



The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ



On February 1, 1988, while on my way from Santa Barbara to Santa Maria, California, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying,


“The previous Chapter of this book, at its very end, referred to The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. It is only logical to deal next with this gravely misunderstood event and concept.”


“In order to acquire some degree of understanding of what is meant by The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, it is necessary to first clarify some misconceptions regarding His/Her First Coming. Certain points of this issue were discussed in Chapter VIII and Chapter IX of the book Major Ideas of The New Revelation by this transmitter. The reader is advised to read or reread these Chapters first before continuing with what follows.”


“By and large, three major reasons existed for The First Coming of Jesus Christ:”


“1. To save the positive state of Creation from being overrun by forces of the negative state which, at that time, vastly prevailed over the forces of the positive state.”


“This situation prompted the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ on your planet.”


“2. To acquire a physical body, the matrix of which, in its original setup, was genetically fabricated by the so-called pseudo-creators. It was necessary to acquire certain elements of such a body for the purpose of being able to enter the Zone of Displacement and all its Hells without hurting or harming anyone. As you remember, these elements were taken out of Joseph and Mary.”


“3. Having acquired the body, The Lord Jesus Christ could enter all the Hells and, particularly, the Hells of the pseudocreators and bring everything there under His/Her absolute control. At the same time, through that body, He/She was able to approach the pseudo-creators, gather them from all over Creation, where they successfully spread out, and lock them up in a certain, secret region of the Zone of Displacement. Until recently, no one has known, except for The Lord Jesus Christ, where that region was located. The Lord Jesus Christ totally isolated and separated them from the rest of Creation and obliterated from their awareness the knowledge and ability of time travel and some other skills related to life-making efforts.”


“By this act, The Lord Jesus Christ became the ultimate Savior of the entire Creation and not only humans on your planet, as many Christians fallaciously believe.”


“The purpose of The First Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ was not completed by these three acts. Most people assumed that, after He/ She departed from your planet, following His/Her resurrection, The First Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ ended and that preparation for His/Her Second Coming had begun. Nothing is further from the truth than this assumption.”


“It is correct to assume that The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ cannot take place or be initiated until the full purpose and usefulness of His/Her First Coming is completed and fulfilled.”


“The most important part of The First Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ began, in actuality, after He/She left your planet, taking with Him/Her the physical body He/She acquired there.”


“The gradual process of hybridization of that body with and its fusion into The Absolute Totality of The Most High’s Nature was undertaken, as described in Chapters Two and Three of this book. Once that process was successfully completed, the preparation for The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ could commence.”


“As you remember, the completion of this process, the process of hybridization, preceded the sounding of the seventh angel (Revelation 10:7). But, between this step and the actual sounding of the seventh angel, many other events had taken place, both in the spiritual world and in most of the Hells. The nature of these events is symbolically described in verses 8-11 of Chapter 10, and verses 1-14 of Chapter 11 in Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible.“


“These events could not be triggered until the purpose of The First Coming of Jesus Christ was successfully fulfilled. One of the most important reasons why it was necessary to fuse and hybridize the physical body of Jesus Christ into The Absolute Totality of The Absolute Nature of The Most High can be found in the obvious fact that salvation of the negative state from the negative state in its own totality cannot be accomplished in any other way but from the position of the totality of all elements of being and existence. As you know, The Most High lacked in His/Her Nature any elements of the Zone of Displacement and your planet. From the position of that lack, the only thing that could be accomplished was the eternal total, instantaneous annihilation of the negative state with all its inhabitants.”


“Such an act would be disastrous to the entire Creation. It would deprive all its members from acquiring a very crucial and vital knowledge about the true full nature of the negative state, giving them no choice in the matter of good and evil. At the same time, it would defy the true Nature of The Most High which is Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. The true nature of this kind of Love and Wisdom does not destroy, but saves, transforms and preserves.”


“So, in order to do just that, The Most High volunteered to undergo the process of hybridization and fusion with that body, changing fundamentally His/Her Nature and becoming the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“In this new condition, the process of gradual elimination of the negative state and salvation of all its members began. This process is the process of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“Again, most humans erroneously assumed that The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is a matter of instantaneous occurrence. And although in its final phase this might be the case, the total process of its realization can take centuries or millennia in the terms of physical time on your planet as it took centuries (almost two thousand years) to complete The First Coming.”


