the content of that life is in the opposites: Love is turned into burning hate; wisdom into foolishness; goodness into evil; truth into falsities; concrete loving acts and behaviors into concrete hateful acts and malicious and vicious behaviors; and pure faith into a total denial of anything positive, good and true.”
“On the level of human life in particular, the content of life is a forceful mixture of all the above. The sense and meaning of love, wisdom, good and truth and loving acts and faith are distorted, perverted and misunderstood. Love of others is turned into self-love so that loving others is for the sake of oneself and not for the sake of others, and love to God is turned into love of this world and everything external. In such a perverted love, humans find their pseudo-wisdom and pseudo-truth.”
“Love to this world here signifies love to everything external without any consideration for internal spiritual factors. It has a broad implication. It does not mean only to love objects of the external nature, such as, for example, money, property, goods and all kinds of material possessions, but also various rituals, customs, cultures, conventions, traditions, habits, attachments and external religions and other various external affiliations. They are all loved for one’s own sake and not for their own sake as a means for acquirement of higher spiritual awareness. Thus, for example, anyone who loves to go to church and to perform certain required rituals there for the sake of one’s own feelings, he/she loves this world or the externals which constitute this world. This love replaces the true love of life — God or The Lord Jesus Christ. Even if all this is done in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, it is done, in most instances, for some ulterior reasons instead of for the sake of The Lord Jesus Christ as a principle because this is the way it is supposed to be.”
“This is a peculiar abnormal condition of human life in particular.”
“Another internal factor of life is its dynamics. As you know, life is not a stagnant state. The spirit of life, being in its own state, manifests its state in its process. Thus, life is a continuous dynamic active process. It never stops or rests. Even its rest is an active, dynamic process because it requires awareness of rest. Without awareness of rest, no rest can be conceived and subsequently experienced.”
“The most obvious and the most important aspect of life’s dynamics is its creative drive. By its love and wisdom, life is driven to continuously create. Through its creative effort, life can fully manifest its love and wisdom. Creativity is a continuous process of the spirit’s love and wisdom. In actuality, creativity can be conceptualized as life of love and wisdom itself. How can love and wisdom realize themselves but through their creative acts? By these acts Creation knows it is being loved and wisely cared for on a continuous and permanent basis.”
“In an ultimate sense, creativity of life is for the purpose of giving, sharing, receiving and reciprocating the acts of love and wisdom. Unless you have someone who can appreciate, respond, observe and participate in the acts of creativity, your creative efforts will make no sense.”
“Creation was created by the act of pure Love through the process of its pure Wisdom in order to give life a feedback of its creative efforts from its beloved Creation.”
“On the innermost level of life, creativity is conceived as an idea of life itself. The content and the meaning of the word ‘life’ reflects its creative state which is constantly in its process. Thus, first, you have an idea of creativity which gives an impetus to creativity to begin to create. This is its innermost state.”
“On the interior level of life, creativity is conceived as a purposeful and meaningful process which is well-planned, thought through and sensed by all modes of mental processes. In actuality, one of the many reasons why the mental processes were conceived was for the purpose of making creativity discernible, perceptible and sensible. Mental processes in themselves are the act of creativity of its spirit. They are sensors of creativity.”
“On the exterior level, creativity is conceived as a concrete tangible end product that gives feedback to its spirit on the results, outcomes and consequences of its creative efforts. The feedback is a necessary concomitant of this entire process. Through it, the spirit is enabled to judge the results of its creative activities and be further inspired in its dynamic creativity.”
“Thus, another aspect of life’s dynamics is inspiration. Life is inspired by its being and existence. Inspiration is the result of the process of the spirit’s awareness of its own life that gives it an inspiration to be unceasingly creative in infinite varieties, manners, ways and modes. It is life of creativity itself.”
“On a non-sentient level of life this creativity is reflected in the ability to procreate one’s own species in an infinite variety of ways. There are no two blades of grass or two leaves which are exactly alike. Neither are there two locomotive creatures that are exactly alike. No uniformity exists in Creation on any of its levels.”
“On the level of dead life of the negative state, the process of creativity is blocked and limited to destructive purposes. All inspirational effort is directed to the sustenance of the dead life which continuously breaks down. The purpose here is to fabricate a stagnant condition which would stifle the creative effort of the true life. Thus, in a dead life, creativity and inspiration are turned into the process of fabrication and cunningness.”
“On the level of human life there is a distortion and perversion of creative efforts and inspirational endeavors in a combined contradictory manner of all the above.”
“Human creativity and inspiration are conceptualized as products of some kind of life force within them that drives them to build and to destroy at the same time; to appreciate and to despise at the same time; to admire and keep in contempt at the same time; to love and to hate at the same time; to produce and devour at the same time; to accept and to reject at the same time; to confirm and to deny at the same time; to believe and disbelieve at the same time; to hope and to despair at the same time; to possess and to be possessed at the same time; etc. — and this is all within the same individual.”
“The contradictions of these states keep human life in a constant tension and uncertainty. This state is considered to be a normal state of human life and a presumed source of inspiration and creativity. As a result, whatever humans create and are inspired to do has very little in common with the true inspiration and creativity.”
“Human products, considered to be the pinnacles of creative efforts, such as, for example, art, music and science, are very feeble imitations of true creativity and inspiration. Thus, on the level of human life, creativity is turned into imitation of its efforts, and inspiration into very vague, barely readable facsimiles of its original.”
“The problem with humans and their human life, from the standpoint of creativity and inspiration, is that they are so isolated and separated from anyone and anything else in Creation but their own likes on their own planet that they have no comparison of what they do with any other state or condition of creativity and inspiration in the rest of Creation. Humans have no proper feedback from the rest of Creation on what they are doing and how it compares to all others in Creation. The feedback is only within their own system as compared to the efforts of two different individuals. A feedback of this nature cannot be considered a true feedback because it does not give one an idea how one stands in comparison with someone or something totally different than what humans on planet Zero can offer.”
“The integral factors of life are its various components. These can be conceived as a summary of all structural building blocks, content and dynamics of life. Thus, the major components of life on the most within level are all ideas of love and wisdom, all ideas of creativity and inspiration, and all ideas of life itself subsumed under the self-awareness of ‘I am’ as the most fundamental component of life. These components are formed in the sentient mind of the spirit as a condition of its state and process. No state and process can exist without formation of these ideas. This is an immanent condition of the spirit’s being and existence. From it all life processes derive.”
“On the interior level these components include all forms of mental processes subsumed under the name of thought processes, reasoning, logic, rationality, emotivity, will, intention and good and truth. These components form mental life or soul of life. Through and by them life perceives and experiences itself.”
“On the exterior level of life the components of life include concrete acts, behaviors, reactions, responses and feedback. In them life is fully actualized and realized.”
“From the standpoint of non-sentient life its components are reduced to instincts and genetic codes that allow them to be and to exist without awareness of self-existence and self-being.”
“From the standpoint of dead life of the negative state its components comprise everything which is opposite to the components of the true life.”
“From the standpoint of human life again you have the contradictory mixture of all the above in a distorted, perverted, falsified and mutilated condition. As mentioned before, human life lacks any conceptualization of the starting point of any life. Because it has no direct awareness of how and why life began in general and human life in particular, it is grossly limited in its ability of defining and distinguishing its own components.”
“Having no experiential basis for discerning any other sentient life forms, humans are referred to their own surmises, opinions, hypotheses, scientific theories and guesswork which are all fundamentally wrong. They claim that human life is derived either from some kind of God, who is conceptualized in a totally inappropriate manner, or from some kind of a cosmic stew which, by some kind of unpredictable chance, combined its components and elements in such a manner as to give an impetus for the beginning of life which, in the process of its evolution, culminated in an appearance of human life.”
“Now, here is the answer to the question of what life is like if it is derived conceptually from this hypothetical dead stew or from some imaginary pseudo-god who has no bearing in reality, that is, from the false God and false or distorted spiritual principles. This is what human life is all about. In being an illustrative example of this answer, human life provides an invaluable learning for the entire Creation which resides within the true life of The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ.“
“Besides the internal aspects of life, as illustrated above, there are also external factors of life. Life likes to take its form. Through its form life can be concretely discerned, perceived and experienced also from outside or from without.”
“It is obvious that in this connotation life can be conceptualized both as a subjective state and as a phenomenon observable from the outside. There is a carrier of life and there is an experiencer of life. An experiencer of life is its subject. A carrier of life is its object.”
“This is a correspondence to the general formal structure of life which is manifested, as you remember, in its three aspects: The most within, interior and exterior. These three aspects of life can be conceptualized from both the experiencer of life and the carrier of life. The experiencer of life is experiencing it in its three modes: as an internal or most within state, as an interior process and as an exterior manifestation. In all three cases of this experiencing, this is an internal or subjective experience.”
“On the other hand, the carrier of life, being its own object, observes life as if being outside of it. Thus, it distinguishes itself from experiencing life within itself and observing that life outside itself.”
“In order for such an observation to be feasible, in the spirit of life an idea of a form for life’s manifestation is conceived. This form has for its purpose not only to become an object of observation but also, most importantly, a medium of a concrete, tangible sharing of its states and processes. Simply stated, in the external form, life becomes touchable. In order to be touched, felt and observed externally, a form of life must be equipped with certain sensory organs of perception, sensation, reception and communication. These organs, in all their modes, become the external factors of life. They can be of spiritual nature, of mental nature or of the physical or bodily nature. This arrangement corresponds to the requirements of the spiritual world, the intermediate world and the natural world.”
“As you remember, each world comprises its own inner, interior and exterior state. Each has its own very specific organs of perception, sensation, reception and communication, congruent to the nature of its world. These organs enable everyone to experience and to share life at all levels of its manifestation. They are built from the ideas of conception of life for the purpose of its experiencing and sharing.“
“The spirit, in this case The Absolute Spirit of Life, generates an idea of purpose of life. It establishes this purpose as sharing and reciprocating in wisdom its love and everything it has. From this idea, another idea is generated which defines the various modes of sharing and reciprocating. The idea of these modes produces the necessary organs, tools and means by which all this is accomplished at all levels and aspects of life.”
“On a non-sentient level of life, these organs are limited to the external degree. Nothing of the inner nature is sensible to them and a very limited amount of the interior level is manifested in them.”
“On the level of dead life of the negative state, all these organs were restructured in such a manner as to perceive, sense, receive and communicate only dead life without any ability to see or to experience anything else.”
“On the level of human life in particular, you have a forceful combination of some aspects of the true life’s organs, non-sentient life’s organs and dead life’s organs. This unusual combination gives human life a peculiar set of sensory organs that completely and totally distort, pervert and mutilate all proper perception, sensation, reception and communication on all levels of life. In fact, with human sensory organs the situation was carefully designed to give humans only a distorted view of life in all its aspects.”
“As you know, in most instances, humans are able to perceive only their own external physical world and functions of their bodies. They are able, to a limited degree, to experience their own state of mind and emotions. However, because of genetically altered sensory organs, even the perception of their own physical environment, as well as the function of their own bodies and mind, does not correspond to the true reality. In fact, what humans think or feel they perceive, sense and receive, in reality, is not what they think it is. Their perception of the world is not the same as the world really is. It is grossly distorted.”
“This situation gives human life an entirely different perspective. Having no other mode or source of information but only such distorting sensory organs, humans make conclusions about life in general and human life in particular that reflect very little reality of life. Yet, they are not aware that all external aspects of their life, as well as internals, were purposefully altered, cross-wired or improperly rewired so as to make such a strange phenomenon as human life possible.“
“There is another external factor of life which can be considered an external of the external. This factor can be conceptualized as environment of life. The concept of environment stems from the spirit’s idea of various environments into which the external form of life, with its internal and interior content, structure, dynamics and all components, can be placed.”
“As you remember, there is an Absolute Spirit — The Lord Jesus Christ — Who is Life in and by Himself/Herself. From The Absolute Spirit of life all life emanates and generates.”
“In order for this Life to fulfill its function and purpose, recipients of this life are created who become carriers of various elements of this Life. Since life proceeds from the most within, through the intermediate state to the without, in the without it appears apart from its source. Only by this appearance can a proximity to its Source be established and communication begin. The word ‘proximity’ postulates an imaginary distance between two points which are in a state of continuous communication. The Absolute Point of Life sends and the relative point in distance receives and reciprocates what it receives by giving a feedback to the Starting Point.”
“In order to have a point of reception in this needed proximity, a very specific environment is created for it in which the relative point perceives itself as a free and independent agent of reception and reciprocation of life with its own environment. This environment can be conceived as a base or a matrix on which life is imparted from The Sender.”
“Once such an environment is created, from it elements are taken and fused with the ideas of the external form for life’s expression and impression. Thus, you get a very specific body of the spirit’s and soul’s life which is accommodated to the external structure of that environment. The environment is equipped with certain physical, cosmic, magnetic, electric, chemical, gravitational and similar strong and weak forces and states conducive to the maintenance of the life’s external form — body — in order for that body to be an effective sensor, perceptor, conductor and reciprocator of the received life.”
“Each specific structure of the unique spirit and its life requires a specific environment and base or matrix for it to be fully realized and actualized.“
“There are as many environments and matrixes of life as there are unique families of spirits with their unique souls and forms of manifestation. Because in their case the environments are accommodated to their needs, the spirits fully control these environments, adjusting them as needed, when needed and if needed. This is a normal way of interaction between the environment and the life of the spirits projected into it. This is the arrangement of the true life.”
“The non-sentient life forms can be considered an integral part of such environments. Their primary purpose is to provide specific components of that environment which are needed for the proper manifestation and function of the sentient life. This is accomplished in the form of maintaining the balance and proper ecology of each specific environment. The specificity of that environment determines the specificity of the non-sentient life forms which will appear in that environment as a correspondence to the specificity of unique spirits which will occupy that environment.”
“The dead life of the negative state produces its own negative environment with its own negative non-sentient life forms conducive to their own purpose of destruction of the true life. The environment of the dead life is poisonous to anything from the true life, just as the environment of the true life is deadly to the dead life. They do not mix, and they send and receive on totally different waves. The waves of the dead life broadcast in the opposite direction from the waves of the true life and they never meet except in the neutral zone of planet Zero.”
“The matrix or base of dead life of the negative state consists of all particles, chemicals or whatever it has which derives from the rejected ideas of the true life to deny its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ. So, the dead life of the negative state consists of fall out and waste rejected in the positive state of the true life. The environment, base and matrix of human life is an outrageous and impossible mixture of the true life, the dead life and the non-sentient life.”
“In order for such a devastating life to take hold, it was necessary to produce for it a very special environment, the most uncomfortable and unusual body with the most feeble matrix that bears the imprint of human life. As you know, human life in its body is based on what scientists call carbon-oxygen-protein matrix. This combination is required in order for human life to be manifested at all. No other physical environment is able to sustain the human body alive. Contrary to the human scientists’ belief, this physical matrix of life is the least suitable environment for any life. No other form of life is able to take hold in it.”
“But because humans have no direct experience of any other life except their own and their non-sentient forms, as well as only of their own environment, which carries life the way they know it, experience it and perceive it, they conclude that no other base or matrix of life exists.”
“Let it be known now that the environment of human life and the forms of its manifestation — the human body — as well as non-sentient life forms that accompany human life, are deadly and unbearable to any other life. Their life environment is not suitable for anything but to sustain, on a very short basis, the abomination of the contradictory mixture of artificially fabricated life called human life.”
“As you see, human life is an artifact that has no basis in the reality of true life in its pure condition. This artifact functions as a distortion and grossly hideous caricature of the true life.”
“This is one of the primary reasons why The Lord Jesus Christ stated during His/Her life on your planet, ‘...he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life’ (John 12:25). ‘To hate his life in this world’ signifies to reject it as a true life. Nothing lovable exists about life in this world. By doing that, one establishes a favorable condition for keeping an infinitesimally small amount of the true life that human life has from the above-mentioned mixture. From that tiny amount, one acquires the fullness of the true life after one departs this human life. This is signified here by the words ‘will keep it for eternal life.’”
“That human life’s environment and body and its non-sentient accompaniments are the most unsuitable conditions for life is reflected in the fact that humans are not able to survive in it for more than a few decades. As you remember, in the true life’s various environments, sentient entities can live for eons or to eternity if they choose to stay in the same environment. So can dead sentient entities live for eons in their dead environment without any difficulties as long as the negative state is permitted to be and to exist.”
“As you see, the situation with human life is entirely different in a negative sense. Nowhere else and with no one else does such a situation exist. This is a good vivid illustration of the answer to the question formulated many times above.“
“As mentioned previously, one of the major purposes of life’s being and existence is to share and reciprocate that life from the position of love and wisdom through various means and modes. Some internal and external factors of life were described above by which and through which this sharing and reciprocating takes place.”
“Because this is the major purpose of life, life itself and its Absolute and relative sources are structured, built and formatted in such a manner as to be able to fully and completely accomplish this goal of sharing and reciprocating. This is the fulfillment of the very nature of life and its spirit.”
“The simple reason why the purpose of life is to share and reciprocate is that such is the nature of the content, structure, dynamics and all components of life. Life cannot be and exist without this purpose.”
“So, in order for this purpose to be fully actualized and realized, the spirit of life and its life are equipped with a special mode of relating, sending, giving, sharing, receiving, reciprocating and communicating on all levels of their being and existence — all-inclusively. This mode is known under the name of sexuality.”
“In this respect, sexuality can be conceived as an all-inclusive means of life’s sharing and reciprocating that occurs simultaneously on all levels of life and in all its aspects — inner-spiritual, interior-mental and exterior-physical.”
“The primary purpose of sexuality is to be a means of a total exchange of the states and processes of one unique carrier of life with another unique carrier of life of the opposite gender.”
“In an absolute sense, sexuality is an Absolute Means of The Absolute Spirit of Absolute Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — to exchange, for the purpose of sharing and reciprocating, the entire content of love, affection, wisdom, truth and all sensations of true life, and to give birth to new creative ideas which will initiate further carriers of sentient life that so far have not been in being and existence. In this way, more and more opportunities are provided for sharing and reciprocating, always with new elements of life not experienced before. This is done for continuous enrichment and enhancement of life itself.”
“The creative effort of The Absolute and relative spirits culminate in this all-inclusive mode of life.“
“In the innermost spiritual level of life sexuality is manifested in the most pleasurable, orgasmic experience of producing new ideas of life which will enable the spirit of life to share itself in the most private, personal and intimate manner.”
“For the spirit there is nothing more pleasurable and delightful than to invent new ideas which will be utilized in creation of someone new and different, with a different and new environment and all its components that need to be provided for that someone with whom a new and different mode of sharing and reciprocating can take place. This process continues to eternity.”
“On the spiritual level of life, the sexual intercourse of life is actualized by a momentary merging of two different spirits of the opposite gender for the purpose of an exchange of their unique ideas. The result of this exchange and sharing is the birth of an entirely new idea of life which is utilized for the endowment of life to a new, hitherto unknown, carrier of life — a sentient entity. The birth of such an idea is the most pleasurable experience of the two temporary-merging spirits and their unique ideas. This is a spiritual base for the orgasmic experience. This is a spiritual connotation of sexuality.”
“On the intermediate level of life, sexuality is manifested as a most pleasurable orgasmic experience of reception and processing, through its mental state and process, of all generated ideas by the two momentarily merged spirits for the purpose of exchange and sharing of their ideas of life.”
“This experience allows the birth of new thoughts, feelings, affections and senses of goodness and truth and a different state of mentality that infinitely differs from anything experienced before. This newly emerging mentality is subsequently imparted on the newly born sentient entity — as a result of this exchange. At the same time, the experience of this newness and difference further enhances and enriches the mentality of the two momentarily merging spirits, adding to it something that has never been conceived and conceptualized before.”