“As you know, The First Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ was completed at the time of total fusion into and hybridization of The Most High with Jesus Christ, when He/She became The Lord Jesus Christ. This happened sometime shortly before Christmas of 1987 in your planet’s conceptualization of time.“


“Let it be revealed now that, whereas The First Coming of Jesus Christ began on your planet and in the Zone of Displacement and was completed in the positive state of Creation or its spiritual world, The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ must logically start from the opposite direction. It must begin from the most within of Creation — Heavens — and gradually spread out to the rest of creation; and afterwards to the entire Zone of Displacement and end at your planet. From the standpoint of your conceptualization of time, the last phase of this event on your planet might be an instantaneous occurrence.”


“The reason why The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ must start from the most within of the positive state relates to the changes in The Absolute Nature of The Original Most High, as He/She became the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ. The change in that Nature requires the change in the manner of how people relate to the changed Most High.”


“The new condition requires the new approach. If The Absolute Nature of The Most High changed into the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ, all relative natures of all sentient entities in being and existence, as well as being and existence itself, must change in order to accommodate themselves to this fundamental change in the nature of their Creator. Nothing can proceed further until this change takes place. After all, as mentioned many times before, on the proper understanding of and relationship to their Creator, the very life of all sentient entities depends. They cannot relate from the old position, because nothing of the old is left in The Most High. In this sense, The Most High is no more. Instead, there is The Lord Jesus Christ Who is the only Most High.”


“The statement in Revelation 21:5, ‘Behold, I make all things new,’ relates exactly to this situation. To make everything new means no exception or exclusion. It incorporates everything within The Most High who is now The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“Once this process within The Most High is completed, The Lord Jesus Christ can begin the process of change with everyone in Creation. The multiversal law and order requires, and is built, on the principle that any change must begin in the within and proceed to the without. Thus, the process of restructuring, rebuilding, renewal and transformation began with the members of the most within of the positive state.“


“Once this process is completed in its fullness, it will shift to all members of the intermediate universe. And although there is a certain synchronicity and simultaneity of this process in all dimensions and worlds of Creation, it is not of time and space. It is always discrete. The nature of this process in itself cannot be explained in comprehensible words of your language. Your language lacks any corresponding meaning. Therefore, it is sufficient to say that this process is taking place right now. The completion of this process in the intermediate universe will make it possible to initiate it in the physical or natural universe of Creation.”


“After this process is completed in the entire Creation, in all its dimensions, degrees and levels, then and only then can it be applied to the Zone of Displacement. Again, there is a certain degree of synchronicity of this process even with the Zone of Displacement although of non-time and non-space nature. You can conceptualize it as follows:”


“The occurrences of these changes in the most within portion of the positive state is accompanied by the intensified turmoil and increase of the attacks of evils and falsities in the most low portion of the Hells. This intensification and increase puts the most low of the Hells into a position of its future elimination and, when the time comes, salvation of all its participants. The same goes for the changes at all other levels of Creation and corresponding states in the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement. Whatever changes are happening in the positive state, they trigger the corresponding events of the negative nature in the Zone of Displacement.”


“This process is what is signified by the statement after the seventh angel sounded (Revelation 11:15). And yet, as you know, following this statement, many other, tremendously significant, events are happening, described in the remaining Chapters of The Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible. This statement means the beginning of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. It is heralded by the sounding of the seventh angel. The process of The Second Coming and what it triggers in the Zone of Displacement is symbolically described in Chapters 12 through 22 of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”


“The process of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ will be and can be completed only after total elimination of the negative state from being and existence and salvation of all voluntary participants in its life.“


“It is necessary to warn everyone who reads this book again and again not to expect The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ to happen overnight, so-to-speak. Its final phase may very well appear that way. In order to acquire some limited understanding of the nature of The Second Coming, let us summarize its true meaning in the following points:”



“The precursor of the very first phase of The Second Coming is the revelation of the fact that certain books in The Holy Bible have inner spiritual meaning, hidden in their literal sense. Not all books of The Holy Bible have such a meaning. The revelation about this matter was given first through Swedenborg’s writings. However, being a precursor of something does not necessarily mean that the something has already started! An event of this kind of magnitude must be preceded by the preparatory phase which puts all things in Creation in a required mode of readiness.”