“In the process of spiritual and mental sexual intercourse a special type of energy emanates from those engaged in this process. This energy is utilized by the general life energy for creating new environments, states, conditions, times and places for residence of the newly created sentient entities from this sexual intercourse.“
“Through the general life energy, emanating from The Absolute Source of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — and all other relative sources — the sentient entities — this special energy is shared with all in Creation. Thus, everyone benefits from this specific, private, intimate and personal experience of the two spirits and souls of the opposite gender engaged in sexual intercourse.”
“In this respect, it is time to reveal that Life energy, continuously emanating from its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ — is of a purely sexual nature. After all, life is for sharing, giving, receiving, reciprocating and exchanging. In whatever form, state, condition or process this sharing and exchanging takes place, in its ultimate sense it is always of a sexual nature.”
“Of course, you have totally disregarded this understanding and conceptualization of sexuality which has nothing in common with the way it is conceived and practiced by humans. Nothing whatsoever of human conceptualization and understanding of sexuality is contained in the true sexuality.”
“Simply stated, in the spiritual and mental connotation of true sexuality, sexuality is an avenue through which life energy continuously flows for the purpose of sharing, reciprocating and exchanging. It is a creative energy of the spirit of life from which sentient entities are created in order to endow them with a unique life in the image and likeness of The Absolute Source of Life with whom all this exchange can become reality. Such an act is the most pleasurable experience for The Absolute Creative Spirit. This pleasure is the source of experiencing an orgasm — a tremendous indescribable delight of accomplishing this act.”
“This is the reason why life energy, continuously emanating from its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ — is of a purely sexual nature.”
“On the exterior level of life, sexuality is manifested as a most pleasurable and orgasmic concrete sensation of all spiritual and mental activities that are being exchanged in the form of bodily and physical reactions which unify the experience in one unique whole. The spiritual and mental exchange is conveyed through the sensory and sensual experience of this exchange which produces a new idea of form of manifestation. This idea is subsequently utilized into the building of a body — external form — for the newly born sentient entity through which and by which that sentient entity will manifest its life for the purpose of its own sharing and reciprocating.”
“Now, in the totality of the above-described concepts, true sexuality can be conceived. All other forms and means of sexual intercourse basically derive from this conceptualization.”
“On the level of non-sentient life, sexuality is limited to the sole purpose of procreation of species and maintenance of life flow at the most external level. The limitation of this process is regulated by the structural and instinctual drive that allows plants and animals to have only seasonal needs for sexual acts.”
“On the level of the dead life of the negative state, the act of sexual intercourse is for the sole purpose of production and implementation of the ideas of evils and falsities which would allow the perpetuation of this dead life, if possible, to eternity. Because the purpose here is evil and false, all deviant sexual behaviors stem from its implementation. After all, the purpose here must be to oppose the purpose of sexuality in the positive state of life.”
“On the level of human life, the concept and practice of sexuality is the most peculiar, distorted, perverted and abnormal. As everything else, human sexuality is a distorted, rewired, falsified and deviant combination of the sexuality of true life, non-sentient life and dead life of the negative state. Nowhere else in Creation does such a conceptualization, understanding and practice of sexuality exist. In humans, sexuality takes its most aberrant and pathological form.”
“Because of the structural genetic changes, human sexuality, in most instances, has very little spiritual and mental connotation. In this respect, it resembles a more non-sentient life’s mode of sexuality, except that it has the same continuous, and not seasonal, pattern as the true life and dead life have. The sexual organs of humans are in the most unnatural place and their anatomical structure is the least suitable for conveyance and exchange of unique ideas of life between a male and a female. Human sexual intercourse takes place in total separation and isolation of each sexual participant. No other than verbal and external conveyance of what is being experienced within each partner during the sexual act is possible.”
“This mode of exchange does not provide any deeper response that would be able to penetrate the entire spirit, soul and body. It is limited to a superficial physical experience of touch which excites bodily hormones, enabling sexual intercourse to take place.”
“Thus, humans are totally deprived of any true experience of how sexual intercourse is and what it can accomplish. This situation is insurmountably complicated by the tremendously ridiculous and foolish restrictions, taboos, inhibitions, prescriptions and laws that regulate human sexuality. Because of this, sexuality became the most sensitive and problematical issue of human life. Instead of being a blessing, delight and pleasure, as it was meant to be, human sexuality became a curse, a shame, an embarrassment, a problem, a source of manipulation and a sinful act, unless practiced by prescribed rules of human society, laws and religion.”
“This situation with human life and its sexuality illustrates how sexuality should never be conceived, understood, conceptualized and practiced.”
“For more on the mystery of sexuality in general and human sexuality in particular, see Chapter Twenty of this book.”
“In the totality of life’s manifestation, as it flows out of its spirit, there are two distinctly different trends that give life a different meaning, sense, perception and quality.”
“Everything subsumed under the terms of love, goodness, affection, will, intuition, creativity, feeling, warmth and similar factors of life are conceived as feminine principles and contents of life.”
“Everything subsumed under the terms of wisdom, truth, reason, logic, rationality, thoughts and similar factors of life are conceived as masculine principles and contents of life.”
“In The Absolute State of The Absolute Life of The Absolute Spirit, these two principles are in the process of continuous Absolute Unity, oneness and harmony. As they emanate from their absolute state, they impart on all aspects and forms of life’s manifestation a certain specific quality which influences how their interaction and relatedness is to be realized.”
“In a higher sense, the feminine principle of life constitutes its essence, while the masculine principle its substance.“
“In actuality, continuous interaction and relationship of essence and substance within The Spirit of Life constitutes life itself from which life springs and emanates.”
“In the process of interaction of feminine and masculine principles, for the purpose of producing and sustaining life, a special energy is created that becomes a means through which all aspects of femininity and masculinity conjoin themselves together in a kind of a spiritual marriage. This means was described in the preceding point under the term of sexuality.”
“The essence of life or femininity is a continuous state that, by its very nature, needs to share and to be shared. The substance of life or masculinity is in a continuous process that, by its very nature, provides the most suitable means for such a meaningful sharing of life. Masculinity is the eyes of femininity through which life is evaluated and appreciated. Femininity is a creative power of masculinity by which life is made possible. In their integral oneness they constitute one spirit of life.”
“In this respect, spirit can be defined as an integral oneness of all feminine and masculine principles for the purpose of originating, emanating, maintaining and sustaining life in all its forms and manifestations.”
“The process of integration is the very sexual process. It produces a state of immense delight, joy and pleasure of being unified to one another.”
“Thus, all sexual energies produced by such a conjunction and unification are always directed from feminine to masculine principles and from masculine to feminine principles. In the reciprocal experience of this mutual conjunction the orgasm is born. The orgasm is an intense state of such a conjunction which produces, in its spirit, a tremendous desire to share this blissful state with someone else. From this desire all life energies are directed toward the actualization and realization of this desire. As a result of this direction, Creation is created and imparts the image and likeness of its Creator. Thus, every life form in Creation contains within itself, to some degree or other, feminine and masculine principles.”
“Without containment of both principles simultaneously within each individual carrier of life, no life can be sustained. After all, life is an integral oneness of all feminine and masculine principles. Because of this important factor, whoever and whatever is alive is alive by this unified integral presence. That presence constitutes one’s sexuality. One feels and experiences oneself as a sexual being.”
“In order to illustrate the importance of this fact, some sentient entities appear in their external forms as male or female. Within each male and female both principles of femininity and masculinity are contained but one is emphasized over the other by a choice to demonstrate an external yearning for their merger into an integrated totality. Thus, by their own nature, both male and female have an intense sexual attraction and desire for one another in order to reaffirm the purpose of their life — ultimate exchange of all principles of life from all perspectives, giving birth to new ideas which are subsequently utilized for the creation of new life forms.”
“On the level of non-sentient life, the principles of masculinity and femininity are manifested in the form of instincts to preserve the species so that life in that form is not extinguished.”
“On the level of the dead life of the negative state, these principles function in the opposite sense. Their purpose is to destroy the need for unification and integration and keep them separate so that no signs of the true life can take hold within the sphere of the dead life. In order for this separation to be accomplished, the genetic restructuring of feminine and masculine genes took place and was imparted on all activators and perpetuators of the negative state so that the dead life could come to its fruition.”
“In human life the principles of masculinity and femininity are totally separated not only in the external form, as it appears in male and female, but also through human’s entire mind. This separation is reflected in the way male and female are conceptualized within their respective societies. One principle is put over the other as though one is more valuable and needed than the other. Moreover, human conceptualization of the nature and purpose of femininity and masculinity is so purposefully distorted and perverted that nothing of the true understanding of their nature remains in it. Not only that, but, by combining all contradictory aspects of various life forms in the process of fabricating humans, the true nature of femininity and masculinity within humans has no relevance whatsoever to what true masculinity and femininity are.“
“Inherent in the nature of life itself is its usefulness. The principle, formulated many times before, is that nothing exists without some purpose. Everything in being and existence needs to be not only validated but also justified. The justification of any being and existence is by the use it serves or performs.”
“Thus, even life itself must be justified by its usefulness. Is life useful? What kind of use does it serve? In The Absolute State of The Absolute Spirit of The Absolute Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — this usefulness is manifested in Its creative process. If one creates for the purpose of sharing and reciprocating, for the sake of principle, one does something useful for everyone to enjoy and from which everyone can benefit. Because the creative process is immanent to life itself, its usefulness is determined by its very nature. Life, because it is life, is useful.”
“The usefulness of all other carriers of life is determined by the extent they utilize that life for their own creative effort for the purpose of sharing and reciprocating for the sake of principle itself. The more they utilize their life in them for this purpose, the more useful they are and the greater degree of justification their living has.”
“The usefulness of the non-sentient life is derived from the services it renders in keeping proper balance and ecology of the environment and providing a source of energy for the bodies of sentient entities.”