“The very first warning, that everyone needs to be aware of, is that nothing in The Word of God — The Holy Bible — can be taken literally. Most of its statements have no relevance to the historical or future events of planet Zero (your planet). In most instances, they either relate to the internal spiritual affairs of everyone’s mind or to the events that took, take and will take place in different dimensions of the Zone of Displacement and the intermediate world (what Swedenborg called the world of spirits).”


“The reason why this crucial revelation must come first is that the literal sense relates only to the external mind of humans. It can never penetrate further than the external level of consciousness. Except for humans on your planet, no other sentient entities anywhere are aware of the literal sense. For them, it really does not make any sense.”


“Correspondingly speaking, there are as many meanings in the internal sense of The Holy Bible as there are levels, degrees, and steps in Creation and layers, spheres and aspects of the sentient mind.”


“In order for The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ to commence, it is necessary first to bring into order the hierarchy of organization of the human mind, which was totally out of alignment with the rest of the sentient minds.”


“As you know, relatively only recently humans started to be aware that such things as unconscious, subconscious and internal processes within their minds even exist. Not too many humans on your planet even now are aware that such things as the most within Spiritual Mind, interior mind and external mind exist at all. All they know is the conscious part or the most outward layer of their external mind. This situation had to be rectified first.”


“But, it had to follow the order of the multiverse which requires that all reorganization begins from spiritual, through mental, into the natural. Because the only factor on your planet that relates to the issues of spirituality is what humans consider to be The Word of God — The Holy Bible — it was the revelation about the true structure, meaning and content of The Holy Bible that was the beginning of this process. Swedenborg’s writings relate to this issue, as well as the last Chapter in the book Reality, Myths & Illusion by the transmitter of this book.”


“Once the revelation about this fact was granted at the time of Swedenborg, the next step was to connect that revelation to the structure of the human mind. It was again Swedenborg, and not Freud, as many believe, who revealed that the human mind has many aspects and layers, and consists of internal, interior and external aspects. It was Swedenborg who correctly perceived that each aspect of the human mind directly relates to and is connected with its corresponding world. Thus, the most within Spiritual Mind (formerly called the Inner Mind) is always connected to the spiritual world, the interior mind to the intermediate world, and the external mind to the natural or physical world. This connectedness and relatedness is always unconscious, except for the outward layer of the external mind. Again, to repeat, it was Swedenborg, not Freud, who postulated the existence of unconscious processes that influence human behavior and life in all its aspects to the minutest detail. Of course, none of the modern psychologists and mental health professionals give any credit to Swedenborg, whose concept of the human mind far surpassed anything written in this respect by all human scholars.”


“However, at the time of Swedenborg, no one in your world was ready to know that there is such a thing as the Zone of Displacement and that planet Earth is not actually the real planet Earth but planet Zero (more on the planet Zero will be revealed in Chapter Seventeen of this book). At the same time, no one was ready to know the story of the pseudo-creators, what they did to this planet and what kind of genetic alterations and manipulations they performed on human beings in order to establish the present conditions existing on your planet.“


“Thus, no one was aware that the above-mentioned three levels or degrees or aspects of the human mind were altered and that around them artificially built pseudo-minds were established which block the true minds from their proper functions. And that through these three pseudo-minds humans are connected to the various levels of the Zone of Displacement from where they receive all their so-called inspirations and messages related to the issues of their lives and the state of their minds.”


“For that reason, the third step in preparation for The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ was the revelation of the above-mentioned factors, as contained in the books by this transmitter, published before this book was written. Now, having these three steps completed, the proper order of the structure of the human mind and the Zone of Displacement defined and established, the first phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ could be initiated.”



“The very initial step of the first phase of The Second Coming was the completion of The First Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. It culminated in an appearance of the totally new, hitherto unknown, hybridized form of The Lord Jesus Christ. Once The Most High became the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ, by that very act, His/Her Second Coming has begun.”


“Thus, the central issue of this step in The Second Coming is the revelation that there is no other God in being and existence but The Lord Jesus Christ. And that all other names by which God is named became obsolete and are no longer acceptable. And that worshiping of any other form of God but The Lord Jesus Christ is a spiritual adultery and abomination.”



“The next phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is the process of restructuring and transformation of all sentient entities throughout the entire Creation into His/Her New Likeness and Image in order to accommodate their perceptive and receptive abilities to this new spiritual state and era.”


“Once this step is completed, a new type of interaction between The Lord Jesus Christ and all sentient entities will take place. Up to that point, that interaction was unavailable and inconceivable. The Lord Jesus Christ will start to appear to His/Her people in a manner that has never been experienced before.“


“One aspect of this new appearance will be in the totality of one’s mind from the most within to the most without. Until this time, The Lord Jesus Christ could be perceived only in the most within recesses of one’s Spiritual Mind where He/She always had a seat as The Most High (The Most High corresponding to the most within!). However, having incorporated all aspects of the physical body into the totality of His/Her Absolute Nature, The Lord Jesus Christ now will be able to appear directly at all other levels of the Spiritual, interior and exterior mind and also outside of one’s mind as any other sentient entity or human being. Up to this point, this kind of appearance was a seeming one, as a vision or a transparent form, and not as a concrete, factual occurrence.”


“The new way of relating to The Lord Jesus Christ begins from the most within area of Creation — Heavens — and proceeds in succession to the most without of Creation — the natural or physical world. In the Zone of Displacement, the corresponding factor to this situation is a greater degree of distortions and perversions in the conceptualization of the Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. On your planet Zero, there will be a mixture of these two states with gradual total flooding of the most dire falsities, persuasions and abominations regarding this issue until the negative state on your planet wins completely for a brief period of time.”



“One of the important aspects of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is The New Revelation about the true origin and nature of the negative state and the reason why it was permitted to come into its being and existence in the first place. During The First Coming of Jesus Christ, this knowledge would have been premature to reveal. The stage was not set up yet at that time for relating to the negative state from the position of freedom of choice and not by necessity (see Chapter IX in Major Ideas of The New Revelation).”


“As pointed out in that Chapter, full true nature of the negative state cannot be manifested until it is chosen as a preferred state. Only then can the genuine learning about the negative state begin.”


“Thus, one of the many important aspects of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is bringing to the attention of the entire Creation and the Zone of Displacement the true origin of the negative state and the story of the pseudo-creators, as revealed for the first time in the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality. The integral part of The Second Coming, therefore, is the revelation of all concepts of the current New Revelation as transmitted by this transmitter.”


“The proper knowledge regarding the origin of the negative state is a very crucial one. The negative state cannot be eliminated until its originating source is known. Otherwise, people would continue to believe that its source was The Most High, as some religions on your planet proclaim (Taoists, for example). To assign the source of anything to something or someone that is not its true source means to be in the negative state. In that case, the negative state cannot be eliminated because the source of its origin is considered to be a wrong one. How can one eliminate the very feeding source of everything negative if it is assigned to the wrong source? What you eliminate in this case is not the negative state but the truth about the negative state — which is the negative state! Hence, the need for The New Revelation about the true origin and source of the negative state. This Revelation puts everything in order and proper place, setting a favorable stage for The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ to be fully manifested.”



“There is a corresponding factor in the human mind to what was said about The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ in point one of this Chapter. All processes in being and existence are initiated from within with subsequent gradual spread to without. The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ in its essence and substance thus takes place first within everyone’s heart or mind. It begins in the most within of everyone’s Spiritual Mind.”


“One of the most important phases of The Second Coming is the acceptance into one’s heart the facts about the true New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, as revealed throughout this book. The ability and willingness to accept The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ by one’s own free will and choice, for the sake of principle itself, for the sake of the truth of the matter, because it is so, accomplishes The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ within that person.”