“The usefulness of the dead life of the negative state can be seen in the fact that it has no use. The illustration of non-useful life is useful for the learning of what the real use is. By this act, the dead life temporarily justifies its being and existence.”
“The usefulness of human life is determined by the fact that it illustrates to the entire Creation of what not to choose and how not to live. In this illustration is its justification.”
“In The Gospel According to John, Chapter 11, verse 25 it is written: ‘“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life...’”
“This statement brings into focus a totally different understanding of what life is all about. So far, life was described structurally, as a state and process of The Absolute Spirit of The Absolute Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — and how it functions within the carriers of that life or within all those who are endowed by that life.“
“In the connotation of the above statement, there is another approach toward understanding life. This approach does not refer to the structure, dynamics, content and components of life, by which life in general is described and comprehended, but by the spiritual quality of life. Thus, you have here life as such and living that life.”
“The question is how life is being lived. In other words, the question is what is the quality of the lived life? This is a spiritual consideration from the standpoint of its ethical and moral application. It is not enough to have life but that life must be lived in some manner and way.”
“The manner and way any life is lived determines if one is truly alive and living. As you see, two words are being used here — ‘alive’ and ‘living.’ Most linguists use these words interchangeably, as synonyms. However, in the connotation used here the word ‘alive’ means to be endowed with life; this is the state of life. One has life. While the word ‘living’ means the process of life or how that life is being lived.”
“As you remember, everyone in the negative state believes that they are fully alive and living. But, from the standpoint of the true life, their life is a dead life. Thus, their life is not a true life.”
“The perception of one’s own living and being alive does not spiritually mean that this is a fact. One can consider, feel and think oneself being alive, yet, one, in fact, can be dead.”
“As you see, the word ‘dead,’ in this connotation, is not used in the same meaning and content as it is with humans on your planet. To be dead for them is equated with complete cessation of all functions of their bodies and all bodily organs. From the standpoint of the true life, this is not a true death. In The Holy Bible this kind of death is called the first death. The first death is a blessing in disguise because it frees one from limitations and restrictions of human types of distorted, perverted, unnatural, abnormal, defective and insane life. One is resurrected from this kind of life or death, respectively, and one enters either the true life or the real dead life (whatever the choice may be). A choice to enter the true life prevents one from the influence of the second death which has no power over the true life, as is obvious from Revelation 20:6.”
“From this illustration it is obvious that aliveness and living is not determined by the factor of having life but by the quality of living the life and by the attitude one has toward the true source of life.“
“In actuality, the quality of living the life is always determined by the type of attitude one has toward the true source of life. First of all, does one acknowledge that there is an Absolute Source of life from which one’s life originates? And if one does, what is one’s attitude toward that Source? What kind of relationship has one with that Source?”
“The acknowledgment of being and existence of that Source in itself and by itself is not sufficient to validate one’s aliveness and living. This is only a first step. The important spiritual principle here is that, as mentioned many times before, the aliveness and living can be validated only by the type of attitude, thoughts, feelings, behavior, etc., one has toward the Source of one’s life.”
“Because The Lord Jesus Christ states that He/She is life and that He/ She has life in and by Himself/Herself, it is the attitude toward The Lord Jesus Christ specifically which determines whether one is truly alive and living. No other factor is able to validate this fact.”
“Now, notice, please, the specificity of this statement: The Lord Jesus Christ is the true life. Acceptance of this fact and structuring the living of one’s life in accordance with this acceptance and in accordance with what is being taught by The Lord Jesus Christ makes one alive and truly living. The specificity of this statement is very obvious in naming The Lord Jesus Christ as the only Source of this fact and not some other God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Buddha, Krishna, Jehovah, Allah, etc.”
“There is no other God but The Lord Jesus Christ who can validate and make one alive and living.”
“From this statement it is obvious that a worshiper of any other God but The Lord Jesus Christ, whatever name is used, cannot be truly alive and living. This will be a very shattering and unpleasant statement for all those who worship someone else and not The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Because The Lord Jesus Christ is not only The Life but also The Resurrection, He/She is able to bring to the true aliveness and living all those who worship other Gods, under any other names, who, after learning this indisputable fact, show a desire to recede from their falsified and distorted belief and accept The Lord Jesus Christ as the only One God Indivisible, The Most High, Who is the only true Source of all true life.“
“This statement applies also to most Christians because they do not accept the true Lord Jesus Christ, but only a Son of God under the name of Jesus or Christ or Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ as a second person in one Godhead. Such a conceptualization of The Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ is a spiritual abomination which makes all its believers totally spiritually dead. Denial and rejection of this fact constitutes the pseudo-life or dead life of the negative state — the entire Zone of Displacement and all the Hells.”
“Persistent and continuous denial and rejection of this fact, even after The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, when He/She personally reveals Himself/Herself to all in the dead life and on your planet (as described in Chapter Four of this book), constitutes the second death from which no resurrection is possible. In this case, whatever life energies are present in such individuals will be withdrawn from them and they will turn into nothingness.”
“At the point of finalization of this cycle of time, without The Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the only life and the only resurrection, they truly become nothing in an ultimate sense of this word and not only spiritually.”
“Thus, spiritually, it is immoral and unethical to reject or to deny The True Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who does that lives an immoral and unethical life. By such an attitude, one nullifies one’s being and existence or one’s aliveness and living. As you see, aliveness refers to the being and living to the existence.”
“On the level of non-sentient life, which totally depends on the being and existence of sentient minds, its quality and form depends on a degree of true aliveness and living of those minds. Thus, the acknowledgment and acceptance of The Lord Jesus Christ as the only Source of the true life with all consequences of such an act, generates non-sentient life forms of the most pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, delightful and useful nature. On the other hand, denial and rejection of The Lord Jesus Christ as the only Source of the true life, produces non-sentient life forms of the most vicious, fearsome, destructive, ugly, aggressive, violent, repulsive and poisonous nature.”
“As you see, without The Lord Jesus Christ there is only destruction and degradation of life and living. This is what happens in the dead life of the negative state.“
“On the level of human life, again, you have an abnormal and pathological combination of all the above but in a perverted, distorted and falsified manner. You have there a small minority that accepts The Lord Jesus Christ in a manner which is true and proper. These humans, being that they live a human life of this nature, are in the first death. Actually, they are very much alive and living within. Human life on your planet is considered to be the first death. On the other hand, as mentioned at the beginning of this Chapter, humans are neither dead nor alive. This is the reason their condition is called the first death. They will be resurrected by The Lord Jesus Christ (no one else can do that) from the first death either into the true life or into the second death. Humans who accepted The True Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ and lived in accordance with this acceptance, will be resurrected into the true life.”
“Then you have those on your planet who either believe in some other gods or worship the wrong Jesus or Christ or The Lord or Jesus Christ or The Lord Jesus Christ as a second person of Godhead. These humans are, in fact, the ones who are neither dead nor alive and living. This is the vast majority of humans on your planet.”
“Then you have a third category of humans who are from the dead life of the Hells. They are truly dead and nothing of true life and living is contained within them. Again, their number is very vast and continuously increasing.”
“The presence of all three manifestations of life (as mentioned just above) determines the nature of your non-sentient life. The proportion of the number of humans in each category determines the number of positive or negative non-sentient life forms, respectively, on your planet.”
“Thus, on your planet you have representations of the positive nonsentient life forms and representations of the negative life forms. The negative representations are vastly prevailing. However, you have to understand that on your planet, being that everything on it is in a distorted, perverted and falsified condition, even the positive non-sentient life forms are contaminated by that condition and they do not look like anything that appears in the positive state of the true life.”
“Similarly, as humans who are the agents of the positive state (those who profess and accept the true nature of the positive state of the true life) and who are residing in the bodies formed from the elements of dead life, are influenced by the nature of that structure; so are the so-called positive non-sentient life forms influenced by this negative arrangement.”
“The definition of anything positive on your planet can be conceived only in relationship to the obviously negative rest. Because of a total separation and isolation of humans from the rest of Creation and its multiverse, they have no way of knowing and understanding what pure positive is or appears like. Therefore, their positive, in most instances, has very little resemblance to the truly positive.”
“However, because humans are deprived of having such true knowledge, their positive is accepted by The Lord Jesus Christ as such and after the resurrection, humans of this nature are freed from their ‘positive,’ purified from all negative, which clung to them from being on planet Zero, and are imparted a true positive state. In view of this fact, it is obvious how vital, crucial and fundamentally important it is to acquire proper knowledge and understanding of The Lord Jesus Christ in order to be alive and living.”
“The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ penetrates the entire being and existence, giving, sustaining, maintaining and regulating life in all its forms, conditions, states, processes and manifestations. This is also true regarding the dead life of the negative state and the human life. As you remember, one of the most mysterious acts of The Most High was His/Her entrance into the negative state of all the Hells via your planet. On your planet Jesus Christ acquired a type of human body which made it possible for Him/Her to interact with the negative state and put it under His/Her control.”
“To repeat here again: By a special process, that body was fused into The Most High and The Most High became the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ. As The Lord Jesus Christ, through the original elements of the Zone of Displacement, He/She penetrates everyone and everything also on your planet and in all the Hells, as well as in the entire Zone of Displacement.”
“Thus, as revealed in the Second Chapter of this book, the very Nature of The God Lord Most High underwent profound changes. A revolutionary New Nature was established by Him/Her, making Him/ Her no other but The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“This situation requires a crucial modification of the entire being and existence for the purpose of accommodation of everyone to this change. From now on, the aliveness and living of everyone will be determined by what kind of attitude and stance one will have to this New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“In order to be alive and living, one needs to acknowledge and to accept the following facts:”
“a. The Most High God made His/Her Divine Human as Jesus Christ on your planet in the manner described in Chapter Two. Thus, Jesus Christ was a true God.”
“b. Jesus Christ made His/Her Human Divine and took His/Her human body with Him/Her after departing from your planet. In the interim state, between the crucifixion and resurrection, He/She entered all the Hells and accomplished there one of the most important missions, putting the entire negative state under His/Her control.”
“c. In the process of time and non-time, and in space and non-space, Jesus Christ was reunited to The Most High Lord God and fused His/Her human body into the totality of The Absolute Nature of God. Thus, The Most High Lord God became to eternity The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“d. By this crucial act The First Coming of Jesus Christ was completed and The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ has begun.”
“On acknowledgment and acceptance of these basic four principles one’s aliveness and living will depend. Whoever fully accepts them, will be alive and living. Whoever rejects or denies them will become dead and non-living. Again, to repeat, it is immoral and unethical to reject or deny these facts.”
“In accordance with these factors, the modification of life in all its aspects and at all its levels, including non-sentient life, dead life of the negative state and human life, will take place. The more acceptance, the more positive modification; the less acceptance, the more negative modification.“
“The four factors in establishing the fact of aliveness and living also play the most crucial role in determining the various lifestyles of life and living.”
“The mode of lifestyle allows the life and living to be what they really are. The ethical and moral aspects of life and living, from the spiritual standpoint, are manifested in the lifestyle one practices.”
“Because one lives and is alive by one’s attitude toward The Lord Jesus Christ, whatever that attitude may be, it influences his/her likes, loves, attractions, tendencies, behaviors, views, opinions, ideas, concepts and everything that one has, clings to and seeks out.”
“The interesting point here to realize is that The Absolute Being and Existence of The Lord Jesus Christ makes it possible for any life, including the dead life of the negative state and human life, to be and to exist. After all, without The Lord Jesus Christ, no life is conceivable. Therefore, life in general is possible only because of The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ. Even the denial and rejection of The Lord Jesus Christ makes the dead life of the negative state possible. To deny and to reject is an active state. The being and existence of The Lord Jesus Christ makes it very possible to deny and reject it. Without His/Her Being and Existence, nothing would be and exist to deny and to reject. Thus, no denial and rejection would exist either. From this you can see how everything depends on the being and existence of The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“However, the quality of one’s lifestyle depends solely on the personal, private and intimate attitude one has toward The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, as reflected in the four factors described in point 17.”
“In the positive state of life, everyone fully accepts The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ with elation and great pleasure. It gives them an opportunity to acquire and to share something totally different, that has not been in being and existence before. Because of the full acceptance of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, their lifestyle reflects fully that nature. It is founded on principles of love and wisdom, good and truth, giving and receiving, sharing and reciprocating and behaving, acting, thinking, feeling, willing, intending, etc., for the sake of all spiritual principles themselves.“
“It is a life of joy, delight, pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, creativity, productivity, happiness and great usefulness for the sake of all and, mainly, for the sake of The Lord Jesus Christ. It is life free of problems and any adverse experiences. Nothing of the negative state can enter such a life, as nothing of the negative state can be in The Lord Jesus Christ. Whoever reflects The Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ reflects also everything that is contained in that Nature.”
“In the negative state of the dead life, founded on the principles of rejection and denial of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, as well as His/Her former Nature, the lifestyle is the exact opposite of that which is in the life of the positive state. If you deny or reject the true New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, you also deny and reject everything which is contained in that Nature. Thus, your lifestyle will be something which is not contained in that Nature.”
“Instead of love, you will have hate and self-love; instead of wisdom, you will have foolishness; instead of truth, you will have falsities; instead of joy, delight and pleasure, you will have misery, lust and insanity, seeking out of the lowest sensual ‘pleasures;’ instead of doing things for the sake of principles, you will do things for the sake of your own profits without any regard for anyone or anything else, etc.”
“This is a definition of the dead life. It is life of true immorality, unethical conduct and spiritual abomination. Therefore, it is dead and no one there is alive and living.”
“The lifestyle of human life reflects the distortions, perversions and falsifications of both the true life and the dead life. In a sense, to a certain degree, human life is worse than even the dead life because, by a forceful combination of contradictory elements, artificially held together by a special genetic and spiritual code, human life has no stability, no permanency and no certainty. No one knows for sure anything about anything. Being in such an unnatural, contradictory and impossible state, human life produces numerous contradicting, irreconcilable views, opinions, philosophies, religions, attitudes, lifestyles, etc., all claiming to be the only right and godly ones.”
“This situation develops a general human lifestyle characterized by tensions, pressures, misery, wars, crimes, aggression, terrorism and whatever else you have in such an abundance on your planet. As you see, human life contains within itself nothing truly positive and good deriving from the true New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ.“
“Now, recently on your planet, as well as in the entire Zone of Displacement, a new, spiritually tremendously dangerous trend appeared which will establish a different lifestyle. You are facing a tremendous number of teachings, workshops, cults, groups and trends, proclaiming that the cure for all ills and problems of human life is in not paying any attention to anything negative but, instead, simply to love. Love everything as it is and all problems will go away. Notice, please, that there is no wisdom in such love. It is a blind love, leading the blind, both ending in a ditch dug out by the negative state, where they are killed or critically wounded.”
“All these teachings, movements and trends are of hellish origin, leading humans away from their being aware of the existence of the dead life of the negative state without removing from them the negative state first. This is the most cunning way for the preservation of the negative state in human life to its fullest extent, which will lead toward the eventual complete temporary victory of the negative state on your planet.”
“You are hereby being advised and given this knowledge that all leaders of such movements, teachings, worships, trends, cults, workshops, etc., in most instances, are demonic spirits incarnated on your planet for the purpose of bringing the victory of the negative state under the disguise of love and in God’s name. Unless these movements fully confirm the four spiritual factors, defined in point 17, and deny and reject any other conceptualization of reality of the true life, you can be assured that they are coming from the Hells and their dead life.”
“What is being proclaimed in these ‘new age’s’ various movements, directly and subliminally, is that you should love yourself the way you are. This means, do not pay attention to your problems because, if you love yourself, they will disappear. But, what is really being implied here is — do not get rid of your problems but love them and you will get well.”
“Well, if you have cancer, for example, please, love your cancer and it will go away. By loving your cancer, the negative state gives it more life, fueling its spread until it will kill you with all your love. Your love of yourself, the way it is being taught by the so-called new age humans, has no wisdom. The true wisdom of that love tells you that you need to get rid of your problems — the negative state — the cancer — first before you can truly begin to love yourself. In getting rid of your problems, you establish and reaffirm love toward yourself. Sometimes, drastic measures are required to do so. Most cancers have to be surgically removed.”
“How can you successfully and effectively remove anything negative — your cancer — if you do not know, are not aware of, or even do not want to know or acknowledge the nature of your problem — cancer? Before a surgeon removes the cancer, he or she must diagnose the cancer first — admit that the negative state exists. After that, it is necessary to determine the nature of that cancer. Following this, a determination is made as to what extent that cancer — the negative state — has spread within your body and how operable it is. Once all these factors are determined, the steps for recovery and cure are defined and implemented. This is a natural course of any process. But movements presently existing conveniently avoid talking about or describing the negative state, considering such an effort as negative in itself. Instead, they talk about love and positive feelings. In actuality, what they are saying to you is love the negative state and feel good about it and you will be received in the dead life of the negative state. They promise you heaven in the Hells, of course, conveniently omitting the word ‘hells.’”
“It is necessary to realize and to accept the fact that, at this point, no teaching or movement exists on your planet and in the entire Zone of Displacement, except for The New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ, as reflected in this book and preceding books of The New Revelation, which derive from the true life of the positive state and The True Lord Jesus Christ. Many humans, if not the majority of them, will have tremendous difficulties in accepting this statement. But, of course, in an ultimate sense, you will determine who is who or what is what by the fruits of their work, if not during your life on planet Zero, then definitely after departure from your physical body and entrance into the spiritual world. In other words, their lifestyle and what it produced will be the judge of the truth of this matter.”
“The lifestyle of the non-sentient life depends solely on its structural genetic code and instincts, derived from sentient life, be it of the true life, the human life or the dead life. It is nothing more than a reflection of their respective lifestyles.”
“As you remember from the previous discussion, life in general has two modes of being and existence. One is a discrete mode and the other is a continuous mode. In a true sense of this word, life cannot be and exist without its carriers who, by their conscious awareness of self-awareness of ‘I am,’ validate or make life possible.”
“The carriers of life cluster in a discrete mode of their being and existence. Within this mode they live their life in a continuous mode, that is, from the least degree of knowledge and manifestation of life within the discrete mode to its fullest degree.”
“Being that all carriers of life are relative to their Absolute Source, that is, to The Lord Jesus Christ, they tend to run out of stimulating factors of life within the mode they live at each given time or state. Only The Lord Jesus Christ, being The Absolute Originator, Carrier, Emanator and Giver of Life, can never run out of such stimulations because He/She unceasingly creates them from His/Her Absolute Source of all infinite varieties of ideas which He/She continuously generates for that purpose.”
“In order for life to continue to be productive, creative, constructive and useful, as required by The Law of Use, it must be stimulated by new possibilities.”
“In the relative carriers of life — sentient entities — this need is expressed in their urge and desire to move on — once they fulfill their purpose in the state, condition, time and place where they are at any given moment of their life.”
“The moving on to somewhere and something else reflects The Law of Spiritual Progression, described in Chapter Ten of this book.”
“The style of life and the quality of activities in which any carrier of life was engaged during his/her residence within any discrete mode of life and its continuous mode, determines in which direction the moving on will occur.”
“One of the spiritual laws of life, not mentioned so far, requires the thorough evaluation of the quality and content of one’s life within and during each mode of life. This is the The Law of Reward. It states,”
“Every sentient carrier of life, by agreeing from his/her own free will and choice to carry and manifest that life, after completion of each tour of his/her freely assumed duty and obligation to life, deserves to be rewarded for his/her endeavors and contributions made within and during each mode of his/her specific being and existence.”
“The reward in general is a new extension of life from The Lord Jesus Christ in some other discrete mode of being existence and its within continuous mode, never ever experienced before; until and as long as the carrier of one’s life in that mode completes one’s purpose and serves one’s use.”
“However, there are specific aspects of this reward. Not only is one granted by The Lord Jesus Christ an extension of one’s life somewhere else but one is also given a new quality and content of that life never ever experienced before.”