“The proper understanding of this aspect of The Second Coming is particularly important to humans on your planet. At the present time, no other manifestation of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ on your planet takes and will take place. It will take place only at the level of everyone’s most within. This situation will continue with humans for some time to come. Any other form of this manifestation cannot take place until its most inward aspect happens first.“


“Thus, all individuals who read this book, and who will be willing to accept into their hearts and lives the ideas regarding The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, will make it possible for The Second Coming to commence also on your planet. The most within phase of The Second Coming in the human Spiritual Minds and hearts will enable the preparation of the stage for the manifestation of other phases of this event on your planet. What these phases will be and how they will be manifested cannot be revealed yet for security reasons. They are a matter of the future and of The Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ. Premature revelation of such facts makes it possible for the negative state to interfere and divert, postpone or modify these events. This would make it impossible for the negative state to be properly eliminated. By this act, much further irrevocable damage could be done to the human minds.”


“Now, the negative state, with all its Hells, knows how important it is for The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, in this revealed aspect, to take place in the human’s most within Spiritual Mind. It cannot do anything to the sentient entities in the positive state who have been undergoing this process for some time. But humans on your planet and all creatures in the entire Zone of Displacement are an entirely different matter. Here, the negative state has full freedom to do anything it wants, provided that its acts are accepted by humans and other creatures of its domain.”


“For this reason, one of the major thrusts of the Hells in this respect is and will be a vicious attack on the content and ideas of this New Revelation, particularly on The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. This will be done for the purpose of making it, as much as possible, extremely difficult for humans and other creatures of the Zone of Displacement to accept these revealed ideas.”


“The more humans and other creatures are willing to accept these ideas into their hearts, minds and lives, the better position for the final phases of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ in the Zone of Displacement and your planet is established.”


“The words ‘more humans and creatures’ spiritually does not necessarily mean quantity or numbers. Only the negative state likes statistics. In spiritual connotation ‘more’ means the quality and state of human and creature minds who will be willing to accept these ideas fully and unconditionally for the sake of principles, because they are true. If, for example, very few humans and creatures are willing to accept these ideas, but they are of high spiritual quality, they will make up for the quantitative numbers. One person of such a spiritual quality equals many millions of humans and creatures in the Hells.”


“Because of this fact, the major target of the negative state will be people of this quality. It will make all possible efforts to make it impossible for these types of people to accept what is being revealed in this book. But this state of affairs is part of the manifestation of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. Without it, no such efforts on the negative state’s side would be necessary. This phase of The Second Coming and the negative state’s response to it, in the manner just described, exposes and brings to the surface the true nature of the negative state, thus, preparing it for its final elimination.”



“Another aspect of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is the revelation about the betrayal of Christianity and all other religions on your planet. The knowledge of this fact is a crucial one. Up to this point, most of their followers believed that all these religions and their respective sects originated from God and are sanctioned by God. This is particularly true for members of the Christian religions and sects. The reason why this belief was permitted to flourish was revealed in Chapter Three of this book.”


“The actual process of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, and the most important part of its phase, is the gradual uncovering of, and bringing to the open light all falsities and belief systems that have been perpetuated for millennia by all religions, and particularly by Christians, regarding all spiritual issues and the true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. People have been ingrained with these false ideas, then brainwashed into believing them to be from God. To use your human terms, this happens to them from the cradle to the grave. They believe these ideas to be holy and the true word of God.”


“As long as this situation prevails and as long as there is no proper knowledge of otherwise, the negative state remains a powerful force in humans’ life, dominating all aspects of their minds and behavior. Full acceptance of these falsities makes it impossible to eliminate them overnight, in one stroke, so-to-speak. If it were to happen like that, no one could survive such a process. Remember, human and creature life is vested in these falsities which feed their life. They make these ideas the source of their life.“


“For that reason, a gradual exposure of various falsities of humans’ spiritual and religious belief systems and all their adopted spiritual ideas is undertaken as a special phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. For this purpose, The New Revelation is granted by The Lord Jesus Christ in gradual steps. Each step contains greater degrees of this exposure than the previous one. The first step in this Revelation usually retains most or a substantial portion of the previous distortions. It reveals only comparatively and relatively a small part of falsities and distortions of prevalent spiritual ideas of humans and other creatures of the Zone of Displacement. This very first step was represented by Swedenborg’s writings.”


“From the time of Swedenborg to the second step of The New Revelation almost two hundred and fifty years elapsed (in your temporal terms) before anything truly new was revealed.”


“In the second step of The New Revelation substantially more exposure of the falsified, distorted and perverted spiritual ideas was permitted and made available. Between the second and the third steps, represented by this portion of The New Revelation, as recorded in this book, from the time of transmission of Fundamentals of Human Spirituality, seven years in your time elements elapsed.”


“As you see, the time in between steps is getting shorter. This reflects the law of acceleration. The closer the end or the goal, the faster the approach to the end or goal. The third step of The New Revelation reflects an even greater degree of exposure of all spiritual and religious falsities and evils that have been plaguing your planet and other regions of the Zone of Displacement since the activation and dominance of the negative state.”


“All these steps are crucial phases of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ or their precursors (in the case of the first phase, represented by Swedenborg’s writings).”



“Another important aspect of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is opening the door and access to other dimensions in both directions. Many humans are able to be in contact with and directly communicate with other beings and entities from elsewhere, as well as beings and entities from elsewhere are permitted to communicate with and influence humans on your planet.“


“This important step is a necessary condition for establishing the process of differentiation between the negative and positive forces on your planet and in the Zone of Displacement. This process brings into the open the hidden desires, wishes and preferences of humans and creatures. It commits them to take a position or stance toward crucial spiritual ideas, meanings and purposes for their lives.”


“Because this is a process of differentiation, separation, discrimination and siding, most beings and entities from elsewhere are coming from the negative side under the disguise of loving, caring, wise, considerate and helpful guides of the person with whom they communicate.”


“The distinction between them and the entities from the positive side can be found in the content and quality of the messages they are giving to humans. If these messages are of a purely personal nature, related explicitly to the well-being and improvement of one’s personal spiritual, mental and physical condition and health; advising but not guiding; presenting one with various choices for choosing; emphasizing free will; the probability is much higher that they are from the positive side.”


“However, if these entities from elsewhere call themselves guides (spirit-guides); or claim to be messengers of God; and speak in general terms for all others; giving messages to the public at large; staging all kinds of public workshops and sessions, attended by hundreds or even thousands of people; wanting to lead others through channelers; predicting the future; regardless of how much love, wisdom, caring, understanding, consideration or whatever they show, they are always from the negative state.”


“All of you are advised to pay attention to your intuition. The subtle voice and sense of your intuition is the only weapon presently available on your planet for the purpose of determining who is who. Even slightly uneasy, anxious or uncomfortable feelings or states during such communications with whoever talks to you directly in your own communication or through some other so-called channels, is a warning sign to you that you are in contact with the wrong entities.”


“Notice, please, how many so-called channelers (a favorite word of the negative state) currently appear on your planet. Not only do they not have any spiritual values, but they are totally misleading. They are permitted to do so in order to trigger within humans the need to define and to show where their true loyalties are and to whom they choose to belong. In actuality, this is the initial phase of their Last Judgment. The Last Judgment, in turn, is the final phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. More on the Last Judgment will be revealed in Chapter Eight of this book.”



“The actual physical Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ will be first manifested (and it already is) within the positive state and not on your planet or in the Zone of Displacement. The Lord Jesus Christ is appearing and coming to all in the positive state in His/Her newly acquired form which was infused and incorporated into the totality of The Most High.”


“The corresponding factor of this appearance on your planet can be found in the process of going inward.”


“In that process, some humans are able to meet The Lord Jesus Christ as their Highest Spiritual Advisor, together with all other advisors assigned to them by Him/Her, and establish within themselves, if they choose so by their free will, a close relationship with Him/Her. By this process, they are able to have their own personal, private and intimate experience of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“In having such an experience, and accepting its validity, after thorough security checks by their intuition, these people are preparing your planet for a final phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“Again, not many humans on your planet are able or are ready to have such an experience, especially in its modified form (as will be revealed in the next Chapter of this book). However, as pointed out above, the positive state does not work in quantities but in qualities.”