“The quality and content of the new life, to be assumed or carried by the carrier of that life, is determined by the quality of contributions one made for the benefit of all for the sake of principle within and during the position one previously occupied in those two modes of life.”
“In the positive state of life, the quality and content of the new life to be carried is always better and superior to anything previously experienced. There is always an improvement in all conditions of the carrier of that life. However, this principle does not imply that the conditions in the previous modes were worse or bad. In the positive state of the true life bad or worse conditions do not exist. All conditions are good and excellent there. But in a progressive mode of the true life, these conditions become continuously better and more excellent. No regression in this state is ever possible.”
“The only possible regression from this mode of life is when someone is requested by The Lord Jesus Christ to incarnate on your planet or enter some region of the Zone of Displacement or any Hell with some specific mission from The Lord Jesus Christ. This is a voluntary regression to serve a greater degree of use and purpose, helping The Lord Jesus Christ in accomplishing His/Her Grand Plan about the negative state.”
“The fact of incarnation on your planet or entering the Hells is a shocking regression. But this is done not as a negative reward or retribution but as a voluntary assignment. Within the period of this assignment there is always a risk of regression by the fact of either becoming lost in the intricacy and obscurity of the negative state or of becoming a slave of the negative state. These risks are understood and considered before the assignment is assumed and a promise is made to eventually be freed from that condition and be returned to the progressive mode of the positive state of the true life and there to continue at the level which was interrupted by this mission. However, within the positive state’s life itself, no regressive trend exists or is even conceivable.”
“The situation is the same in the dead life of the negative state except in an entirely opposite manner. The reward becomes punishment because one’s dead life within and during any mode of dead life’s being and existence is always evil and negative. Such a pseudo-life rewards its carrier with the only things it has — greater degree of evilness and negativity. So, instead of progression, everyone there is ruled by The Law of Regression.”
“You have to understand that reward or punishment systems are ingrained in the structure and nature of life itself. The purpose is stimulation of new ideas of life in a positive sense or discouragement of the continuation of the dead life in the negative state.”
“In a negative sense, if you are being continuously punished for your ‘accomplishments’ in the services of the negative state, you are stimulated to think about your predicament and eventually come to the conclusion that you are not living a true life. Such a conclusion may stir within you a desire to change your status quo. It gives you an opportunity to petition The Lord Jesus Christ, who will appear to you personally and privately, for resurrecting you from your dead life.”
“Because the nature of the negative state is built on the opposites of the positive state’s nature, whatever reward is given to anyone there is turned into a punishment. This is a logical outcome of such a reversal. The situation with human life is different. As mentioned previously, there are three categories of humans presently existing on your planet. The first category is the agents of the positive state. The number of these is relatively very small and it is diminished almost every day. Because they are the agents of the positive state, they are subjects to the laws that govern the life of the positive state.”
“The second category is the agents of the negative state. The number of these is rapidly increasing almost every day. Because they are the agents of the negative state, they are subjects of the laws that govern the dead life of the negative state; unless, of course, during their life on your planet they decide to convert to the positive state. In that case, after their departure from your planet, they are placed in a special condition in The New School where they undergo a very complex process of spiritual, mental and physical restructuring, rebuilding and transformation, receiving a new identity and being placed in the positive state of the true life where they become subjects of the law of spiritual progression.”
“The third category is the slaves of the negative state or humans proper. These are in the greatest majority. During their tour of duty on your planet, they are allowed to determine by their lifestyle and fixed identities which way they want to go and what laws they want to follow. Because such a final decision cannot be made from the position of human life on this planet, it is made after their departure from it.”
“Human life, being in total ignorance and being an impossible combination of all kinds of contradictions, does not allow humans to see or comprehend the real truth or what real life is all about. Therefore, they cannot be judged from the state of their ignorance. Instead, after their physical death, they are put in various conditions in the intermediate world which trigger their preferences and identities, allowing them to make a choice based on true information and knowledge and not on ignorance, guesswork, distortions and uncertainties of human life. The problems with humans are that they do not know the truth. Members of the dead life know the truth but deny and reject it. Members of the true life know the truth and accept and incorporate it in their lives. Only humans have no knowledge of the true reality of any life. Therefore, they must be first decontaminated from this condition and shown alternatives.”
“The reward of human life is based on the fact of how much humans attempted to do their best with what they had for the sake of principle without purposefully hurting, cheating, defrauding or hating anyone, etc. In their case, the only decisive factor in their favor or against them is the intent with which they do whatever they do. The outcome of their activities is not a good or reliable indicator of anything because humans do things from a distorted and perverted understanding of life and its principles. This situation enables many human activities to appear as being good and positive while they are produced with an evil intent. At the same time, many human activities may appear as bad and negative though they were intended for a good purpose. Therefore, the quality of human life and its reward or retribution, respectively, is determined solely by the intent with which humans approach their activities.“
“The intent of humans is taken into consideration after they are through with human life on their planet. It is used as a basis on which all decisions and choices regarding their future destinies are made.”
“Because of this situation, it is advisable for humans to very carefully examine all their intentions with which they do whatever they do. This should be done on an ongoing basis.”
“The reward system of the non-sentient life is in provision of its security and safety in the positive sense; insecurity, unsafety and destruction in the negative sense; and survival of the strongest in the human life sense. As you remember, the non-sentient life forms are mere correspondences of the sentient minds’ state of affairs.”
“The reward system, inherent in the state and the process of any life, also functions as feedback, already mentioned above. It informs the carrier of life how he/she is doing and what the impact of his/her life activities have on all participants within the discrete and during the continuous mode of their life at each moment of their being and existence. This feedback is a necessary concomitant of life because it provides the carriers of life with motivation to continue in their life activities. It gives meaning and purpose to their life and they are encouraged to do continuously better. Without this type of feedback, life for any of its carriers would be meaningless, giving no motivation for its continuation.”
“In the true life of the positive state this feedback is provided on a continuous basis. Everyone always knows how he/she is doing and what impact his/her contributions toward life have on all others. Nothing is hidden from anyone and everyone has an immediate pleasure and joy of seeing the results of one’s activity and what kinds of fruits it bears.”
“In the dead life of the negative state the punishment does not function as a feedback. It is considered as an accidental occurrence germane to the reality of the dead life. In fact, the punishment is perceived as being outsmarted by someone and the purpose is to concoct something else which would outsmart the one who outsmarted you first, so that he/she can be punished in an even more severe way than you were. Thus, as you see, the feedback in the negative state is how successfully one carrier of the dead life can outsmart or set up another carrier of the dead life for failure so that he/she can punish the outsmarted one.“
“In human life no true feedback is possible. Originally, it was purposefully fabricated in such a manner as to deprive humans of any true feedback of their activities. The feedback humans receive is not a true feedback because it does not come across the discrete modes of life. A true feedback is possible only if it is coming from all levels of a discrete mode and a continuous mode of life simultaneously.”
“Human life is isolated and separated and therefore it is a self-feeding loop that has no discernible or directly experiential inputs from any other modes of life. For this reason, humans are deprived of any conscious knowledge of how the activity of human life influences the multiverse at large or what impact it has on other modes of life.”
“The reason for this condition of human life is that it illustrates the nature of life that has no direct feedback about anything from anything or anyone in other modes of life. On such life all consequences, results and outcomes of the negative state can best be demonstrated.”
“As usual, in non-sentient life, the corresponding factors of each mode of sentient life are reflected.”
“Another function of the reward system of life in general is to generate feelings of appreciation, gratitude and thankfulness for having an opportunity and privilege to be a carrier of life. Seeing the results of one’s life activities, experiencing the direct impact one has on all others, one develops a feeling of deep appreciation, gratitude and thankfulness for being who one is and existing in the mode of life one exists in.”
“This situation has a two-way direction. One not only feels one’s own gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness for this condition, but one also perceives, as feedback, that one is being appreciated, shown gratitude and being thanked for what one does and for what one is.”
“This situation also exists on the higher level of relationship between The Absolute Source of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — and the relative carrier of life. One expresses one’s thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation to The Lord Jesus Christ for being entrusted with this precious unique life one carries and, at the same time, one is being thanked, shown gratitude and appreciation by The Lord Jesus Christ for being a faithful, loyal, devoted and reliable servant and carrier of His/Her Life.“
“A feedback of this nature functions as the greatest possible motivating factor for doing one’s best in carrying out one’s duties and obligations in the function as a carrier of this unique life.”
“In the dead life of the negative state, being of everything opposite to the positive state, the thankfulness is turned into demands, gratitude into a putdown and degradation, and appreciation into demotion and threat of punishment.”
“Human life is a mixture of both these phenomena but in a distorted, perverted or upside-down manner. In most instances, one is praised for doing something profitable to oneself and for others only if it enriches materially, of course, one’s own pocket, so-to-speak. In human wars, for example, that individual is decorated the most who kills the largest number of the so-called enemies. One is considered a fool and impractical if one spends too much time on some non-tangible, abstract or spiritual issues. How many humans read, for example, books that deal with The New Revelation or similar issues?”
“On the other hand, although humans are capable of expressing their gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation and they very often do that, in most instances, inappropriately, or for the wrong reasons, they have no experiential direct perception of thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation for what they do or for what they are from any other mode, source or dimension of life. They are limited to and isolated within their own sphere of an unusually strange and impossible life.”
“The expression and impression of gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation requires full awareness of the self-awareness of ‘I am.’ For this reason, non-sentient life does not contain this experience although sentient entities can appreciate its beauty, usefulness and function, making it even more so.”
“In assessing the concept of life in general, certain important attributes of life need to be considered. From them, entirely different aspects of life can be discerned and conceptualized.”
“In the positive conceptualization of life, the most important attributes are beauty and elegance. Life is beautiful and elegant. The concept of beauty relates to the feminine principle of life. The concept of elegance relates to its masculine principle.“
“The perception of beauty and elegance of life evokes in its sentient carriers a feeling of admiration and adoration of The Absolute Creator of The Beautiful and Elegant Life — The Lord Jesus Christ — who generates this beauty and elegance, being Absolute Beauty and Elegance Himself/Herself.”