“Thus, the occurrence of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ on your planet, for the time being, will be limited to this internal, personalized and unique experience of the selected individuals without any apparent external manifestation.”


“There is an extremely important spiritual reason why this is so. The physical manifestation of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ on your planet, as the literal sense of The New Testament of The Holy Bible implies, means manifestation in the externals.“


“As you know, the very nature of the negative state is to place everything without and distract, by all available means, humans’ abilities to go into their within. Humans are kept without, in the external world. Their preoccupation with the external matters of life is of such extent and proportion that it robs them of their time, not giving them any spare time for learning to go inward and practicing regularly the process of being within.”


“Thus, if the external manifestation of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ were to occur without its manifestation in the inner world of the most within of the Spiritual Mind of individuals it would be validation of the negative state’s rights for its eternal being and existence. Everyone would consider the negative state’s nature of emphasis on the externals, outward, and without to be a mode of life which is a correct and a godly one.”


“From this position, no elimination of the negative state could take place and subsequently no salvation of its members could ever be possible.”


“Once the fullness of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ manifests itself in the inner, personal, unique and individual manner, within each individual’s heart, and bears its fruit, then, and only then, other aspects of its manifestation can be considered (if necessary, needed and feasible).”


“Remember, please, activation of the negative state was initiated in the most without of the without of Creation. The process of its coming to fruition was accomplished by turning all attention to without and placing all values of life entirely into the external events and processes. Thus, matter, nature, conscious processes of the human external mind, material possessions and similar matters became the purpose of life instead of its means.”


“On the other hand, the spiritual values of the most within worlds became either entirely neglected and discarded, or they were put in a subservient position of the means to the external goals. Under this condition, the external, physical, literal manifestation of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ would reinforce this abominable, deadly style of life. All truly spiritual meaning of life would be lost forever.“


“From this statement it is obvious why The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ on your planet can never happen the way the literal sense of The Holy Bible describes. This fact was already revealed through Swedenborg and in the article published by this transmitter in one of the TMH Foundation’s newsletters.”


“Let us look again at some internal meanings of those Biblical literal statements about The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. Besides what was revealed previously through Swedenborg and the transmitter of this book, the following ideas are being added to them. In The Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter 24, verse 29-31, we read:”


“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”


“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”


“And He will send His angels with the great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.’”


“‘Immediately after the tribulation of those days’ signifies the time and state when the negative state will be allowed to expose its nature to the fullest of its potentials and to completely win over the positive state on the planet Zero. As mentioned previously, the negative state cannot be eliminated until its total nature is exposed, full learning of it occurs and the usefulness of its being and existence is completely exhausted.”


“But, as you remember from some statements in the previous Chapter of this book, the full exposure and learning can be done only by a concrete and living example. Planet Zero was assigned this role, as well as some regions of the intermediate worlds of the Zone of Displacement. The members of the positive state cannot enter the worlds that, mathematically speaking, are below Zero.”


“The proper learning can occur only in the state of neutrality where everything and everyone is permitted to exhibit whatever they want.“


“Thus, in order to learn a full lesson regarding the situation in which the negative state is a total winner and the positive state is a total loser (and only in such a situation can the full nature of the negative state be exposed and the answer to that existential question about the life without spiritual principles and God or falsified spiritual principles be answered!), the negative state will be permitted to win completely on planet Zero for a brief period of time. This is what is meant by the words (among many other things) ‘after the tribulations of those days.’”


“‘The sun will be darkened’ signifies that all proper knowledge about the true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ will be lost. Not one single correct idea about this Nature will be available. Only distortions will remain. ‘Sun’ corresponds to the Most Within of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“‘And the moon will not give its light’ denotes that there will be no discernment of the operation of Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ and no proper base or foundation on which any truly meaningful relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ can be established. In this respect, ‘moon’ corresponds to The Absolute Mentality or The Absolute Interior Mind of The Lord Jesus Christ.”


“‘The stars will fall from heaven’ signifies that The Divine Human of The Lord Jesus Christ will be separated from His/Her Human Divine, making it impossible to acquire any proper knowledge about any spiritual ideas whatsoever. In this connotation ‘stars’ corresponds to The Absolute Exterior Mind of The Lord Jesus Christ and His/Her physical body which was made divine.”


“‘And the powers of the heavens will be shaken’ means that the life-giving source, stemming from the most within, will be endangered by cutting off the spiritual life support system that supplies life to the entire Creation, to your planet and the entire Zone of Displacement.”


“Once proper knowledge of the true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ is lost, the door is closed to the flow of proper spiritual ideas that give life to everything and everyone alive. This situation is a sign that the full nature of the negative state has been exposed; and that further tolerance of its being and existence is endangering the very life itself. It is at this point that the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven.“


“‘The sign of the Son of Man’ signifies recognition by all participants in the negative state that the external perception of their understanding of the true nature of The Lord Jesus Christ is completely false.”


“‘Appears in heaven’ denotes the opening of the door to the most within Spiritual Mind of each participant. From that mind comes the knowledge about their true miserable spiritual state. This miserable state is denoted by the following words, ‘and then all tribes of the earth will mourn.’”


“‘All tribes of the earth’ means all misconceptions, falsities, perversions, distortions and mutilations and their clusters (‘tribes’) which exist in the external conceptualization of all spiritual principles (‘of the earth’) without any inner connectedness. ‘Will mourn’ signifies that all sources of suffering, evilness, ugliness and putridity stem from this dire situation.”


“‘And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory’ means the very first proper perception of The Divine Human (‘Son of Man’) embodied into the totality of The Absolute Nature of the original Most High (‘the clouds of Heaven’) and unified to Its Absolute Mentality (‘with power’) and Its Absolute Divine Spirit (‘great glory’).”


“‘And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet’ denotes the direct spiritual invasion of all forces of the positive state into the negative state with the open, external perception of the invasion.”


“‘And they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other’ signifies extraction of all remains of the positive ideas preserved in the recesses of everyone’s most within Spiritual Mind regarding the true spiritual principles (‘four winds’), bringing them to the open and placing them in a proper order and hierarchy of the spiritual organization (‘from one end of heaven to the other’); placing everyone into a position of readiness for the last phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ.”



“The last phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is the most crucial one. It entails a total permanent, eternal elimination of the negative state and all its Hells from the being and existence. It also entails salvation of all from the slavery, bondage and clutches of the negative state and their Hells.“


“By this last step, the meaning and process of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ will be completed and this cycle of time will be closed.”


“As you remember, it is within this particular cycle of time that the negative state was permitted to become active and the Zone of Displacement populated. In no other previous cycle of time of Creation and in no succeeding cycle of time to eternity will the negative state ever be permitted to be activated again. With this final phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, all experiences of the negative state, from the moment of its activation to the last moment of its elimination, will be placed and preserved for eternal learning in the Universality-Of-It-All, in the part of it called in The Holy Bible, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. The Last Judgment of this phase denotes the gathering and placement of all these experiences in the lake of fire and the end of this cycle of time.”


“A new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1) signifies a new cycle of time of Creation in which no negative state has any place. It also means a total completion of all restructuring, rebuilding, rejuvenating and transforming of all sentient entities and humans into the contents and forms that correspond to the New Likeness and Image of The New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ. At that point, the physical, concrete and literal appearance of The Lord Jesus Christ on your planet (planet Zero) may occur. This last step is the actual completion of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. The meaning and content of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is not limited by the above-revealed nine points, or by Swedenborg’s writings or by an article published in the TMH Foundation newsletter. There are many more aspects to it than were revealed here. But they cannot be revealed at this time for security reasons. Certain important aspects of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ cannot be revealed at all until they are fully actualized and take place.”


“Thus, some spiritual issues, for very important spiritual and security reasons, can become apparent only in the process of their very occurrence. However, more about The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ will be revealed in Chapters Seven and Eight of this book.”


“He/she who has ears to hear and listen, let him/her hear and listen to what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”





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