“There is a general sense of beauty and elegance of life and there is a specific one. The general sense relates to the perception that life in itself and by itself, as well as in its Absolute Source, by its very nature, is beautiful and elegant. The true life is always this way. It is to be admired, adored and lived in a beautiful and elegant manner.”
“In a specific sense, the beauty and elegance of life is manifested in the infinite varieties and ways of its impressions and expressions through and by the unique carriers of life. Each unique carrier of life impresses and expresses some different, non-repeatable and non-imitable aspect of life’s beauty and elegance. Because of this arrangement, the carriers of the true life are all very beautiful and elegant in their own unique, non-repeatable and non-imitable ways and manners.”
“As you know, each carrier of life and its beauty and elegance is an image and likeness of The Creator of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ. This implies the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ is the most beautiful and the most elegant Producer, Emanator and Giver of life in an Absolute sense. In particulars, love, good, affection and positive acts are always beautiful. Wisdom, truth, faith, logic and reason are always elegant. Therefore, the more loving and wise one is, the more beautiful and elegant one is.”
“Thus, as you see, the attributes of beauty and elegance are determined by the degree of one’s love and wisdom, good and truth and positive works and faith. The state of love and the process of wisdom, in turn, determine the interior processes and the external forms of life’s manifestation. The greater degree of love and wisdom, the greater beauty and elegance of the interior or mental processes and the external forms of life. In other words, the greater degree of love and wisdom, the greater beauty and elegance of one’s soul and body.”
“Because The Lord Jesus Christ is The Absolute Love and The Absolute Wisdom, He/She is Absolutely Beautiful and Absolutely Elegant. This is the nature of the true life.“
“In the dead life of the negative state, as always, everything is just the opposite. Beauty is turned into ugliness and elegance into messiness. The carriers of the dead life adore and admire everything ugly and messy. The greater the degree of evils and falsities, the uglier and messier one is. The state of evils and the process of falsities determine the interior processes and the external forms of the dead life’s manifestation. The greater the degree of evilness and falsification, the uglier and the messier one’s soul and body is.”
“In the negative state of the dead life there is always a congruency between one’s evilness and falsification and the way one expresses and impresses oneself and appears to others. Because one loves evils and falsities there, one adores and admires those who are capable of manifesting such ‘love’ to the greatest possible degree, at the same time, being ugly and messy to the greatest possible degree.”
“In human life, the situation is different. As you know, human life is the result of a forceful, unusual, unnatural and impossible mixture of the true life, deadly life and non-sentient life. Moreover, this mixture or artificial combination is further distorted, perverted and mutilated. This situation gives humans an unusual perception of what is beautiful and elegant. Not having any direct access to other dimensions and worlds, having predominantly closed doors to the inner and interior sphere of their own mind, humans are limited to the perception and definition of beauty and elegance from the position of external observation by the external sensory organs of their external mind. Thus, they assess beauty and elegance mostly by their external appearances and not by the true state of the inner and interior dispositions of one’s mind.”
“The distortions and perversions of the contradicting combination of which human life is comprised leads to a very peculiar condition, unheard of anywhere and anywhen else. Only in human life can you encounter tremendous discrepancies which exist between their internal dispositions and external appearances. Thus, humans can appear externally, in their body form, as very beautiful and elegant, while, at the same time, internally and mentally they are ugly and messy. And vice versa: Some people can appear ugly and messy externally but they are good humans, beautiful and elegant internally and interiorly. This situation stems from the fact that, as you know, only humans are capable of thinking and feeling one thing and, at the very same time, expressing and saying the total opposite of what they think and feel. In human life very little alignment exists between the inner state and the external expression of that state. Conditions of this nature do not exist anywhere and anywhen in Creation or the rest of the Zone of Displacement or the dead life of the negative state.”
“This specific human condition illustrates a lifestyle which is not only disconnected from the inner, spiritual source but discrepant to it, giving humans double standards and double binds in all aspects of their life — human life. Because of this condition, the human sense of beauty and elegance is totally distorted, giving humans very little sense of what real beauty and elegance are. The closest humans are able to come to this perception is through some of their artworks. This is particularly true about some of their so-called classical music. Works of Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Dvoøák, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Chopin and others can give one some remote impression what true beauty and elegance really are like. Of course, you should hear what these composers have been composing since their arrival in the spiritual world! In actuality, true beauty and elegance begin in the spiritual world of the positive state. The ultimate accomplishment for humans in this area is only the very first beginner’s step in the true life of the positive state.”
“The non-sentient life forms fully reflect the conditions of the sentient mind in this respect. In the positive state of the true life, you have beautiful and elegant appearances of various animals and plants, complementing their creators and pleasantly decorating their environment.”
“In the dead life of the negative state the non-sentient life forms reflect exactly the ugliness, messiness, cruelty and beastly nature of their masters.”
“In human life the non-sentient life forms reflect humans’ double standards, contradictions, distortions and perversions, giving life to the innumerous non-sentient life forms of all shades, degrees and mixtures of the positive and negative nature within the same specific forms. As humans contain within themselves mixed positive and negative traits in a distorted condition, so do their non-sentient life forms.”
“Another fundamentally important condition of life in general is its structural lawfulness and orderliness. This relates to beauty and elegance as beauty and elegance relate to femininity and masculinity, respectively. Thus, you can say, that lawfulness and beauty are of the feminine principle and orderliness and elegance are of the masculine principle. Or one is of love — lawfulness; and the other is of wisdom — orderliness. Law and order are a means by which life is arranged, organized and managed.”
“Inherent in the nature of life itself is the state of its lawfulness and process of its orderliness. Because life in general always stems from its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ — The Lord Jesus Christ is The Absolute State of all Laws and The Absolute Process of all Order of Life. You can correctly say that The Lord Jesus Christ is The Absolute Law and The Absolute Order in and by Himself/Herself. In the combination of these two conditions of life in The Lord Jesus Christ is vested His/Her Divine Providence. By and through this Divine Providence, He/She governs and rules the entire Creation in all its multiverse and the Zone of Displacement, as well as your planet.”
“Laws are principles by which life is permitted to be. Order is a principle by which life is allowed to exist. Being is lawful. Existence is orderly. Order is established by the logic of laws. Laws are conditions on which life is built. Some of these laws were defined in Chapter Ten of this book. Some of them are specifically related to the state of Creation and life itself and to The Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. These latter ones cannot be defined or revealed in any human terms. The true life of the positive state is always lawful and orderly because it reflects the image and the likeness of its Creator. The carriers of this life also carry all life’s conditions, states, processes, factors and attributes. Therefore, their life is not only a reflection of its lawfulness and orderliness but they themselves are lawful and orderly. Law and order is ingrained into their minds and hearts, so-to-speak.”
“In the dead life of the negative state the principles are to oppose everything in the true life of the positive state. Thus, the dead life is ruled by the principle of lawlessness and disorderliness. Evils are unlawful. Falsities are disorderly. Disorder is established by illogical lawlessness. Lawlessness is the very condition on which the dead life is built. The principle of the negative state is to have no principles. It is a wild jungle of lawlessness and disorderliness. Since the time The Lord Jesus Christ took over the control of the entire dead life of the negative state from the pseudo-creators, some strict rules were established there which regulate their everyday living in order to protect them from their own destruction by their lawlessness and disorderliness.“
“Human life is different in all respects. It is ruled by specially designed and permitted principles that define for humans what is lawful and orderly. Being that humans have very little direct connectedness to anything lawful and orderly in the true life or dead life, they have no proper concepts of what real law and order, which govern Creation, are. Thus, they are necessarily ruled by an externally imposed set of guidelines, which they call laws and which are externally enforced by a specially developed law agency — police.”
“Because human nature is built on contradictions, distortions and perversions of everything available, human laws and order are contradictory, inconsistent, distorted and perverted, having no unifying elements, vastly differing from culture to culture, from country to country and from one religion to another. This situation only reinforces the principle of uncertainty and confusion on which human life is built.”
“The non-sentient life forms are ruled by codes and instincts imparted on their structure consistent with the structure of the sentient mind in each mode of life that allows their being and existence.”
“Other integral attributes of life are constancy and consistency. Life is a constant phenomenon. In fact, as defined at the beginning of this Chapter, life is the only reality that is and exists. Everything else derives from its reality. In this sense, any life’s constancy is a consistent phenomenon. In being constant, life is consistent. Because life derives from its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ — you can say for sure that The Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ is Absolutely Constant and Absolutely Consistent. Constancy is of the feminine principle and its love, goodness and positive works. The Love and Goodness of The Lord Jesus Christ is constant. Consistency is of the masculine principle and its wisdom, truth and faith. The Wisdom and Truth of The Lord Jesus Christ is consistent. The carriers of the true life, being the images and likenesses of their Absolute Source, reflect these attributes of life. In their own life they are constant and consistent. The principle of constancy, as an integral attribute of their life, gives them a sense of safety. They are safe in their life. The principle of consistency, as an integral attribute of their life, gives them a sense of security. They are secure in their life.”
“Constancy is a specific law of life which contributes to the lawfulness of life. Consistency is a specific order of life which contributes to the orderliness of life. Constancy is beautiful and consistency is elegant. Life loves its constancy and by that love shows consistency in its manifestation. Constancy assures stability of life. By the state of constancy, life is always stable. Consistency assures the flow of the balanced life. By the process of consistency, life is always balanced. Constancy assures that life always is. Consistency assures that it is the same life.”
“As you know, there is only one source of the true life — The Lord Jesus Christ. This is a constant phenomenon. The consistency is in the fact that life will always flow from the same source — The Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, it is the same life. In this the permanency of life can be discerned. No other source of life is conceivable. Any other source produces either dead life of the negative state or human life of uncertainty and confusion.”
“In this respect, the dead life of the negative state is continuously opposing the nature of the true life. Its purpose is to deny and reject the constancy and consistency of the true life. In doing just that, the dead life is being consistent and constant. Of course, this type of consistency and constancy is, in fact, transiency and inconsistency. Not having anything from the true source of life, that is, from The Lord Jesus Christ, being in a constant and consistent denial and rejection of the true life, the dead life of the negative state cannot have permanency in its constancy. Therefore, it is transient and perishable. The consistency of its claims, stemming from its transiency and temporality, is only relative. In this sense, the dead life of the negative state is unsafe and insecure because it lacks true constancy and consistency. Constancy and consistency can be predicated only about something that always is and exists. No such predication can be made about the dead life of the negative state.”
“On the other hand, human life, being a life of contradiction and distortion, is the epitome of inconsistency and instability. A continuous threat of death of the human physical body, into which humans place so much meaning and purpose of their lives, makes it impossible for them to experience the constancy of life. This, in turn, makes all processes of their life inconsistent. Their sense of consistency and constancy is a distortion of their true reality. It gives them no experience of safety and security. Nothing is permanent about human life. This sense of non-permanency permeates all aspects of human life, being a cause of many human problems, as described in the preceding Chapter.”
“The non-sentient life forms, as usual, reflect these states of the true life, the dead life and the human life. Invariably, they are a correspondence of each respective mode of sentient life. The more constant and consistent the life of their originators is, the more constant and consistent the non-sentient life is.”
“In the totality of life’s state and process there are certain specific characteristics of life which give it character. Obviously, life has its own character. It stems from The Character of its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ. All carriers of the true life reflect this character in their own unique manner.”
“The major characteristics of life’s character are its innocence, modesty, humbleness and humility. In its basic structure this character is reflected in simplicity and parsimony. The complexity of life is expressed in the simple elements of life that form various unique and non-repeatable or non-imitable patterns. These patterns conjoin themselves together to form various clusters of life. In turn, these clusters of life relate to each other in forming the multiverse of life. The parsimony of life reflects this simple structure. It defines any situation of life from its simplest aspect without allowing any intricate, complex and confusing explanation of any structure or dynamics of life to enter.”
“Life cannot be more complex than its carriers. Otherwise, carriers could not carry it. Being this way, the true life exhibits itself in modesty, humbleness, humility and innocence. The more of these characteristics of life in its carriers, the more the carriers themselves are modest, humble and innocent. The realization that life of its carriers does not stem from them but from its Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ — makes them more living and alive and more modest, humble and innocent.”
“Innocence of life is defined by the purity of its state and process which is not contaminated by any other source and which refers all source of life back to its originator — The Lord Jesus Christ — disclaiming that it created itself without any higher source.”
“In the dead life of the negative state this is all denied and rejected. The members of the dead life claim to be the source of their own life, ending in arrogance, boastfulness, showing off, false pride, grandiosity and inflated egos. These are the usual characteristics of the dead life of the negative state accompanied by tremendous complications, intricacies, obscurities, confusion, bureaucracy and convoluted explanations, false justifications and total imprudence.“
“Human life is characterized by stupidity, foolishness, ignorance, incompetence and a combination of distorted characteristics of innocence, modesty, humbleness and humility placed in a wrong source. Humans do not know where life is coming from. They believe that it is either an evolutionary process from the lowest non-sentient life forms, appearing from a dead cosmic stew, or it is created by some kind of Higher Power, called God, the nature of whom they distort so much by all the dogmas and doctrines of their ridiculous religions and philosophies that nothing of the true Nature of God remains in it. They either simplify life too much beyond any sense, or they complicate it so immensely that most humans give up on trying to figure out what human life is all about.”
“The character of non-sentient life fully reflects these three different approaches in its own specific way.”
“Other important characteristics of life relate to its dynamics. In all its dynamic aspects the true life has a character of mobility, flexibility, adaptability, adjustability, fluidity, changeability, diversity and versatility. As everything else, these characteristics of the dynamic aspects of life derive from The Absolute Source — The Lord Jesus Christ — Who is Absolutely Dynamic and Who is Absolutely Flexible, Diverse, Versatile, Mobile, etc. The important factor here is to realize again and again that the true life is not a stagnant condition. In actuality, the state of stagnancy is the killer of the true life. There is a constant dynamic flow in life manifested in the above-mentioned characteristics.”
“Mobility signifies the motion of life in various directions in its discrete and continuous modes. Flexibility denotes an ability of life to take many forms, states and conditions. Adaptability signifies life’s ability to take hold in any condition, state and process and incorporate itself into them. Adjustability means that life is able to tune itself into any situation and incorporate it into its content. Fluidity means that life’s character is not a stagnant, unmovable state but multidirectional flow. Changeability means life’s ability to transform any of its states, conditions and processes into totally new and different ones. Diversity denotes that life is able to manifest itself in infinite varieties of forms, states, conditions and processes. Versatility means that life has many uses and applications. Such is the life of the positive state.”
“Being that the dead life of the negative state opposes everything of the true life of the positive state, its characteristics are immobility, inflexibility, non-adaptability, non-adjustability, stagnation, rigidity, uniformity and limitation. These are the pseudo-dynamics of the dead life of the negative state which give it a typical dead character.”
“Human life is an unnatural and unhealthy mixture of the dead life’s characteristics and distorted and perverted characteristics of the true life. As a matter of fact, one of the major structural characteristics of human life in particular is that it is not only combined from the contradictory elements of the dead life, nonsentient life and true life but, whatever it contains within itself from the true life is distorted, perverted or totally falsified. In order to understand the nature of human life properly, this fact about human life must be kept in mind constantly. It gives an entirely different perspective to human life.”
“The non-sentient life forms are the mirror images of these characteristics within each sphere of the sentient life, reflecting in their character what the sentient mind imprints on them without any sense of self-awareness or ‘I am.’”
“From the standpoint of spiritual morality and ethical content of life, the true life can be characterized as being always objective, just, rightful, impartial and equal in all its aspects.”
“Objectivity of life is reflected in its perception and discernment of everything the way it truly is without adding to or taking away anything from its content and nature.”
“Justice of life is manifested in its provision of exactly what is needed to every situation, condition or state that belongs to it. Rightfulness of life indicates that life does only what is right and proper.”
“Impartiality of life signifies that life does not take into consideration any other factors but only that which is from, by, of and with life itself.”
“Equality of life means that life does not show any preferences to one or another carrier of life but treats them equally. After all, they are carriers of the same life even though they are in infinite varieties, manners and ways of its manifestation. Do not forget that the ultimate source of life is only one — The Lord Jesus Christ. In The Lord Jesus Christ everyone is as equal, as important, as special, as valuable and as needed as everyone else. Thus, no preferential treatment in the true life is possible. It would violate the principle of sameness of life.“
“The dead life of the negative state is founded on subjectivity, injustice, wrongfulness, partiality and inequality. Everyone there considers oneself more important, more special, more needed, more valuable and more elevated than anyone else. Under these conditions no true justice, objectivity and impartiality can ever be executed because one approaches the other from the position of one’s assumed and supposed superiority, considering all others inferior to oneself.”
“Human life is a peculiar combination of both the above with a totally distorted, perverted and falsified conceptualization of the true life’s objectivity, justice, equality and impartiality. In this respect, human life is a form of extremes contained within the same system or even within the same individual who can show both extremes simultaneously. These kinds of extremes, appearing in the same system or an individual simultaneously, is an impossibility made possible by the artificial and forceful combination of the elements of dead life with the distorted, perverted and falsified elements of the true life.”
“The process of making such monstrous combinations reflects the most spiritually immoral and unethical act, culminating into a lack of any objectivity, justice, judgment, rightfulness, impartiality or equality. Because of this, in human life these characteristics are completely misunderstood, misinterpreted, misguided and mutilated. Therefore, they have little value in human life. They are pervertable, bendable, redefinable and reinterpretable as suited to any needed situations and circumstances. The courtrooms of human justice systems reflect this situation of human life the best. The conceptualization of these characteristics of true life requires a high level of self-awareness or awareness of self-awareness of ‘I am.’ Because non-sentient life does not possess such a quality, it is ruled by its structural genetic codes and instinctual drives defined for it by a respective sentient life.”
“Finally, as is obvious from point No. 17, knowledge, understanding and application of all these principles related to life in general determine one’s aliveness and living. Because all life, including the dead life and human life, depends on the being and existence of One Absolute Source of Life — The Lord Jesus Christ, who is The Absolute Spirit — the true conceptualization of life is always a spiritual one. For that reason, the knowledge, understanding and application of the spiritual principles of life constitutes one’s life and living.”
“In this respect, everything derives from the spiritual principles. An attempt to derive anything from principles other than spiritual principles leads to the activation of the negative state and establishment of dead life and fabrication of human life.”
“There is a spiritual law, defined and repeated many times before, and repeated here for emphasis of its importance, which requires that, in order for life to be properly and fully manifested, as outlined here, it must follow a certain direction. That direction is from the most within spiritual, through interior-mental to the most without-external, physical and natural.”
“The dead life was founded on the principles which follow exactly the opposite direction. Human life was founded on violation of all laws and principles by their perversion, distortion, falsification and mutilation.”
“The true life follows these spiritual principles of life and, by this important act, makes it possible that all other manifestations of life are and exist. If the true life were to fail to follow these laws, no life, including dead life and human life, could ever be and exist. That there is someone somewhere out there who follows this proper spiritual trend of life makes it possible for the entire multiverse, the entire Zone of Displacement and human life on your planet to continue in their life. Bear in mind, please, life is not possible under any other condition.”
“And because all spiritual principles enabling life to be and to exist derive from The Absolute Life of The Lord Jesus Christ, only the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ Absolutely Is and Exists makes any life possible to be and to exist. Thus, life is not possible at all under any other condition but by, from, through, with and of The Lord Jesus Christ. This is the very spiritual principle of life which regulates all in all. This is The Absolute Truth of Life.”
“He/she who has ears to hear, let him/her hear what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”
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